更新时间:2021-05-14 17:59:36
差透了的家庭作业 The awful homework
不带他去就报复 The revenge for not taking him
行善的结果 The result of doing good deeds
汽车出了故障 The broken-down car
有趣的书 A funny book
航空信带来的麻烦 An airmail letter caused the trouble
战争转移 The fighting shifts
在海豹家中做客 To visit the seal
魔术书 Magic book
会走的箱子 The suitcase could be able to walk
教子 Teaching the son
多嘴者 Big mouth
打了十环 The ten rings
完美拍照 Take photos perfectly
图画的局限 The shortcoming of the picture
练成名手 Take exercise to be a famous player
家中演出 A performance in the home
榜样 Good example
全输光了 They lost all
催眠 Hypnosis
放生 Set free
前长,后短! It is long in front and short behind
叼回了铅弹 Pick up the plumb
做孺子牛 Being willing ox
蛋糕忘加葡萄干了 The cake without raisins in it
小小出逃者 The little escaper
是小兔送来的彩蛋 The Easter eggs are set by the Easter bunny
挑战失败 The son fails to challenge his dad
买四张儿童票 Four children tickets
再现球赛 Repeat the football match
鱼儿来信 A letter from the fish
一并解决 Solve together
实用的发明 A practical invention
一年之后 A year later
不得打扰玩耍者 Game in progress and don’ t disturb
不可救药 Hopeless
生日的惊喜 A birthday surprise
够了 Enough
输不起的父亲 The dad lost the game
指责应该有限度 There is a limit to the rebuke
各有好感 Having good feeling with each other
夕阳西下图 The sunset picture
假梦游者 A pretended sleepwalker
失败的音乐会 The unsuccessful concert
重温旧梦 Revive an old dream
难以理解的螺旋形 The questionable spiraled shape
可怜之人必有可恨之处 Where there is a pathetic one,there is a damned one
梦境与现实 The dream and the reality
光头与足球 Bareheaded and football
再来一次,太好玩了 One more time, this is funny
衣帽取人 Judge people solely by their appearance
以为着火了 The son thought it was on fire
按部就班 Follow the prescribed order
艺术的魅力 The charm of the art
不择手段的战争 All is fair in war
最后一个苹果 The last apple
倔脾气的马 The refractory horse
父亲签名 The dad’s signature
聪明的马 The clever horse
真钓了条大鱼 I do catch a big fish
偷偷制作圣诞礼物 Making the Christmas gift secretly
奉献爱心 Love devotion
击中了要害 Hit the right nail on the nail
结果好就好 All is well that ends well
新年礼物 New Year present
鬼怪 A ghost
别出心裁 Create new styles
狗的启发 The inspiration of the dog
喂天鹅 Feed the swan
复活节的兔子 The Easter bunny
爆竹雪茄 A firecracker cigar
锚的妙用 The good use of an anchor
套近乎没用 A futile attempt
爱的力量 The power of love
上当了! Fall into the trap!
差点儿被发现 It is almost to be found
这回不像了 They are looking different now
这回不能偷吃了 Now, you can’t steal the food
拍电影的“兔子” The rabbits who shoot a film
难舍美人鱼 It’s hard to be apart with the mermaid
蘑菇 Mushroom
教育晚了 It is too late to discipline
驯马的绝招 The good method to tame the horse
我要所有歌德的书 I want Goethe’s book
奥林匹克运动会上的冠军 The champion in Olympic games
假日第一天 The first day of the vacation
不准喝浓咖啡 Don’t drink black coffee
意外获得的冠军 An expected champion
不值得同情的马蜂 Hornet which should not be sympathized
逃学 Play hooky
顽固不化 Obstinate and unchangeable
新镜子 A new mirror
难以忍受 Driven beyond endurance
儿子的礼物 The son’s gift
吃力不讨好 A thankless act
幸灾乐祸的代价 The cost for taking pleasure in other’s suffering