Who is XuanYuan?——Ignorance Is Not Bliss But the Enemy of the Good注4
注4 In Plato's Form of the Good, the Good exists outside space and time but in KQID, the Good exists in 3-D time in time ψ().
XuanYuan is our Glorious and Remarkable Ancestor, our cultural HERO, the Father of Chinese culture and civilization, and the Founder of modern China as the symbol of our great culture-state China and the symbol of one united Chinese people since 1XY; XuanYuan thought is the source and origin of Chinese hundreds of schools of thought, as well as all myriad thoughts of billions of Chinese in the world for about 5,000 years.
FIRST LEADER of mankind who specifies a well - defined and welldeveloped state governance of culture - state government, the Dao of governance. The Four Canons, 25 states:
In governing a state, the ideal situation is one in which the ruler does not have to resort to punishment; the next best is one in which the rule of law is a must and is already installed; and not so ideal is for one to achieve order through disputes and fights; if a ruler fails to bring about order by any means, that is the worst situation. In the ideal situation, the ruler only needs to maintain an originally harmonious social order based on prevailing moral justice; in the next best situation, the ruler aims at distinguishing right from wrong behaviors and punishing the wrong and promoting the right. If the ruler is largely occupied with the task of suppressing social turmoil, it is definitely not good government.
HE establishes good governance that hands down appropriate punishments to the“flies”and“tigers” and rewards to merited persons from the lowest to the highest positions. He says in The Four Canons, 4, “Fairness in giving rewards as not to neglect the humblest and earnestness in enforcing punishment as not to let whoever deserves get away. ”
HE practices meritocratic employment strategy by employing the best possible government to serve the people. The meritocratic government means the ablest rules. XuanYuan is against cronyism. He cherishes the people and judges them based on their merits by employing“all able persons from far and near. ” Therefore, we have to impose the two -term limit and age limit to top leaders, ban life term without limit for any position and forbid top leaders' children to succeed them by law to avoid Da Yu's historical mistake in which he was succeeded by his own son that led to feudalism in China.
HE articulates the rule of Dao, rule of a ruling Party, rule of the people, rule of Laws and rule of the Five Mandates. The rule of Dao is the rule of Giving first Taking later in which the core tenet of governing is“loving the people”to help each Tianming Ren to realize his/her dreams and aspirations. He decrees in The Four Canons, 3:
Cherishing the people is a manifestation of Heavenly virtue and the guarantee for the accomplishment of anything... Decrees will be complied with when they are in line with people's wishes, and popular support for the leader comes with his selfless and equal love for all.
HE decrees to establish state law and order, all must obey the rule of Dao:
A state without law and order would be out of joint; Taking without giving will lead to its own extinction; Do not steal openly; Nor secretly; Whoever steals openly will be disgraced by Heaven; Whoever steals secretly will lay waste to the land; Theft in broad daylight will lead to disaster; Theft in dark to famine; Do not take advantage of one's position to serve one's own interests; Abuse of power leads to loss of support from the people; Whoever abuses power will be exiled by the people; Do not form factions, for factionalism leads to chaos, and whoever forms factions will suffer troubles from both inside and outside.
HE promulgates that men and women are born equal and they“complement each other and give birth to new forms. ” Moreover, he praises female(yin)attitude. He says, “In a word, the Yin attitude is a propitious one as it accumulates merits. ”
For example, Leizu, his wife, discovered silk and invented both silk farming and silk loom method. She is the founder of Chinese silk civilization that has been the envy of the world. Chinese silk was exported to the known world. Julius Caesar's Roman aristocrat ladies were known to wear this lustrous fabric.
HE cultivates his own mind and practices self-control for three years in the Mount Bowang before he embarks on restoring peace and prosperity for all tribes. His minister and teacher Yan Ran advices him:
Start with improving yourself. Then you govern people with fair and just laws. When the way you conduct yourself is consistent with the way you treat others, you will end with success.
FIRST SCIENTIST who applies XuanYuan-Popper's falsification method that the theory is true only if it“works everywhere”and it“never fails anywhere. ” He adheres to Deng's Seeking Truth from Facts: “What is true or false can be judged by facts. ”
He observes and calculates the movement of the Heaven and establishes XuanYuan Calendar to improve people's livelihood. He invents Fu Xi's digital Bagua from words into digital symbols(☰ ☱ ☲ ☳ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷),and thus develops the bit Bagua form we know today. XuanYuan has developed a sophisticated scientific creation and distribution story of Existence from Dao.
FIRST COMPREHENSIVE PHYSICIAN who cures people's sickness with great compassion and mercy. He establishes scientific medicine of his time to improve people's health and extend their wellbeing and life expectancy to over 100 years. He teaches people to follow yin and yang, so that people will live a long life without illness.
He teaches people to practice preventive medicine and proactively avoid illness by invigorating their immune systems to fight any potential illness:
Hence, the sages did not treat those already ill, but treated those not yet ill, they did not put in order what was already in disorder, but put in order what was not yet in disorder…Now, when drugs are employed for therapy only after a disease has become fully developed, when [attempts at] restoring order are initiated only after disorder has fully developed, this is as if a well were dug when one is thirsty... Would this not be too late, too?
FIRST ENVIRONMENTALIST who cherishes the Earth. Having received the Heavenly mandate as the core leader of all tribes, he proclaims to all that he is ruling culture-state China by“Revering the Heaven, cherishing the Earth, and holding the people dear”to help each to pursue his/her goals in life. He harmonizes Heaven, Earth and man. One cannot harm the Earth without harming the Heaven and man. He warns, “Do not overuse the land”;“Overuse of land [leads] to its wasting away”;“Whoever overuses the land will be punished by natural calamities. ”
Therefore, we must put the value and price on our environment as the important part/cost of any Scientific Outlook on Development. The Four Canons, 25 states:
Building too many palaces is not tolerated by Heaven, as most of them will not be inhabited, or, if ever, not for long. It is not allowed... to damage the natural environment by large-scale construction work; nor to lay waste forests by abusive logging; nor to drastically change the topography of a region except for channelizing huge floods.
FIRST HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYER for Mankind who preaches and practices“loving the people”and“putting people first”principles. There are three reasons:
Firstly, as stated above in his mission of life, he advances that man has the unalienable right to pursue his/her own personal goal in life more than 4, 000 years before the great human rights lawyer Thomas Jefferson who famously wrote the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. XuanYuan loves people. He upholds the sacred life and liberty of man. He declares and enacts his mission statement of XuanYuan Da Tong in 1XY,
From the Heaven I have received the mandate... On the Earth I have gained a footing, and from the people I have won endorsement... Revering the Heaven, cherishing the Earth, and holding the people dear, I help the disorientated find the right direction for their lives... I help the well orientated carry on their lifelong missions... and I love them and make them prosper.
Secondly, having received the Mandate of Heaven, XuanYuan issues to mankind the Mandate of Heaven decree, the world's first written superconstitution that authorizes anyone to remove or/and kill any tyrant. For example, The Four Canons, 14 tells the story of how our hero XuanYuan captured and killed Chi You in person, and it states in details how XuanYuan and his people treated Chi You to give an example to the future generations:
People flay his skin and make it into targets for arrow shooting training. Prizes are rewarded to high scores winners. They cut his hair, attach it to a flagstaff and call the mock flag“Chi You flag. ”They stuff his stomach with hair to make it into a football and those who can kick it into a target pit for more times are rewarded. They chop up his flesh and bones, mix the mince with maror and invite people from all directions to suck it.
HE further warns mankind to abide by his Mandate of Heaven, “I hope you will all abide by the principle of justice I have pursued and never abandon the law I have followed so as to set an example for later generations. ” The Four Canons, 14 further states:
Do not violate the regulations I made public; do not dump the meat paste I gave you; do not play havoc with the people I cherish; do not block the Heavenly way I follow. If anybody does what is prohibited, or wastes food, or creates havoc, or goes against the way of Heaven, that is, if he runs counter to justice or to the cycle of seasons, if he deliberately does what he knows is wrong, what he knows is not proper, what only satisfies his own desires but is against the law, if he stubbornly insists on having his own way and wages a war without a mandate from Heaven, then he should be treated as another Chi You.
HE punishes tyrants everywhere who don't have the right to rule even if they are legally elected or appointed. Rulers' rights to rule are CONDITIONAL upon their just rule that brings Humanity and Justice to all to enable every citizen to be willing and able to pursue his/her dreams and aspirations, and each has free education, free health care and free material wealth in peace. Meanwhile, any tyrant must not be able to run and hide anywhere, and eventually he/she must be captured and prosecuted according to a fair and just due process of law of humanity. XuanYuan has warned to all brutal tyrants, “... the people detest brutality... the brutal, executed by the people. ” For example, Hitler, Mussolini, Tōjō and Zhou, the last king of the Shang dynasty were removed and killed by the people: both Hitler and Zhou were forced to commit suicide by the people. Hitler was killed by his pistol and Zhou was burned to death by fire, whereas Mussolini and Tōjō were executed by the people-Mussolini was shot and his corpse was hung upside down, and Tōjō was convicted of war crimes and executed by hanging.
The principle of Justice to all under Heaven(tianxia): XuanYuan Mandate of Heaven governs all under Heaven under its legal jurisdiction. His illustrious descendant King Wu and his brother Duke of Zhou followed XuanYuan footstep and forced Zhou of Shang to commit suicide by burning his families, Court officials and himself by fire, and thus established Zhou dynasty. Duke of Zhou justified Zhou's rebellion against the tyrant Zhou of Shang, the last bandit, by citing examples from history to explain why earlier founder King Tang of Shang Dynasty killed bandit Jie, last king of Xia Dynasty and all his families, “The way of Jie... . he employed were cruel men; and he left no successor. ”
For that similar reason he replaced Shang with Zhou Dynasty. He explained to all under the Heaven,
Oh! When the throne came to Zhou(of Shang),his character was all violence. He preferred men of severity, and who deemed cruelty a virtue, to share with him in the government of his states; and at the same time, the host of his associates, men who counted idleness a virtue, shared the offices of his court. God then sovereignly punished him...
Justice is for all and all under Heaven, if not Justice is not fulfilled. XuanYuan Mandate of Heaven is a universal mandate to people of all races from all cultures, and hence to all mankind. He not only authorizes every citizen of any culture - state to overthrow his/her ruling regime against humanity in his/her country, but he also authorizes the use of force by a ruling regime of one culturestate against another to uphold“Heavenly Justice”and“take necessary actions to punish”this evil regime that committed crimes against Humanity like Hitler's Nazi did, “to fulfill Heaven's will”and help the oppressed and enslaved people to end their own illegal regime to establish a new virtuous government by a fair and legitimate mean. This Mandate of Heaven is extra - territorial in its nature amazingly according to our existing International Law and Custom as stated in the United Nations Charter and other international treaties. The great and remarkable XuanYuan in The Four Canons, 11 sternly issues his decree to all mankind,
If somebody or some ruler of another state commits crimes against Heavenly justice, he will take necessary actions to punish him so as to fulfill Heaven's will, never flinching nor passing the buck. If the time is right, he will seize the chance and make a prompt decision with no hesitation. But if the chance is missed, people will suffer from more troubles.
HE sanctions the above punitive war against any evil regime. This punitive action is legitimate only and only for“Heavenly Justice”to end extreme human right abuses according to Mengzi's Renqing that no ordinary human could stand idly by seeing children being thrown down into a well:“If one wages punitive wars against evil forces, it must be in compliance with the Heavenly principle of justice. ” If this humanitarian intervention is used primarily as a pretext for territorial expansion, this aggressive regime shall be“expelled by the Earth”because the“Earth detests aggressive expansion, ”
and those“who covet other states' territory and exploit their resources would be punished by Heaven sooner or later. ”
Thirdly, HE persuades mankind to follow the inclusive rule of Dao, which is inclusive and tolerant to all unique thoughts and cultures. XuanYuan Dao is NOT exclusivity but Zhong Yong's harmonious unity in diversity, and an inclusive cultural identity by its maker, XuanYuan, our“Glorious and Remarkable Ancestor. ” Dao, not man, is the measure of all things,
and Dao rules over all things. He forbids a vicious leader“indulging in fighting and killing; persecuting the virtuous;indulging one's own wishes in disregard of the law. ”
However, he approves a virtuous leader“motivated solely by public interest”in mind
who learns, follows and is“in step with”the Dao,
because if not, he/she will confuse“between right and wrong. ”He defines rule of Dao in The Canons, 8 and 26:
If one goes too far, going further than what is appropriate as judged by the Dao, he will suffer defeat. If he goes not far enough, not up to the standard as set by the Dao, he will not accomplish anything. Only when he is in step with the Dao, will he be able to reach his goal... Running counter to the Dao of Heaven means deserting the guiding principle for the state. Without the guiding principle, there will be confusion between right and wrong… [A] ll are born of It; without It, nothing can be accomplished. We humans live by It…we follow It. The Dao is consistent everywhere and all the way; so, if only one grasps Its quintessence, one can infer the whole from a single instance and redress all wrongs in the one right approach…Embrace the Dao and stick to the law derived from It, and all under heaven will be united into a harmonious one.
The rule of Dao civilization does not clash with another rule of Dao or rule of the Prophet of any God Civilization, because it is inclusive in its nature. The rule of Dao embraces all cultures and civilizations as one great family of human races in harmonious unity with diversity to compose musical tunes of ideas and beliefs. The rule of Dao is the rule of the best of all possible rules.
The rule of Dao integrates the great divide between humanities and science into a unified discipline with no more division between them. All knowledge must be based on verifiable XuanYuan-Deng seeking truth from facts that it is consistently true anywhere and it never fails anytime. All government policies, laws and stated goals must be verifiable, accountable and falsifiable whether they are correct or wrong as they are.
In China, all things are based on rule of Dao, rule of the Party, rule of the People, rule of Law and rule of Virtue. No man, king, ruler, organization or party is above Dao, and not even Dao is above itself. Dao has to obey its own rule of Dao. The rule of Dao is rule of the Five Mandates(Humanity, Justice, Yang Zhu's Six Freedoms, Unity of Rights and Duties, and a Regulated but Free and Open Market Giving first and Taking later of Ideas, Goods and Services). Chinese rule of virtue is rule of Dao because“we human live by it, ”we can do nothing without it, and it is always“consistent and never fails, ”
whereas Western rule of virtue is rule of the Prophet, which sets a boundary to its rule of law. The Western rule of law is constrained and governed by its unspoken rule of the Prophet. In other words, the Western Liberal Democracy values are derived from rule of the Christian Prophet, which is why we don't hear too much about it because it will be politically and socially divisive and explosive. If it is openly stated in the decisions made by the courts that the courts' decisions derive from Christian values, these decisions of the courts would be disputed and disobeyed by non-Christians. As a result, according to Fuller,
the courts have to lie to the world and to themselves that their decisions are found only in the facts of the cases and in the laws they objectively find as they are. These white lies are kept by conspiracy of silence that has guarded this secret of positivism jurisprudence to unsuspected subjects.
Despite the deliberative acts of secularization of the Western Rule of Law derived from Rule of the Prophet by establishing the concept of the“separation of church and state”as advocated by Thomas Jefferson in 1802, the US officials are sworn on the Bible, the US Congress starts its sessions with a morning prayer, and the Birth of Christ known as Christmas and the Resurrection of Christ from the dead as Easter are celebrated with solemn national holidays, as well as Thanksgiving Day to give thanks to God, and Sunday is a day of rest as the Bible suggested. Even US Dollars are showing its rule of the Prophet origin: “In God We Trust. ”In contrast, for Renminbi(RMB),we should acknowledge our XuanYuan's culture - state origin: “In Dao We Trust. ”
Meanwhile, XuanYuan Jurisprudence relies openly upon rule of Dao that sets the boundary and the guiding principle for Chinese rule of law. The rule of Dao is the rule of the Five Mandates. In fact, any rule of law without being governed by rule of the Five Mandates is still arbitrary. Any rule of Law without its rule of the Five Mandates is rule of man. For example, Hitler was a man. He became the Prophet of Nazi, who imposed his values according to his wisdom. He was legitimately and democratically elected according to German laws, and his regime ruled the country according to German Rule of Law with the regime's Nazi's values that were against the Five Mandates cited above. Therefore, the rule of God has two major flaws:1)It can never be applied to those who neither believe in the prophet nor his God;2)The Rule of God relies upon His Prophet. Therefore, one can conclude that rule of law derived from rule of God has an incurable flaw on its foundation-it must still depend upon the Prophet who claimed himself as the voice of all Mighty. He has the monopoly in interpreting the God's laws. Therefore, this system of law is solely based on the belief alone in the Prophet's connection with his God/s that cannot be falsified. It is blasphemy to even try to falsify the veracity of the Prophet and his spoken words, writings or deeds. Throughout history, we have an uncountable number of Prophets with their uncountable God/s and their interpretations of their Gods' laws. Prophets are men. Thus any rule of any Prophet in the bottom is still a rule of man in another name. This foundation relies on the rule of man in the name of a Prophet. In other words, Western rule of law on its face is a genuine rule of law ideal and has actually brought about better lives and better justice to many. The Western rule of law has a well developed mechanism and procedural enforcement that we can learn from and selectively adapt the proper ones for our own use in our own realities. Despite its many merited features, it has an incurable defect in its very foundation. All prophets are humans. Even if the prophet is the incarnation of God in the human flesh, he still needs other prophets to interpret His words. Thus Western rule of law jurisprudence is still based upon the arbitrary rule of man in its bottom. All rule of laws based on a rule of man have incurable flaws in their foundation. They are bound to be corrupted by selfinterested men and their factions. These rule of laws are subjected to the ruling interest of the Prophet and his/her successive self - proclaimed holiness interpretation. In contrast, the rule of Dao is the Multiversal standard yardstick that can be verified and falsified by the unity of names and forms and by seeking truth from facts. We abandoned to measure length according to a prophet's foot. For example, the meter is defined as the distance travelled by light in the vacuum in 1/c seconds. Imagine if the meter and second are arbitrarily set by numerous prophets of various geographies and various ages. No modern wonders such as GPS, trains and airplanes would work properly, and international commerce would stop working. We conservatively expect that more than half of the world population or about 3.5 billion people will perish. We must seek truth from falsifiable facts, not from a man who claimed to be a prophet. A man is a man, no matter how holy he is. We must abandon arbitrary standards imposed by a prophet. We must derive our laws and values from the verifiable and falsifiable Dao, neither from a prophet nor a holy man. That is why our Remarkable cultural Hero XuanYuan mandates that Chinese Rule of Law must be put into the cage of Rule of Virtue(Five Mandates)from Dao, not from any man or any prophet no matter how holy he is. Chinese courts must interpret the facts and the laws following the Five Mandates, Guofa, and Renqing as Chinese Jurisprudence according to XuanYuan Rule of Dao that unifies names and forms as one to reward good and punish evil and to find truth from facts as they are. We must standardize the rule of law that humanity can agree upon as the falsifiable foundation. The Five Mandates of Dao must be that falsifiable standard yardsticks. From our human archaeological and written history of about 5,000 years, if any culture-state including China fails to follow Rule of Dao or Rule of Virtue or rule of Humanity, rule of Justice, rule of Six Freedoms, rule of the Unity of Rights and Duties, and/or rule of a Regulated but Free and Open Market Giving first and Taking later of Ideas, Goods and Services as the engine for wealth creation and distribution,
this country would not be able to escape from her historical cycle of violent changes, and eventually she would be either self-destructed by her own violent revolution or subjugated, or colonized by others.