The tempest rages wild and high,The waves lift up their voice and cry Fierce answers to the angry sky,-Miserere Domine.
Through the black night and driving rain,A ship is struggling,all in vain To live upon the stormy main;-Miserere Domine.
The thunders roar,the lightnings glare,Vain is it now to strive or dare;A cry goes up of great despair,-
Miserere Domine.
The stormy voices of the main,The moaning wind,and pelting rain Beat on the nursery window pane:-Miserere Domine.
Warm curtained was the little bed,Soft pillowed was the little head;"The storm will wake the child,"they said:-
Miserere Domine.
Cowering among his pillows white He prays,his blue eyes dim with fright,"Father,save those at sea to-night!"Miserere Domine.
The morning shone all clear and gay,On a ship at anchor in the bay,And on a little child at play,-Gloria tibi Domine!