第一章 总则
Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions
第一条 为了规范对外劳务合作,保障劳务人员的合法权益,促进对外劳务合作健康发展,制定本条例。
Article 1 These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of regulating overseas labor cooperation, protecting the lawful rights and interests of contract workers, and promoting the healthy development of overseas labor cooperation.
第二条 本条例所称对外劳务合作,是指组织劳务人员赴其他国家或者地区为国外的企业或者机构(以下统称国外雇主)工作的经营性活动。
Article 2 The term -overseas labor cooperation- in these Regulations means commercial activities which organize contract workers to work in other countries or regions for foreign enterprises or institutions(hereinafter collectively referred to as foreign employers).
Foreign enterprises, institutions or individuals shall not recruit contract workers within the territory of China to work abroad.
第三条 国家鼓励和支持依法开展对外劳务合作,提高对外劳务合作水平,维护劳务人员的合法权益。
Article 3 The State encourages and supports overseas labor cooperation developed in accordance with law, improves the quality of overseas labor cooperation, and safeguards the lawful rights and interests of contract workers.
The relevant departments of the State Council formulate and improve policies and measures to promote the development of overseas labor cooperation and establish and improve the systems of overseas labor cooperation service, and the mechanism for guarding against and coping with risks.
第四条 国务院商务主管部门负责全国的对外劳务合作监督管理工作。国务院外交、公安、人力资源社会保障、交通运输、住房城乡建设、渔业、工商行政管理等有关部门在各自职责范围内,负责对外劳务合作监督管理的相关工作。
Article 4 The competent commerce department of the State Council is responsible for the supervision and administration of overseas labor cooperation throughout the country. The departments of foreign affairs, public security, human resources and social security, transport, housing and urban-rural development, fishery, industry and commerce administration and other relevant departments of the State Council are responsible for the supervision and administration of the work related to overseas labor cooperation within their respective functions and duties.
Local people's governments at or above the county level conduct the unified leadership, organization and coordination in the supervision and administration of overseas labor cooperation within their respective administrative areas. The competent commerce departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for the supervision and administration of overseas labor cooperation within their respective administrative areas, and other relevant departments are responsible for the supervision and administration of the work related to overseas labor cooperation within their respective functions and duties.