第62章 Part the Second (20)
But admitting that the honour of being entrusted with any part of a government is to be considered a sufficient reward, it ought to be so to every person alike.If the members of the legislature of any country are to serve at their own expense that which is called the executive, whether monarchical or by any other name, ought to serve in like manner.It is inconsistent to pay the one, and accept the service of the other gratis.
In America, every department in the government is decently provided for; but no one is extravagantly paid.Every member of Congress, and of the Assemblies, is allowed a sufficiency for his expenses.
Whereas in England, a most prodigal provision is made for the support of one part of the Government, and none for the other, the consequence of which is that the one is furnished with the means of corruption and the other is put into the condition of being corrupted.Less than a fourth part of such expense, applied as it is in America, would remedy a great part of the corruption.
Another reform in the American constitution is the exploding all oaths of personality.The oath of allegiance in America is to the nation only.The putting any individual as a figure for a nation is improper.The happiness of a nation is the superior object, and therefore the intention of an oath of allegiance ought not to be obscured by being figuratively taken, to, or in the name of, any person.The oath, called the civic oath, in France, viz., "the nation, the law, and the king," is improper.If taken at all, it ought to be as in America, to the nation only.The law may or may not be good;but, in this place, it can have no other meaning, than as being conducive to the happiness of a nation, and therefore is included in it.The remainder of the oath is improper, on the ground, that all personal oaths ought to be abolished.They are the remains of tyranny on one part and slavery on the other; and the name of the Creator ought not to be introduced to witness the degradation of his creation; or if taken, as is already mentioned, as figurative of the nation, it is in this place redundant.
But whatever apology may be made for oaths at the first establishment of a government, they ought not to be permitted afterwards.
If a government requires the support of oaths, it is a sign that it is not worth supporting, and ought not to be supported.
Make government what it ought to be, and it will support itself.
To conclude this part of the subject:- One of the greatest improvements that have been made for the perpetual security and progress of constitutional liberty, is the provision which the new constitutions make for occasionally revising, altering, and amending them.
The principle upon which Mr.Burke formed his political creed, that of "binding and controlling posterity to the end of time, and of renouncing and abdicating the rights of all posterity, for ever,"is now become too detestable to be made a subject of debate;and therefore, I pass it over with no other notice than exposing it.
Government is but now beginning to be known.Hitherto it has been the mere exercise of power, which forbade all effectual enquiry into rights, and grounded itself wholly on possession.While the enemy of liberty was its judge, the progress of its principles must have been small indeed.
The constitutions of America, and also that of France, have either affixed a period for their revision, or laid down the mode by which improvement shall be made.It is perhaps impossible to establish anything that combines principles with opinions and practice, which the progress of circumstances, through a length of years, will not in some measure derange, or render inconsistent; and, therefore, to prevent inconveniences accumulating, till they discourage reformations or provoke revolutions, it is best to provide the means of regulating them as they occur.The Rights of Man are the rights of all generations of men, and cannot be monopolised by any.That which is worth following, will be followed for the sake of its worth, and it is in this that its security lies, and not in any conditions with which it may be encumbered.