"Aren't you afraid that you'll bore her?" And as her companion stared at this enquiry Isabel added: "If she can't dance with you for half an hour how will she be able to dance with you for life?""Ah," said Lord Warburton readily, "I'll let her dance with other people! About the cotillion, the fact is I thought that you-that you-""That I would do it with you? I told you I'd do nothing.""Exactly; so that while it's going on I might find some quiet corner where we may sit down and talk.""Oh," said Isabel gravely, "you're much too considerate of me."When the cotillion came Pansy was found to have engaged herself, thinking, in perfect humility, that Lord Warburton had no intentions.Isabel recommended him to seek another partner, but he assured her that he would dance with no one but herself.As, however, she had, in spite of the remonstrances of her hostess, declined other invitations on the ground that she was not dancing at all, it was not possible for her to make an exception in Lord Warburton's favour.
"After all I don't care to dance," he said; "it's a barbarous amusement: I'd much rather talk." And he intimated that he had discovered exactly the corner he had been looking for-a quiet nook in one of the smaller rooms, where the music would come to them faintly and not interfere with conversation.Isabel had decided to let him carry out his idea; she wished to be satisfied.She wandered away from the ball-room with him, though she knew her husband desired she should not lose sight of his daughter.It was with his daughter's pretendant, however; that would make it right for Osmond.
On her way out of the ball-room she came upon Edward Rosier, who was standing in a doorway, with folded arms, looking at the dance in the attitude of a young man without illusions.She stopped a moment and asked him if he were not dancing.
"Certainly not, if I can't dance with her!" he answered.
"You had better go away then," said Isabel with the manner of good counsel.
"I shall not go till she does!" And he let Lord Warburton pass without giving him a look.
This nobleman, however, had noticed the melancholy youth, and he asked Isabel who her dismal friend was, remarking that he had seen him somewhere before.
"It's the young man I've told you about, who's in love with Pansy.""Ah yes, I remember.He looks rather bad.""He has reason.My husband won't listen to him.""What's the matter with him?" Lord Warburton enquired."He seems very harmless.""He hasn't money enough, and he isn't very clever."Lord Warburton listened with interest; he seemed struck with this account of Edward Rosier."Dear me; he looked a well-set-up young fellow.""So he is, but my husband's very particular.""Oh, I see." And Lord Warburton paused a moment."How much money has he got?" he then ventured to ask.
"Some forty thousand francs a year."
"Sixteen hundred pounds? Ah, but that's very good, you know.""So I think.My husband, however, has larger ideas.""Yes; I've noticed that your husband has very large ideas.Is he really an idiot, the young man?""An idiot? Not in the least; he's charming.When he was twelve years old I myself was in love with him.""He doesn't look much more than twelve to-day," Lord Warburton rejoined vaguely, looking about him.Then with more point, "Don't you think we might sit here?" he asked.
"Wherever you please." The room was a sort of boudoir, pervaded by a subdued, rose-coloured light; a lady and gentleman moved out of it as our friends came in.
"It's very kind of you to take such an interest in Mr.Rosier,"Isabel said.
"He seems to me rather ill-treated.He had a face a yard long.Iwondered what ailed him."
"You're a just man," said Isabel."You've a kind thought even for a rival."Lord Warburton suddenly turned with a stare."A rival! Do you call him my rival?""Surely-if you both wish to marry the same person.""Yes-but since he has no chance!"
"I like you, however that may be, for putting yourself in his place.
It shows imagination."
"You like me for it?" And Lord Warburton looked at her with an uncertain eye."I think you mean you're laughing at me for it.""Yes, I'm laughing at you a little.But I like you as somebody to laugh at.""Ah well, then, let me enter into his situation a little more.
What do you suppose one could do for him?""Since I have been praising your imagination I'll leave you to imagine that yourself," Isabel said."Pansy too would like you for that.""Miss Osmond? Ah, she, I flatter myself, likes me already.""Very much, I think."