`After all, you know,' said Slyme, who had - stowed away somewhere at the back of his head - an idea of presently starting business on his own account: he was only waiting until he had saved enough money, `after all, there's something in what 'Unter says.It's very 'ard to get a fair price for work nowadays.Things IS cut very fine.'
`Yes! We know all about that!' shouted Harlow.`And who the bloody 'ell is it cuts 'em? Why, sich b--rs as 'Unter and Rushton! If this firm 'adn't cut this job so fine, some other firm would 'ave 'ad it for more money.Rushton's cuttin' it fine didn't MAKE this job, did it? It would 'ave been done just the same if they 'adn't tendered for it at all! The only difference is that we should 'ave been workin'
for some other master.'
`I don't believe the bloody job's cut fine at all!' said Philpot.
`Rushton is a pal of Sweater's and they're both members of the Town Council.'
`That may be,' replied Slyme; 'but all the same I believe Sweater got several other prices besides Rushton's - friend or no friend; and you can't blame 'im: it's only business.But pr'aps Rushton got the preference - Sweater may 'ave told 'im the others' prices.'
`Yes, and a bloody fine lot of prices they was, too, if the truth was known!' said Bundy."There was six other firms after this job to my knowledge - Pushem and Sloggem, Bluffum and Doemdown, Dodger and Scampit, Snatcham and Graball, Smeeriton and Leavit, Makehaste and Sloggitt, and Gord only knows 'ow many more.'
At this moment Newman came into the room.He looked so white and upset that the others involuntarily paused in their conversation.
`Well, what do YOU think of it?' asked Harlow.
`Think of what?' said Newman.
`Why, didn't 'Unter tell you?' cried several voices, whose owners looked suspiciously at him.They thought - if Hunter had not spoken to Newman, it must be because he was already working under price.
There had been a rumour going about the last few days to that effect.
`Didn't Misery tell you? They're not goin' to pay more than six and a half after this week.'
`That's not what 'e said to me.'E just told me to knock off.Said Ididn't do enough for 'em.'
`Jesus Christ!' exclaimed Crass, pretending to be overcome with surprise.
Newman's account of what had transpired was listened to in gloomy silence.`Those who - a few minutes previously - had been talking loudly of chucking up the job became filled with apprehension that they might be served in the same manner as he had been.Crass was one of the loudest in his expression of astonishment and indignation, but he rather overdid it and only succeeded in confirming the secret suspicion of the others that he had had something to do with Hunter's action.
The result of the discussion was that they decided to submit to Misery's terms for the time being, until they could see a chance of getting work elsewhere.
As Owen had to go to the office to see the wallpaper spoken of by Hunter, he accompanied Newman when the latter went to get his wages.
Nimrod was waiting for them, and had the money ready in an envelope, which he handed to Newman, who took it without speaking and went away.
Misery had been rummaging amongst the old wallpapers, and had got out a great heap of odd rolls, which he now submitted to Owen, but after examining them the latter said that they were unsuitable for the purpose, so after some argument Misery was compelled to sign an order for some proper cartridge paper, which Owen obtained at a stationer's on his way home.
The next morning, when Misery went to the `Cave', he was in a fearful rage, and he kicked up a terrible row with Crass.He said that Mr Rushton had been complaining of the lack of discipline on the job, and he told Crass to tell all the hands that for the future singing in working hours was strictly forbidden, and anyone caught breaking this rule would be instantly dismissed.
Several times during the following days Nimrod called at Owen's flat to see how the work was progressing and to impress upon him the necessity of not taking too much trouble over it.