1.3 Process Method and Equipment of Mould 模具制造方法及设备
1.3.1 Manufacturing Method of Mould 模具的制造方法
Mould manufacturing refers to the production of moulds.It comprises of two procedures.First, material used to make mould parts (normally metals) is processed with certain manufacturing equipment and technology and is changed in shape, size, relative position, and quality to become the mould parts in accordance to the requirements.Second, these parts are matched, positioned, connected, fixed, and assembled into moulds. 模具制造是指模具的生产,它包括两个步骤。首先,在一定的制造装备和制造工艺条件下,直接对模具零件材料(一般为金属材料)进行加工,以改变其形状、尺寸、相对位置和性质,使之成为符合要求的模具零件。其次,再将这些零件经配合、定位、连接与固定、装配成为模具。
Major methods used to process mould materials (metallic or non-metallic) into moulds include the conventional mechanical processing, special processing, and plastic processing, casting and welding. 将模具材料(金属或非金属)加工成模具的方法,主要有常规机械加工、特种加工以及塑性加工、铸造和焊接加工方法等。
(1)Conventional Mechanical Processing 常规机械加工
Conventional mechanical processing (i.e., the traditional cutting and grinding) is an indispensable, important processing method in mould manufacturing.Even moulds are manufactured with other processing methods, some work is still done with cutting or grinding, such as the mould base processing, mould blank processing, moulded surface processing and hole machining. 常规机械加工(即传统的切削与磨削加工)是模具制造中不可缺少的一种重要的加工方法。即使是用其他加工方法制造模具,也需要采用切削或磨削加工来完成某些工作。例如模架加工、模坯加工、模具型面加工以及孔类加工等。
The obvious advantages of the conventional mechanical processing are its high machining accuracy, high production efficiency, and adaptability workpieces of different shapes and sizes can be manufactured with the same machine and tools.However, it also has several disadvantages.It is slow to process workpieces of a complicated shape; it is difficult to process hard materials; its material utilization is not high; it requires a skilled operator.In spite of all these, the conventional mechanical processing method is still the principal processing method in mould manufacturing. 常规机械加工的明显特点是加工精度高、生产效率高,而且用相同的机床和工具可以加工出各种形状和尺寸的工件。但是,用常规机械加工方法加工复杂的形状时,其加工速度很慢,硬的材料也难以加工;材料的利用率不高;而且还要求有熟练的操作工人。尽管如此,在模具制造过程中常规机械加工仍然是主要的加工手段。
(2)Special Processing 特种加工
Special processing, also known as electric processing, is unconventional machining, which is different from the conventional machining method.Broadly speaking, it refers to any processing method that does not use tools harder than the workpiece or exert obvious mechanical forces during the machining process, but directly uses electrical energy, chemical energy, sound energy, light energy to remove redundant parts on the workpiece in order to meet requirements for shape, size and surface roughness.It includes the electric spark forming processing, wire cut electrical discharge machining (WEDM), electrolytic machining, electrochemical polishing, electrolytic grinding, electroforming, chemical etching, ultrasonic machining, laser processing, etc. 特种加工是有别于常规机械加工方法的非传统加工方法,也称电加工。从广义上来说,特种加工是指那些不需要用比工件更硬的工具,也不需要在加工过程中施加明显的机械力,而是直接利用电能、化学能、声能、光能等来除去工件上的多余部分,以达到一定的形状、尺寸和表面粗糙度要求的加工方法,其中包括电火花成形加工、电火花线切割加工、电解加工、电化学抛光、电解磨削、电铸、化学蚀刻、超声波加工、激光加工等。
Special processing relative to the conventional mechanical processing, has the following features. 特种加工相对于常规机械加工,有如下特点。
①The processing situation has nothing to do with the hardness of workpiece, can be achieved conquering the unyielding with the yielding.
②Tool and the workpiece is generally not contact, don’t have to exert obvious mechanical force during the machining process.
③Processing all kinds of complicated shape parts.
④Easy to implement process automation.
Because of the special processing has the characteristic of these precious, so special processing get more and more widely used in mould manufacturing, and become an important method of mould processing.
(3)Plastic Processing 塑性加工
Plastic processing mainly refers to cold extrusion moulding, in which the quenched forming mould (the original male mould) is forced by pressure into the blank made of steel or other soft material without previously undergoing hardening treatment, leaving a duplicate shape of the original male mould on the blank, and producing the mould needed. 塑性加工主要是冷挤压制模法,即将淬火过的成形模(原阳模)强有力地压入未进行硬化处理的模坯(钢或其他软质材料)内,使原阳模的形状复印在被压的模坯上,制成所需要的模具。
Cold extrusion moulding method has several advantages.Moulds obtained through this method do not need moulded surface finishing, so it saves time and material.It can be used to make moulds with different moulded surfaces in precision and so a master mould can be used to make many identical moulds.One disadvantage of this method is that an original male forming mould is required in advance, and the mould produced through pressure tends to deform during quenching. 冷挤压制模法有几个优点。冷挤压制模法所成形的模具完全不需要将型面进行精加工,它制模速度快、省料,可以制成各种复杂型面的模具,且形状精确,利于用一套原模制作多副相同模具。这种制模法一定要事先制作一个成形的原阳模,而且压制后的模具在淬火时易引起变形。
(4)Casting 铸造
Moulds the demand for whose precision and service life is not high can be produced quickly through simple and convenient casting process. 对于一些精度和使用寿命要求不高的模具,人们往往会用简单方便的铸造法快速制成。
①Iron casting.Moulds that are large and irregular such as the car shell are normally produced through casting.The advantages of producing moulds through casting include: it is easy to produce moulds of complicated shapes; there is no limit for the size of the mould; the cost is low; the process is well lubricated and so there is little conglutination during the process.Chief shortcomings of the method are that the producing moulds have poor wear resistance and poor precision. 铸铁。像加工汽车外壳等大件且不规则形状的模具,一般都用铸造方法制成。铸铁模在制造上的优点是,可以很容易铸出复杂的形状,尺寸不受限制,便于进行机械加工,而且价格低,润滑性好,胶着少。它的缺点是耐磨性差,精度差。
②Zinc-base alloy.Zinc-base alloy is a typical material used to make simple mould through casting.It has the following advantages: low melting point, good castability and relatively high precision, and good strength, abrasion resistance and lubricity the same as mild steel.The technology of casting moulds with low-melting-point zinc-base alloys is known as the method of rapid moulds manufacturing.With this technology moulds can be made at a fast speed and in complicated shapes.However, the mould material used in this technology is soft and has a poor heat resistance, so the mould life is short.Therefore, this technology is mainly adopted in trial production or in small batch production. 锌基合金。锌基合金是一种用铸造法制造简易模具的典型材料,其熔点低,可铸性好,所以铸造精度相对较高,而且还具有软钢那样的强度、耐磨性和润滑性。用低熔点材料锌基合金铸造模具,也称快速制模法,其制模速度快,容易制成形状复杂的模具,但模具的材质较软,耐热性差,所以模具寿命短,多用于试制和小批量生产的场合。
In order to improve the quality and service life of rapid moulds manufacturing through this method, beryllium copper alloy, which has a better thermal conductivity and durability, is used to replace zinc-base alloy.This material is mainly used for the production of subtle complex moulds in large batches. 为了提高快速制模的质量和使用寿命,也有用导热性和耐久性较好的铍铜合金代替锌基合金的,主要用于生产批量较大而又细微的复杂模具。
③Synthetic resin.Synthetic resin can also be used in casting moulds.The materials used include phenolic resin, polyester resin, epoxy resin, etc.The advantages of casting moulds with synthetic resin are:the mould can be produced at a high speed;the mould is light and is free from rusting;the mould is easy to replicate and repair.But synthetic resin has a poor abrasion resistance and a large thermal deformation; besides, it does not have a high intensity and it goes fatigue and ageing easily. 合成树脂。铸造法制模也有用合成树脂的,主要有酚醛树脂、聚酯树脂、环氧树脂等。合成树脂模的优点是容易快速制模,轻而无锈,复制和维修都比较简单。但耐磨性差,遇热变形大,且强度不高、易疲劳老化。
(5)Welding 焊接
The modules separately processed and prepared can be welded together to form the mould needed.Compared with the overall processing methods, such a mould manufacturing method (using welding) is simple, rapid, material efficient, and can be used to produce mould of unrestricted sizes.However, it is difficult to guarantee high accuracy in welding, and it is likely to leave heat strain and internal stress inside the mould so that moulds produced in this way have a poor ability to withstand impact.Welding is mainly used to produce large moulds which do not demand for high accuracy, or to repair moulds. 焊接法制模是将分散加工好的模块焊接在一起,形成所需的模具。这种制模方法与整体加工相比,加工简单、快速、省料、尺寸大小不受限制。但精度难以保证,易残留热应变及内部应力,承受冲击的能力差。主要用于精度要求不高的大型模具的制造,或是用于模具的修复。
1.3.2 Conventional Machining Method and Equipment of Mould 模具的常规机械加工及其设备
(1)Turning Processing and Lathe 车削加工及车床
Turning processing refers to the workpiece rotates as the background movement, cutting tool moves as the feedding movement of the cutting method.This method is mainly used for processing of rotary surface: the outer circle and inner circle, end face, cone, thread, rotary forming surface, rotary groove and drill hole, counterboring, reaming, knurling, etc. 车削加工是指工件旋转做主运动、刀具移动做进给运动的切削加工方法。主要用来加工各种回转表面:外圆、内圆、端面、锥面、螺纹、回转成形面、回转沟槽以及钻孔、扩孔、铰孔、滚花等。
Turning processing can be conducted on horizontal lathes, vertical lathes, turret lathes, copying lathes, automatic lathes, CNC lathes and a variety of special purpose lathes. 车削加工可以在卧式车床、立式车床、转塔车床、仿形车床、自动车床、数控车床以及各种专用车床上进行。

Fig.1-1 CA6140 type general purpose horizontal lathe CA6140型卧式车床
1—Change gear box 挂轮架;2—Operating handle 操作手柄;3—Spindle box 主轴箱;4—Saddle(Big carriage) 床鞍(大拖板);5—Cross-slide 中拖板;6—Square tool post 方刀架;7—Rotary plate 转盘;8—Small slide 小拖板;9—Tailstock 尾座;10—Lathe bed 床身;11—Right base 右床脚;12—Feed rod 光杆;13—Lead screw 丝杆;14—Apron 溜板箱;15—Left base 左床脚;16—Feeding box 进给箱

Fig.1-2 Vertical lathe 立式车床
1—Base 底座;2—Table 工作台;3—Vertical column 立柱;4—Vertical tool post 垂直刀架;5,9—Beam 横梁;6—Feeding box of vertical tool post 垂直刀架进给箱;7—Ram head 侧刀架;8—Ram head feeding box 侧刀架进给箱
(2)Milling Processing and Milling Machine 铣削加工及铣床
Milling processing refers to the machining method in which the milling cutter rotates as the principal motion while the workpiece moves as the feeding movement.Milling can be used to machine planes (including the horizontal, vertical and inclined plane according to the machining position), grooves (including rectangular grooves, key grooves, V-type grooves, dovetail grooves, T-type grooves, circular grooves, spiral grooves) and forming surfaces, etc., and can also be used for hole processing (including drill hole, counterboring, reaming, milling holes) and dividing. 铣削加工是指铣刀旋转做主运动、工件移动做进给运动的切削加工方法。铣削可加工平面(按加工时所处的位置又分为水平面、垂直面和斜面)、沟槽(包括直角槽、键槽、V形槽、燕尾槽、T形槽、圆弧槽、螺旋槽)和成形面等,还可进行孔加工(包括钻孔、扩孔、铰孔、铣孔)和分度工作。
Milling can be conducted on horizontal milling machines, vertical milling machines, plano-milling machines, tool milling machines and various special milling machines. 铣削加工可以在卧式铣床、立式铣床、龙门铣床、工具铣床以及各种专用铣床上进行。

Fig.1-3 Horizontal knee type milling machine 卧式升降台铣床
1—Column 床身;2—Cantilever 悬臂;3—Milling cutter mandrel 铣刀心轴;4—Pylon 挂架;5—Table 工作台;6—Saddle 床鞍;7—Knee 升降台;8—Base 底座

Fig.1-4 Universal knee type milling machine 万能升降台铣床
(3)Boring Processing and Boring Machine 镗削加工及镗床
The boring processing refers to the cutting machining method in which the boring cutter rotates as the background motion, the workpiece or boring cutter moves as the feeding movement. 镗刀旋转做主运动、工件或镗刀做进给运动的切削加工方法称为镗削加工。

Fig.1-5 Vertical knee type milling machine 立式升降台铣床

Fig.1-6 Double column rotary table milling machine 双柱圆工作台铣床
1—Spindle box 主轴箱;2—Vertical column 立柱;3—Rotary table 圆工作台;4—Slide 滑座;5—Base 底座

Fig.1-7 Plano-milling machine 龙门铣床
1—Bed 床身;2,8—Lie milling head 卧铣头;3,6—Vertical milling head 立铣头;4—Vertical column 立柱;5—Beam 横梁;7—Controller 控制器;9—Table 工作台

Fig.1-8 Electrical vertical copying milling machine 电控立式仿形铣床
1—Table 工作台;2—Workpiece 工件;3—Profiling 靠模;4—Milling cutter 铣刀;5—Vertical column 立柱;6—Spindle box 主轴箱;7—Spindle 主轴;8—Bed 床身
Boring processing is mainly conducted on boring-milling machine, boring machine, is one of the commonly used methods for machining holes. 镗削加工主要在镗铣床、镗床上进行,是加工孔常用的方法之一。

Fig.1-9 Horizontal boring-milling machine 卧式镗铣床
1—Spindle box 主轴箱;2—Former vertical column 前立柱;3—Boring spidle 镗轴;4—Facing head 平旋盘;5—Table 工作台;6—Upper slide 上滑座;7—Under slide 下滑座;8—Bed 床身;9—Back bearing 后支承;10—Back vertical column 后立柱

Fig.1-10 Vertical single-column coordinate boring machine 立式单柱坐标镗床
1—Bed 床身;2—Saddle 床鞍;3—Table 工作台;4—Vertical column 立柱;5—Spindle box 主轴箱

Fig.1-11 Vertical double-column coordinate boring machine 立式双柱坐标镗床
1—Beam 横梁;2—Spindle box 主轴箱;3—Vertical column 立柱;4—Table 工作台;5—Bed 床身

Fig.1-12 Horizontal coordinate boring machine 卧式坐标镗床
1—Cross slide 横向滑座;2—Longitudinal slide 纵向滑座;3—Rotary table 回转工作台;4—Vertical column 立柱;5—Spindle box 主轴箱;6—Bed 床身

Fig.1-13 Single-face-and-single-axle Kong kim boring machine 单面单轴金刚镗床
1—Spindle box 主轴箱;2—Spindle 主轴;3—Table 工作台;4—Bed 床身
Kong kim boring machine is named with diamond boring tool, it is a kind of high speed precision boring machine. 金刚镗床因采用金刚石镗刀而得名,它是一种高速精密镗床。
(4)Drilling Processing and Drill Machine 钻削加工及钻床
Drilling processing refers to the machining method which machines hole with a drill or reamer, counter bit on the workpiece. 用钻头或铰刀、锪钻在工件上加工孔的加工方法称为钻削加工。
Drilling can be conducted on the bench drilling machines, vertical drilling machines, radial drilling machines, also can be conducted on lathes, milling machines, boring-milling machines, and other machine tools. 钻削可以在台式钻床、立式钻床、摇臂钻床上进行,也可以在车床、铣床、镗铣床等机床上进行。

Fig.1-14 Vertical drilling machine 立式钻床
1—Gearbox 变速箱;2—Feed box 进给箱;3—Spindle 主轴;4—Table 工作台;5—Base 底座;6—Vertical column 立柱

Fig.1-15 Radial drilling machine 摇臂钻床
1—Base 底座;2—Vertical column 立柱;3—Rocker 摇臂;4—Screw rod 丝杆;5,6—Motor 电动机;7—Spindle box 主轴箱;8—Spindle 主轴
(5)Planing Processing and Planer 刨削加工及刨床
Planing processing refers to a machining method which makes plane tool do the level straight line reciprocating movement relative to the workpiece.Planing can process plane (according to the process’s position is divided into horizontal, vertical, inclined plane), groove (including rectangular slot, V groove, dovetail slot and T slot) and linear shaping face, etc. 刨削加工是指用刨刀对工件做水平相对直线往复运动的切削加工方法。刨削可以加工平面(按加工时所处的位置又分为水平面、垂直面、斜面)、沟槽(包括直角槽、V形槽、燕尾槽、T形槽)和直线型成形面等。

Fig.1-16 Shaping machine 牛头刨床
1—Beam 横梁;2—Table 工作台;3—Ram 滑枕;4—Regulating handle of the ram position 滑枕位置调节手柄;5—Clapper box 摆动刀架;6—Handlebar for locking 紧定手把;7—Control handle 操纵手柄;8—Handlebar for rapid movement of table 工作台快移手把;9—Regulating handle of feed rate 进给量调节手柄;10—Velocity adjustment handle 速度调节手柄;11—Stroke handle 行程手柄;12—Bed 床身;13—Base 底座;14—Reversing handle for feed mov-ement 进给运动换向手柄;15—Handle for table movement direction 工作台移动方向手柄

Fig.1-17 Double housing planer 龙门刨床
1—Bed 床身;2—Table 工作台;3—Beam 横梁;4—Vertical clapper box 立刀架;5—Upper beam 上横梁;6—Vertical column 立柱;7—Feed box 进给箱;8—Gearbox 变速箱;9—Side clapper box 侧刀架
Planing can be conducted on shaping machine and double housing planer.Shaping machine is suitable for small and medium-sized workpieces.Double housing planer is suitable for processing large workpieces or multiple small and medium-sized workpieces at the same time. 刨削可以在牛头刨床和龙门刨床上进行。牛头刨床适宜加工中小型工件;龙门刨床适宜加工大型工件或同时加工多个中小型工件。
(6)Grinding and Grinding Machine 磨削加工及磨床
Grinding refers to the machining method use abrasive wheel or coated abrasive as a cutting tool, machining workpiece surface with high line speed.It has the characteristics of high machining accuracy, high hardness materials can be processed.Grinding can process excircle,inner circle, cone, plane, forming surface, thread, tooth profile and other surfaces, also can grinding all kinds of cutting tools. 磨削加工是指用砂轮或涂附磨具作为切削工具、以较高的线速度对工件表面进行加工的方法。它具有加工精度高、可加工高硬度材料的特点。磨削可加工外圆、内圆、锥面、平面、成形面、螺纹、齿形等多种表面,还可刃磨各种刀具。

Fig.1-18 Universal cylindrical grinder 万能外圆磨床
1—Bed 床身;2—Workhead 头架;3—Abrasive wheel 砂轮;4—Inner circle abrasive tool 内圆磨具;5—Support frame 支架;6—Wheel supporting frame 砂轮架;7—Tailstock 尾架;8—Table 工作台;9,11—Hand wheel 手轮;10—Travel stop dog 行程挡块

Fig.1-19 Common internal grinder 普通内圆磨床
1—Bed 床身;2—Table 工作台;3—Workhead 头架;4—Grinding carriage 砂轮架;5—Carriage 滑鞍

Fig.1-20 Surface grinding machine 平面磨床
1—Hand wheel(for moving table) (工作台移动)手轮;2—Wheelhead 磨头;3—Slide plate 拖板;4—Hand whell(for moving wheelhead) (磨头移动) 手轮;5—Grinding wheel dresser 砂轮修正器;6—Column 立柱;7—Travel stop dog 行程挡块;8—Table(Saddle) 工作台;9—Hand wheel(for moving wheelhead) (磨头移动)手轮;10—Bed 床身

Fig.1-21 Surface grinding machine with horizontal spindle and rectangular table 卧轴矩台平面磨床
1—Grinding carriage 砂轮架;2—Carriage 滑鞍;3—Vertical column 立柱;4—Table 工作台;5—Bed 床身;6—Saddle 床鞍

Fig.1-22 Surface grinding machine with vertical spindle and rotary table 立轴圆台平面磨床
1,2—Grinding wheel frame column 立柱;3—Bed 床身;4—Table 工作台;5—Saddle 床鞍
Grinding is mostly conducted on the grinding machine. 磨削加工大多在磨床上进行。
(7)Numerical Control (NC) Machine 数控机床
With the rapid development of science and technology, profound changes have taken place in mechanical manufacturing technology.Key components of modern mechanical products are usually sophisticated and are processed in small batches and frequent remodel.Obviously such components cannot be machined on special purpose machine tools or combined machines, whereas the processing accuracy and production efficiency may be greatly limited if the processing is manually operated with the aid of contour machines and profiling machines, or with the aid of drawing lines or sample plates.Complicated curves and surfaces, in particular, cannot be processed in the ordinary machine tools. 随着科学技术的飞速发展,机械制造技术发生了深刻的变化。现代机械产品的一些关键零部件,往往都精密复杂,加工批量小,改型频繁,显然不能在专用机床或组合机床上加工。而借助靠模和仿形机床,或者借助划线和样板用手工操作的方法来加工,加工精度和生产效率受到很大程度的限制。特别对空间的复杂曲线曲面,在普通机床上根本无法实现。

Fig.1-23 CK7815 type NC lathe CK7815型数控车床
1—Base 底座;2—Photoelectric tape reader 光电读带器;3—Tool control board 机床操纵台;4—Operation panel of numerical control system 数控系统操作面板;5—Guide rail 导轨;6—Tool post 刀架;7—Protective door 防护门;8—Tailstock 尾座

Fig.1-24 NC cylindrical grinding machine 数控外圆磨床
1—Bed 床身;2—Lower table 下工作台;3—Upper table 上工作台;4—Headstock 头架;5—Abrasion wheel spindle 砂轮主轴;6—Tailstock 尾座;7—Control panel 控制箱;8—Detection box 检测箱;9—Operation desk 操作台

Fig.1-25 XK5040 type multifunction CNC milling machine XK5040型多功能数控铣床
1—Base 底座;2—Electrical cabinet 电气柜;3—Oil tank 油箱;4,13,14—Position control device 位控装置;5—Gearbox 变速箱;6—Spindle box 主轴箱;7—Shield 防护罩;8,9—Travel stop dog 行程挡块;10—Operation panel of numerical control system 数控系统操作面板;11—Carriage 滑鞍;12—Saddle 床鞍;15—Bed 床身;16—Table 工作台
In order to solve the above problems, a new type of machine has come into being, that is the numerical control machine.It effectively solves the above contradictions and has provided automated processing means for single piece and small-batch production and especially for moulds parts with complicated surfaces. 为了解决上述问题,一种新型的数字程序控制机床,即数控机床应运而生,它极其有效地解决了上述矛盾,为单件、小批量生产,特别是像模具这样的复杂型面零件提供了自动化加工手段。

Fig.1-26 CNC milling machining 数控铣削加工
1—Outer cover 外罩;2—Workpiece 工件;3—Cooling liquid supply tubes 冷却液管;4—Vertical column 立柱;5—Milling head 铣削头;6—Control panel 控制面板;7—Cutting tool 刀具;8—Table 工作台;9—Reference point 参考点

Fig.1-27 CNC drilling machining 数控钻削加工
1—Base 底座;2—Table 工作台;3—Drill 钻头;4—Tool changer chuck 刀库夹头;5—Multiple-step tool changer 多工位刀库;6—Vertical column 立柱;7—Turret 转塔;8—Control panel 控制面板
(8)Combined Machine 组合机床
Combined machines are highly efficient, automatic special machine tools which adopt serialized, standardized general parts combined with a small number of special parts.Just like common special machine tools, they have the characteristics of simple structure, high efficiency, and high precision.They can be readjusted and recombined to adapt to the change of workpiece,and render multicut, multiaspect and multistation processes at the same time.They are especially fit for processing one part or several similar parts in one or more processes in mass production.Combined machine tools can complete processes such as drilling, expanding, reaming, boring and tapping, rolling, and turning, milling, grinding, and are mostly suitable for processing box-type parts. 组合机床是以系列化、标准化的通用部件为基础,配以少量的专用部件组成的高效自动化专用机床。它既具有一般专用机床结构简单、生产效率高、易保证精度的特点,又能适应工件的变化,重新调整和重新组合,对工件采用多刀、多面及多工位加工,特别适用于大批、大量生产中对一种或几种类似零件的一道或几道工序进行加工。组合机床可以完成钻、扩、铰、镗孔和攻螺纹、滚压以及车、铣、磨削等工序,最适合箱体类零件的加工。

Fig.1-28 JCS-018 type vertical machining center JCS-018型立式加工中心
1—Position control device 位控装置;2—Manipulator 机械手;3—Numerical control cabinet 数控柜;4—Tool changer 刀库;5—Spindle box 主轴箱;6—Operation panel of numerical control system 数控系统操作面板;7—Vertical column 立柱;8—Table 工作台;9—Saddle 床鞍;10—Bed 床身

Fig.1-29 XH-754 type horizontal machining center XH-754型卧式加工中心
1—Saddle 床鞍;2—Cutting tool 刀具;3—Tool changer 刀库;4—Numerical control cabinet 数控柜

Fig.1-30 Consist of combined machine 组合机床的组成
1—Side base 侧底座;2—Base of column 立柱底座;3—Vertical column 立柱;4—Spindle box 主轴箱;5—Power control box 动力箱;6—Sliding table 滑台;7—Middle base 中间底座;8—Fixture 夹具
1.3.3 Special Processing and Equipment of Mould 模具特种加工及其设备
(1)EDM and WEDM Processing 电火花和线切割加工
Electric spark machining is also called electro-discharge machining(EDM for short),electroerosion machining,is a kind of the method of using the heat energy produced by pulse discharge for processing.Its process is: continually produce pulsed spark discharge between the tool and workpiece, the discharge when local, transient high temperature keep the metal melting, gasification and removal in materials.Visible to the spark in discharge process, so called electro-discharge machining. 电火花加工又称放电加工(简称EDM)、电蚀加工,是一种利用脉冲放电产生的热能进行加工的方法。其加工过程为:使工具和工件之间不断产生脉冲性的火花放电,靠放电时局部、瞬时产生的高温把金属熔解、气化而蚀除材料。放电过程可见到火花,故称之为电火花加工。
Wire cut EDM(WEDM for short), is a new form of technology developed in the late 1950s in former Soviet Union on the basis of electro-discharge machining.The technology uses spark discharges from the linear electrodes (molybdenum wire or copper wire)to cut the workpiece, so it is called WEDM, sometimes referred to as “wire cut”. 电火花线切割加工(简称WEDM)是在电火花加工的基础上,20世纪50年代末在前苏联发展起来的一种新的工艺形式,是用线状电极(钼丝或铜丝)靠火花放电对工件进行切割,故称为电火花线切割,有时简称线切割。

Fig.1-31 Principle of electro-discharge machining 电火花加工原理
1—Workpiece 工件;2—Pulse power supply 脉冲电源;3—Feed control apparatus 进给调节装置;4—Tool 工具;5—Working solution 工作液;6—Filter 过滤器;7—Pump of working solution 工作液泵

Fig.1-32 Electro-discharge machine 电火花加工机床
1—Hydraulic pump and oil tank 液压泵油箱;2—Bed 床身;3—Working solution case 工作液箱;4—Vertical column 立柱;5—Spindle 主轴;6—Pulse power supply 脉冲电源;7—Control panel 控制板

Fig.1-33 Principle and consist of wire cut electrical discharge machining (WEDM) with high speed wire 高速走丝电火花线切割原理及设备构成
1—Insulating base 绝缘底板;2—Workpiece 工件;3—Pulse power supply 脉冲电源;4—Molybdenum wire 钼丝;5—Guide pulley 导向轮;6—Support 支架;7—Wire spool 储丝筒
(2)Electrochemical Machining 电化学加工
Electrochemical Machining (ECM) is divided into four categories.
①Electrolytic machining: the workpiece (as anode) is dissolved and the metal material on it is removed; the workpiece materials reduce, including electrolytic machining and electrolytic polishing.

Fig.1-34 Consist of wire cut electrical discharge machining (WEDM) with slow speed wire 低速走丝电火花线切割设备的构成
1—Pulse power supply 脉冲电源;2—Workpiece 工件;3—Working solution case 工作液箱;4—Pure water 纯水;5—Pump 泵;6—Drum for putting new wire 新丝放丝筒;7—Table 工作台;8—X-axis motor X轴电动机;9—Numerical control device 数控装置;10—Y-axis motor Y轴电动机;11—Drum for waste wire 废丝卷筒
②Plating, coating: the metal materials are deposited on the workpiece (as cathode) surface; workpiece materials increase, including electroplating, local plating, electroforming and composite electroplating.
③Electrolytic grinding, electrochemical honing, electrolytic milling: the workpiece as the anode is dissolved and a lot of materials on it are removed, the cathode with the grind and mill mechanical action removes material on anode further that the anode is activated and forms electrochemical mechanical compound technology.
④Other composite process, such as electrolytic-EDM compound technology, electrolysis-EDM-machinery compound technology.

Fig.1-35 Principle of electrochemical machining 电解加工原理
1—Power supply 电源;2—Cathode 阴极;3—Anode 阳极;4—Pump 泵;5—Electrolyte 电解液
(3)Laser Machining and Ultrasonic Machining 激光加工和超声波加工
Laser technique is developed in the early 1960s.Laser processing can be used for punching, cutting, fine-tuning of electronic devices, welding, heat treatment, laser storage, laser guidance and other fields.Laser processing is characterized by high speed and small deformation and can be used to process various materials.It has displayed increasing superiority in the production practice and has drawn increasing attention. 激光技术是20世纪60年代初发展起来的一门新兴科学。激光加工可以用于打孔、切割、电子器件的微调、焊接、热处理以及激光存储、激光制导等各个领域。由于激光加工速度快、变形小,可以加工各种材料,在生产实践中愈来愈显示它的优越性,愈来愈受人们的重视。

Fig.1-36 Principle of electroforming 电铸加工原理
1—Plating bath 电镀槽;2—Anode 阳极;3—Power supply 电源;4—Electroforming tier 电铸层;5—Master mould 原模;6—Stirrer 搅拌器;7—Electroforming fluid 电铸液;8—Filter 过滤器;9—Pump 泵;10—Heater 加热器

Fig.1-37 Laser cutting 激光切割
1—Workpiece 工件;2—Air inlet 进气口;3—Pressure gauge 压力表;4—Collecting lens 聚光透镜;5—Laser beam 激光束;6—Nozzle 喷嘴
The operation principle of laser machining is that, with the extremely high energy focused by laser, the temperature at the processing spot on the workpiece can reach thousands of, or even ten thousand degrees, causing the material to melt and evaporate.When the molten material is blasted away by the thermal shock wave, corresponding processing is thus realized. 激光加工工作原理就是利用聚焦的激光能量密度极高,被照射工件加工区域温度达数千度,甚至上万度的高温将材料瞬时熔化、蒸发,并在热冲击波作用下,将熔融材料爆破式喷射去除,达到相应的加工目的。

Fig.1-38 Principle of laser welding and equipment 激光焊接原理及装备
1—Charge sensor 电荷传感器;2—Welding nozzle 焊接喷嘴;3—Protective gas 保护气体;4—Collecting lens 聚光透镜;5—Half-reflecting mirror 半反射镜;6—Laser beam 激光束;7—Coaxial optical sensor 同轴光学传感器;8—Side optical sensor 侧面光学传感器;9—Acoustic sensor 声学传感器;10—Weld pool 焊接熔池

Fig.1-39 Mechanism of ultrasonic machining 超声波加工机理
1—Tool 工具;2—Workpiece 工件;3—Abrasive suspension liquid 磨料悬浮液;4,5—Amplitude transformer 变幅杆;6—Transducer 换能器;7—Ultrasonic generator 超声波发生器

Fig.1-40 Ultrasonic machine tool 超声波加工机床
1—Support 支架;2—Counterweight 平衡物;3—Table 工作台;4—Tool 工具;5—Amplitude transformer 变幅杆;6—Transducer 换能器;7—Guideb rail 导轨;8—Scaleplate 标尺
Ultrasonic machining(USM)particularly suitable for hard brittle materials of conductor and non-conductor effective processing, is a useful complement to special processing technology, the main processes are: punching, cutting, cleaning, welding, flaw detection, etc. 超声波加工(USM)特别适合对导体、非导体的脆硬材料进行有效加工,是对特种加工工艺的有益补充,目前主要的工艺有:打孔、切割、清洗、焊接、探伤等。
1.3.4 New Technique and New Process of Mould 模具新技术、新工艺
(1)Rapid Prototyping Technology 快速成型技术
The basic principle of rapid prototype (RP), also called rapid master mould forming, increase-material manufacturing, laminated manufacturing or layered manufacturing, is to make limited two-dimensional discrete refined delamination on the complex three-dimensional entity or shell. RP technology mainly depends on the development of numerical control technology, and nearly all RP devices are equipped with numerical control systems.Presently the comparatively mature RP techniques include: stereolithography(SL), selective laser sintering(SLS), laminated object manufacturing(LOM), fuseddeposition modeling(FDM), three-dimensional printing(3D-P), and solid ground curing(SGC).Other RP methods are still in further study. 快速成型(RP)又叫快速原模成型、增材制造、叠层制造或分层制造,其基本思想都是基于将复杂的三维实体或壳体,作有限的二维离散细化分层。快速成型技术主要依托数控技术的发展,几乎所有的快速成型设备都配数控系统。目前比较成熟的工艺方法:光敏树脂液相固化(SL)、选择性粉末激光烧结(SLS)、薄片分层叠加成型(LOM),熔丝堆积成型(FDM),三维打印法(3D-P)和固基光敏液相法(SGC)。其他方法还在进一步研究中。

Fig.1-41 SLA process principle SLA工艺原理
1—Laser device 激光器;2—Scraper 刮刀;3—Elevated working platform 可升降工作台;4—Flume 液槽

Fig.1-42 SLS process principle SLS工艺原理
1—Laser device 激光器;2—Roller for paving powder 铺粉滚筒;3—Watch window 观察窗口;4—Plane sintering 平面烧结;5—Raw material powder 原料粉末;6—Generate workpiece 生成工件;7—Piston suppling powder 供粉活塞;8—Piston taking shape 成型活塞
The process principle of stereolithography apparatus (SLA) is based on the liquid photosensitive resin polymerization.That is, photopolymerization takes place quickly when liquid photosensitive resins are treated with ultraviolet rays of certain wavelengths and power.Their molecular weight increases sharply, so that the materials turn from liquid to solid and get solidification. 光敏树脂液相固化成型设备(SLA)的工艺原理是基于液态光敏树脂光聚合原理工作的,即液态光敏树脂材料在一定波长和功率的紫外线照射下迅速发生光聚合反应,分子量剧增,材料从液态转化成固态,达到固化。
Selective laser sintering forming(SLS) is the use of metal and nonmetal powder material under the laser irradiation, sintering, hot melt forming layer upon layer into a three-dimensional entity under computer control. 选择性粉末激光烧结成型(SLS)是利用金属、非金属的粉末状材料在激光照射下,烧结热熔成型,在计算机控制下层层堆积成三维实体。
Laminated object manufacturing (LOM)combines laser cutting with bonding technique.Sheets (paper or plastic film) covered with hot-melt adhesives are cut with laser according to the CAD layered model, and are then hot-pressed with a hot pressing roller so that the bottom layer of the sheets adheres to the forming workpiece.The sheets pile up to form the mould. 薄片分层叠加成型(LOM)是利用激光切割与黏合工艺相结合,用激光将涂有热熔胶的纸质、塑料薄膜等片材按照CAD分层模型轨迹切割成型,然后通过热压辊热压,使其与下层已成型的工件层粘接,从而堆积成型。

Fig.1-43 LOM process principle LOM工艺原理
1—Computer 计算机;2,6—Guide roller 导向辊;3—Mechanism of storaging and sending raw material 存储及送料机构;4—Table 工作台;5—Raw material 原材料;7—Mechanism for hot-sticking-press 热粘压机构;8—Laser cutting system 激光切割系统

Fig.1-44 FDM process principle FDM工艺原理
1—Forming workpiece 成型工件;2,3—Heating shower nozzle 加热喷头;4—Filament material 料丝
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) makes use of the hot-melting and cohesiveness features of the thermoplastic material, and modeling takes place when the material deposits under computer control.Filamentous material is fed through a wire feed mechanism into a tiny heating spray nozzle where it is heated and melted.The nozzle, while moving within a plane along the contour and filling path of the part under the control of the computer, squeezes out the molten material which combines with the previous layer of material and solidifies.After completion of one layer of deposition, the working station drops by the distance of just one layer, and the melt-spray process continues.A three-dimensional model forms when layers of material is so added to one another. 熔丝堆积成型(FDM)工艺是利用热塑性材料的热熔性、粘接性,在计算机控制下层层堆积成型的。丝状材料通过送丝机构将其送进一个微细加热喷嘴的喷头,并被加热熔化,在计算机的控制下,喷头在平面内沿着零件截面轮廓和填充轨迹移动,同时将熔融材料挤出,并与前一层熔结固化在一起。一个片层沉积完成后,工作台下降一个层厚的距离,继续熔喷沉积下一层,如此层层叠加形成立体模型。

Fig.1-45 Three-dimensional printing 三维打印法
1—Paving powder 铺粉;2—Monolayer printing 单层印刷;3—Declining piston 下降活塞;4—Circulation repetition 循环重复;5—Intermediate stage 中间阶段;6—Printing the end layer 印刷最后一层;7—Finished product of part 零件成品
The process principle of three-dimensional printing (3D-P): under the control of the computer, the nozzle sprays adhesives according to information about the section of the model onto the material paved with a layer of power which then combines and forms a section on the material.After completion of a layer, the work table drops by the distance of just one layer of the material, and the processes of paving powder and spraying adhesives continue.The procedure goes on until the three-dimensional physical product is produced.The product thus obtained normally needs to be further solidified or sintered in a furnace in order to improve the adhesive strength. 三维打印法(3D-P)的工艺原理是:喷头在计算机的控制下,按照截面轮廓的信息,在铺好的一层粉末材料上,有选择地喷射粘接剂,使部分粉末粘接,形成截面层。一层完成后,工作台下降一个厚度,铺粉,喷粘接剂,再进行下一层的粘接,如此循环,直至形成三维实体产品。粘接得到的制件需要置于加热炉中做进一步的固化或烧结,以提高粘接强度。

Fig.1-46 Solid ground curing 固基光敏液相法
1—Machined face 加工面;2—Inflicting equably photosensitive liquid material 均匀施加光敏液材料;3—Mask UV-light (ultraviolet light) exposure 掩膜紫外光曝光;4—Remove no-solidify raw-material 清除未固化原料;5—Fill wax 填蜡;6—Rubdown 磨平;7—Drip moulding 成型件;8—Wax 蜡;9—Workpiece 零件
Solid ground curing process principle(SGC).Forming process of a layer is done by 5 steps: added substance; mask UV-light exposure; remove no-solidify excess liquid material; fill wax to the interspace; rubdown.Ion-imaging-technology is adopted for mask, so the same film can be repeated use.Due to the complexity of process, SGC forming machine is one of the most huge forming machine of all. 固基光敏液相法(SGC)的工艺原理。一层的成形过程由5步来完成:添料;掩膜紫外光曝光;清除未固化的多余液体料;向空隙处填充蜡料;磨平。掩膜的制造采用了离子成像技术,因此同一底片可以重复使用。由于过程复杂,SGC成型机是所有成形机中最庞大的一种。
(2)CAD/CAM for Mould 模具CAD/CAM
With the development of industrial production and science and technology, the increase of market demand, as well as the products renewal speed up, products are developing towards complex, precision, more varieties, high quality and short delivery cycle, which requires the mould production has a shorter cycle, lower cost and higher quality.Rely on experience and manual skills of traditional mould design and manufacturing way far cannot satisfy the requirements, and application of computer in mould computer aided design(CAD)and computer aided manufacturing(CAM)is an effective way to solve this contradiction. 随着工业生产和科学技术的发展,市场需求的增加,以及产品更新换代速度的加快,产品生产正向复杂、精密、多品种、高质量和交货周期短的方向发展,这就要求模具生产具有更短的周期、更低的成本和更高的质量。依赖经验和手工技能的传统模具设计与制造方式远远不能满足这种要求,而应用计算机进行模具的计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)是解决这一矛盾的有效途径。

Fig.1-47 Mould design apply Pro/E software 应用Pro/E软件进行模具设计

Fig.1-48 Mould machining apply Mastercam software 应用Mastercam软件进行模具加工

Fig.1-49 Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) 柔性制造系统
1—Printer 打印机;2—Server 服务器;3—CAD/CAM workstation CAD/CAM工作站;4—DNC software workstation 传输软件工作站;5—Multiport board 多接口板;6—CNC machine center 数控加工中心;7—Milling machine 铣床;8—Electric discharge machine 电加工机床;9—Wire cutting machine 线切割机床

Fig.1-50 Computer intergrated manufacturing system (CIMS) 计算机集成制造系统
1—Factory 工厂;2—Workshop 车间;3—Manufacturing machine 加工设备
(3)Surface Engineering Technology for Mould 模具表面工程技术
Mould material is the basis of die and mould industry.The continuous development of mould forming technology has put increasingly high demand for mould materials.And the specialization and industrialization of mould manufacturing and processing require that the cost of mould material and processing be reduced as much as possible.For years, thanks to the constant efforts of the engineering, technical and scientific research personnel, a series of new mould materials have been researched and developed, and the original heat treatment process of the die steel was improved and optimized.However, in many cases, it is still difficult to meet the requirements for die of high performance and low costs.Surface engineering technology is a comparatively active and quickly developing branch in the fields of materials science and engineering.Their application in the field of mould processing and manufacturing has to a great extent made up the deficiency in mould materials. 模具材料是模具工业的基础。模具成形加工技术的不断发展,对模具材料提出的要求越来越高。而模具制造加工的专业化与产业化又要求尽量地降低模具材料及其加工的费用。尽管多年来,由于工程技术人员和科研人员的不断努力,研制开发了系列新型模具材料,并对原有模具钢的热处理工艺进行了改进与优化,但在许多场合,仍难以满足模具的高性能、低成本的要求。表面工程技术是当前材料学科与工程领域中表现较为活跃、发展较为迅速的分支。表面工程技术在模具加工与制造领域中的应用,在很大程度上弥补了模具材料的不足。
There are extensive applications of the surface engineering technologies to mould processing and manufacturing.These do not just include the traditional surface quenching technology (such as induction hardening, flame hardening, etc.), thermal expansion-infiltration technology (such as carburizing, nitriding, carbonitriding, metallic infiltration, etc.), surface welding technology and hard chromium plating technology, but also include technologies that have been developed rapidly in the recent 20 years such as the laser surface strengthening technology, physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor deposition (CVD), ion implantation technology and thermal spraying technology, brush plating technology and chemical plating technology, etc.Moreover, the traditional surface engineering technologies are being developed and perfected.For instance, the thermal expansion-infiltration technology is developing from the infiltration of a single element to that of multiple elements.The emergence and perfection of the metallic infiltration with molten salt method provides a cheap and high quality process of mould surface strengthening.The traditional electroplating technology has developed to the composite plating process,not only the highly hard cermet can be coated by electroplating, self-lubricating coating is also possible to be electroplated, which, when plated on the surface of the mould cavity, can greatly improve the performance of demoulding on the mould. 可应用于模具加工与制造的表面工程技术非常广泛,不仅包括传统的表面淬火技术(如感应淬火、火焰淬火等)、热扩渗技术(如渗碳、渗氮、碳氮共渗、渗金属等)、堆焊技术和电镀硬铬技术外,还有近20年来迅速发展起来的激光表面强化技术、物理气相沉积技术(PVD)、化学气相沉积技术(CVD)、离子注入技术、热喷涂技术、电刷镀技术和化学镀技术等。而且,传统的表面工程技术也在不断完善与发展之中。如热扩渗技术正由渗单一元素向多元共渗的方向发展,而熔盐渗金属法的出现与完善,为模具表面强化提供了廉价而优质的工艺途径。又如,传统的电镀技术已发展到复合电镀工艺,不仅可以完成高硬度的金属陶瓷涂层的电镀,而且可以电镀自润滑涂层,将其镀于模具内腔表面,可大大改善模具的脱模性能。

Fig.1-51 Wire gas flame spraying method 线材气体火焰喷涂法
1—Base material 基材;2—Coating 涂层;3—Spray stream tube 喷涂流束;4—Burning material 燃烧材料;5—Burning gas 燃烧气体;6—Wire rod or bar 线材或棒材;7—Oxygen 氧气;8—Fuel gas 燃料气;9—Pulverization gas 雾化气

Fig.1-52 Arc spraying method 电弧喷涂法
1—Compressed air for pulverization 雾化用压缩空气;2—Wire rod 线材;3—Electric arc area 电弧区;4—Liquation particle 熔融粒子;5—Coating 涂层;6—Base material 基材

Fig.1-53 Coarse vacuum plasma spraying equipment 低真空等离子喷涂装置
1—Vacuum pump 真空泵;2—Cooling water 冷却水;3—Sample 试样;4—Pressure gauge 压力表;5—Air inflow(Ar or N2) 进气(氩气或氮气);6—Feeding device 送料装置;7—Control box 控制箱

Fig.1-54 Spraying equipment with gas blast 气体爆炸喷涂装置
1—Spark plug 火花塞;2—Powder 粉末;3—Nitrogen 氮气;4—Acetylene 乙炔;5—Oxygen 氧气;6—Base material 基材

Fig.1-55 Supersonic (diamond) spraying equipment 超音速 (钻石) 喷涂装置
1—Powder and current-carrying N2 gas 粉末和载流N2气;2,3—Compressed air 压缩空气;4—Aerosphere 大气层;5—Dia-mond squirt flow(1372m/s) 钻石喷射流(1372m/s);6—Pulv-erization squirt flow 雾化喷射流;7—Base material 基材;8—Coating 涂层;9—Diamond flow 钻石流;10—Liquation powder particle 熔融粉末颗粒;11—Maximum temperature 5000℉ of liquation flow 熔流最高温度5000℉

Fig.1-56 Laser ceramics evaporation 激光陶瓷蒸镀
1,7—Heater 加热器;2—ZaSc light harvesting lens ZaSc集光透镜;3—Speculum 反射镜;4—Laser beam 激光束;5—CO2 laser gene-rator CO2激光发生器;6—Window 窗口;8—Matrix 基体;9—Ceramic 陶瓷