1.1 Key Concepts
The two key concepts cognitive contextual equivalence and conceptual integration need to be defined since they are used as the working terms.
1.1.1 Cognitive Contextual Equivalence(CCE)
“Cognitive context” refers to the context in cognition in which a set of parameters can trigger or guide the readers' or recipients' cognitive thinking processes of making semantic perception,discrimination,judgment,inference, processing,and synthesization,etc. “Cognitive context” reflects all kinds of real or imaginary situational context of social or historical culture,which is composed of a variety of knowledge schemata or experience schemata. Such schemata share common features and can be relied on by readers or recipients to do cognitive thinking. “Cognitive contextual equivalence” refers to the interrelationship between different conceptual forms and equal semantic content in cognitive processing and choosing conceptual meaning under the common experience of translation activity.
1.1.2 Conceptual Integration
Conceptual integration,conceptual blending and blending are terms invented and explained by Fauconnier referring to the same thing. He regards conceptual blending as a general cognitive operation on a par with analogy, recursion,mental modeling,conceptual categorization and framing. Blending is dynamic,supple,and active in the midst of thinking. It yields products that frequently become entrenched in conceptual structure and grammar,and it often performs new work on its previously entrenched products as inputs. Blending is easy to detect in spectacular cases but it is for the most part a routine,workaday process that escapes detection except on technical analysis.(Fauconnier,1998:133)
In this research,the translating process is regarded as two processes of conceptual integration,with the former integration referring to the period of understanding of the source text and the second integration referring to the period of expressing of the target version. The two processes are also considered as the processes of conceptualization and meaning generation. Since emergent structure will be produced during the processes of mapping, projecting and integrating,novel meaning will also be produced in the process of translating.