This book is mainly based on my dissertation research about the intercultural relations within the East—West Center Community in Honolulu, the U.S.A.It would not be possible without the gracious support from Shanghai International Studies University, the Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Communication and Information Sciences(CIS)at the University of Hawaii, and, most of all, the East-West Center.
My mentors in China, Prof.Steve Kulich, Prof.Zhang Hongling, and in Hawaii, Prof.Dan Suthers, guided me throughthis exciting academic journey, nourished me with their intellectual richness, open-mindedness, patience, and intercultural understanding.
I am deeply indebted to every member on my dissertation committee.My thanks go to Prof.Bhawuk for the long hours meetings Each time his insightful questions, comments, and suggestions helped mold the paper into a better shape. My thanks also go to Prof.Gazan for broadening my perspectives with an interdisciplinary vision.Thanks to Prof.Kim for guiding and keeping me on the right track of inquiry.Thanks to Prof.Robertson for the resourcefulness and expertise shared with me.Thanks to Prof.Tokuno for the careful reading and editing given to each draft.And most of all, I would like to thank again Dr.Dan for spending many hours walking me through the problems, discussing specific issues, and revising the drafts.
Special thanks to Dr.Bryan Semaan, who spent hours preparing me for conducting field interviews and shared with me his years of research experience and offered professional advice.Special thanks to Prof.Gary Fontaine, Prof.Tom Kelleher, and Prof.Jennifer Winter, for their constant encouragement and support. Special thanks to my CIS cohorts, who are wonderful companions along the way. Special thanks to Prof.Dan Landis, Prof.Myron Lustig and Prof.Jolene Koester who have prepared me for this j ourney in many ways and continue to be inspiration and role models to me.
I would also like to thank the students and faculty at the Eas-t West Center as well.They let me see the meaning of my research as they showed me how to live by the vision of creating a diverse and loving world—a real spirit of Aloha.Many of them have become close friends of mine and keep in touch with me since graduation.
There are so many people who have helped me graciously on the way that I would not be able to name everyone.So to all:Mahalo nui loa!
Finally, my family in China, especially my parents, and my ohana in Hawaii are the ones that I would like to express my greatest gratitude to.They have always been there, taking in my laughter and tears with hugs not j udgement.Their ongoing support and belief in me made the biggest difference in the dark days.