Now all this while Asmund sat deep in thought; but when, at length, men were sunk in sleep, he took a candle of fat and passed to the shut bed where Swanhild slept alone. She lay on her bed, and her curling hair was all about her. She was awake, for the light gleamed in her blue eyes, and on a naked knife that was on the bed beside her, half hidden by her hair.
"What wouldst thou, foster-father?" she asked, rising in the couch.
Asmund closed the curtains, then looked at her sternly and spoke in a low voice:
"Thou art fair to be so vile a thing, Swanhild," he said. "Who now would have dreamed that heart of thine could talk with goblins and with were-wolves--that those eyes of thine could bear to look on murder and those white hands find strength to do the sin?"She held up her shapely arms and, looking on them, laughed. "Would that they had been fashioned in a stronger mould," she said. "May they wither in their woman's weakness! else had the deed been done outright. Now my crime is as heavy upon me and nothing gained by it.
Say what fate for me, foster-father--the Stone of Doom and the pool where faithless women lie? Ah, then might Gudruda laugh indeed, and Iwill not live to hear that laugh. See," and she gripped the dagger at her side: "along this bright edge runs the path to peace and freedom, and, if need be, I will tread it.""Be silent," said Asmund. "This Gudruda, my daughter, whom thou wouldst have foully done to death, is thine own sister, and it is she who, pitying thee, hath pleaded for thy life.""I will naught of her pity who have no pity," she answered; "and this I say to thee who art my father: shame be on thee who hast not dared to own thy child!""Hadst thou not been my child, Swanhild, and had I not loved thee secretly as my child, be sure of this, I had long since driven thee hence; for my eyes have been open to much that I have not seemed to see. But at length thy wickedness has overcome my love, and I will see thy face no more. Listen: none have heard of this shameful deed of thine save those who saw it, and their tongues are sealed. Now I give thee choice: wed Atli and go, or stand in the Doom-ring and take thy fate.""Have I not said, father, while death may be sought otherwise, that Iwill never do this last? Nor will I do the first. I am not all of the tame breed of you Iceland folk--other and quicker blood runs in my veins; nor will I be sold in marriage to a dotard as a mare is sold at a market. I have answered.""Fool! think again, for I go not back upon my word. Wed Atli or die--by thy own hand, if thou wilt--there I will not gainsay thee; or, if thou fearest this, then anon in the Doom-ring."Now Swanhild covered her eyes with her hands and shook the long hair about her face, and she seemed wondrous fair to Asmund the Priest who watched. And as she sat thus, it came into her mind that marriage is not the end of a young maid's life--that old husbands have been known to die, and that she might rule this Atli and his earldom and become a rich and honoured woman, setting her sails in such fashion that when the wind turned it would fill them. Otherwise she must die--ay, die shamed and leave Gudruda with her love.
Suddenly she slipped from the bed to the floor of the chamber, and, clasping the knees of Asmund, looked up through the meshes of her hair, while tears streamed from her beautiful eyes:
"I have sinned," she sobbed--"I have sinned greatly against thee and my sister. Hearken: I was mad with love of Eric, whom from a child Ihave turned to, and Gudruda is fairer than I and she took him from me.
Most of all was I mad this night when I wrought the deed of shame, for ill things counselled me--things that I did not call; and oh, I thank the Gods--if there are Gods--that Gudruda died not at my hand. See now, father, I put this evil from me and tear Eric from my heart," and she made as though she rent her bosom--"I will wed Atli, and be a good housewife to him, and I crave but this of Gudruda: that she forgive me her wrong; for it was not done of my will, but of my madness, and of the driving of those whom my mother taught me to know."Asmund listened and the springs of his love thawed within him. "Now thou dost take good counsel," he said, "and of this be sure, that so long as thou art in that mood none shall harm thee; and for Gudruda, she is the most gentle of women, and it may well be that she will put away thy sin. So weep no more, and have no more dealings with thy Finnish witchcraft, but sleep; and to-morrow I will bear thy word to Atli, for his ship is bound and thou must swiftly be made a wife."He went out, bearing the light with him; but Swanhild rose from the ground and sat on the edge of the bed, staring into the darkness and shuddering from time to time.
"I shall soon be made his wife," she murmured, "who would be but one man's wife--and methinks I shall soon be made a widow also. Thou wilt have me, dotard--take me and thy fate! Well, well; better to wed an Earl than to be shamed and stretched across the Doom-stone. Oh, weak arms that failed me at my need, no more will I put trust in you! When next I wound, it shall be with the tongue; when next I strive to slay, it shall be by another's hand. Curses on thee, thou ill counseller of darkness, who didst betray me at the last! Is it for this that Iworshipped thee and swore the oath?"
The morning came, and at the first light Asmund sought the Earl. His heart was heavy because of the guile that his tongue must practise, and his face was dark as a winter dawn.
"What news, Asmund?" asked Atli. "/Early tidings are bad tidings/, so runs the saw, and thy looks give weight to it.""Not altogether bad, Earl. Swanhild gives herself to thee.""Of her own will, Asmund?"
"Ay, of her own will. But I have warned thee of her temper.""Her temper! Little hangs to a maid's temper. Once a wife and it will melt in softness like the snow when summer comes. These are glad tidings, comrade, and methinks I grow young again beneath the breath of them. Why art thou so glum then?""There is something that must yet be told of Swanhild," said Asmund.