Obey the counsels of these fathers grave, That you may better bear out violence.--But suddenly, through weakness of my age, And the defect of youthful puissance, My malady increaseth more and more, And cruel death hasteneth his quickened pace, To dispossess me of my earthly shape.
Mine eyes wax dim, overcast with clouds of age, The pangs of death compass my crazed bones;Thus to you all my blessings I bequeath, And with my blessings, this my fleeting soul My glass is run, and all my miseries Do end with life; death closeth up mine eyes, My soul in haste flies to the Elysian fields.
[He dieth.]
Accursed stars, damned and accursed stars, To abbreviate my noble father's life!
Hard-hearted gods, and too envious fates, Thus to cut off my father's fatal thread!
Brutus, that was a glory to us all, Brutus, that was a terror to his foes, Alas, too soon, by Demagorgon's knife, The martial Brutus is bereft of life!
No sad complaints may move just Aeacus, No dreadful threats can fear judge Rhodomanth.