子项目三 商务观光 Module III Business Sightseeing

1.口译技巧 Interpreting Skills
Directions: Do the following exercises and learn the interpreting strategy of active listening.

(1) How to analyze the basic structure of a sentence?
(2) Listen to a passage and answer the following questions.
1 Which discourse category does this passage fall into?
2 When did the author arrive in London?
3 What did the author do on his way to the hotel?
4 Why couldn't the author get something to eat in the restaurant? How did he solve the problem?
5 What did the author do after dinner?
积极听入(一):话语分析 Active Listening I: Discourse Analysis
接收与解码是口译过程的先导,它要求译员具备很强的积极听入的能力。译员如果听不懂或不能完整地听懂源语的意义,口译便无从谈起,因此,其重要性不言而喻。“积极听入”所涉及的两大技巧为“话语分析”(Discourse Analysis)与“积极预测”(Active Prediction)。本章我们先学习话语分析的技巧。
一、分析句子主干结构(Analyzing Sentence Structure)
(1) SVO结构分析法
分析句子主干可以依据“主语+谓语动词+宾语”的基本结构(SVO结构)。译员若能快速地听辨出句子中这三大核心成分,就能把握句子的主要信息。例如:The smart and hardworking Chinese people invented the technique of making and using soy sauce, vinegar, and spices some 3,000 years ago.在这句话中,Chinese people是主语,invented是谓语,technique是宾语。这样标准的SVO结构,非常有利于译员遵循句子中的词语顺序去进行听辨。
然而,并不是所有的句子都是以标准的“主、谓、宾”顺序出现的,如有些被动句、倒装句、省略句等。因此,译员不能总是只按照所听词语的顺序听辨句子并理解意义。在很多情况下,译员必须“由表及里”地概括句子的主干结构,用“经历者+事件”这样的方式分析句子的意义。例如:It gives me a great pleasure to be here to express my sincere thanks and heartfelt gratitude to all of my business partners here.此句中的“经历者”是me,经历的事情是a pleasure to express thanks。很多情景都能借助这一模式进行听辨和记忆。
二、听辨话语逻辑线索(Identifying Logic Clues)

三、分析话语类型(Analyzing Discourse Category)
1叙述言语体(Narrative Speech),如商务访谈中的叙述等。
2论证言语体(Argumentative Speech),如谈判中的话语等。
3介绍言语体(Expositive Speech),如产品介绍或参观游览介绍等。
4礼仪性演说体(Ceremonial Speech),如欢迎词、祝酒词等。
5 鼓动演说体(Evocative Speech),如市场营销话语等。
6 对话言语体(Interlocutory Speech),如会议会谈中的对话等。
2.词汇准备 Vocabular y Preparation
Directions: Read the following phrases. Keep them in mind and get ready for the field interpreting.Then try to find more to enrich your language bank.
1. appreciate the charms of natural landscape领略自然景观的魅力
2. autumn outing/fall excursion 秋游
3. famous mountains and great rivers 名川大山
4. five-star hotel 五星级饭店
5. have a bird's eye view of 鸟瞰
6. have a fine view of 博览美景
7. holiday resort 度假胜地
8. make a quick tour 走马观花地游览
9. national level scenic area 国家级风景名胜区
10. package tour 包价旅游;跟团旅游
11. pavilions, terraces, and towers 亭台楼阁
12. scenic spots and historic sites/places of scenic beauty and historical interests名胜古迹
13. south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 江南水乡
14. spring outing 春游
15. the town of cultural and historical relics 历史文化名城
16. theme park 主题公园
17. tourist attraction 旅游景点
18. travel agency/service 旅行社
3.热身练习 Warm-up Exercises
Directions: Read the sentences in Part 1 and translate them into English. Then listen to the sentences in Part 2 and interpret them into Chinese. You can take notes in the space provided while interpreting.

Part 1 C-E Translation
Part 2 E-C Interpretation

4.口译实战 Field Interpretation
Task 1 A Glimpse of Zhejiang Province
Directions: Sight interpret the following passage and evaluate the interpreter's performance within your group.
Zhejiang is located in the southern part of the Yangtze River Delta on the southeast coast of China. It is said that Zhejiang has 70%hills, 10%water, and 20%plains.
It has a long history and brilliant culture, with charming natural scenery, places of historical and cultural interests, and many other tourist attractions. It has been named“the land of fish and rice and the place of silk and tea.”True to its name, Zhejiang's rice production enjoys national recognition and it has the largest fishery in the country, namely Zhoushan fishery. Longjing tea, also called dragon well tea, is one of the most prestigious Chinese tea. Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang, is also renowned for its silk umbrellas and hand fans. Zhejiang cuisine is one of the eight greatest traditions of Chinese cuisine.
Zhejiang has a rich variety of operas. Local operas such as the Yue, Kun, Shao, and Wu Opera are thriving. Among them, the Yue Opera has ascended to a distinct position and become one of the major forms of Chinese opera.
The West Lake in Hangzhou is not only famous for its picturesque landscape, but for many scholars and national heroes in the long course of history. Hengdian town of Jinhua, a city in southern part of Zhejiang, is the largest base of shooting films and TV dramas in China, therefore it is called“China's Hollywood.”
Task 2 At a Department Store
Directions: Listen to the recording of Task 2. Take some notes in the space provided when necessary and interpret during the pauses with the aid of your notes.


5.拓展练习 Supplementar y Practices
Part 1 Sentence Consolidation
Directions: Listen to the recording and interpret the sentences into Chinese or English during the pauses. You can take notes in the space provided while interpreting.


Part 2 Skill Enhancement
Task 1 School Visiting
Directions: Listen to the recording and interpret it into English with the aid of your notes. Then evaluate the interpreter's performance within your group.


Scenario Description: A four-people delegation from Canada Royal Road University is visiting Jinhua Polytechnic. Ms. Chen, on behalf of the school, is receiving them at the school gate. She is about to guide them around the campus, introducing the buildings, facilities, as well as the campus sceneries.

Task 2 Company Visiting
Directions: Listen to the recording and interpret it into Chinese with the aid of your notes. Then evaluate the interpreter's performance within your group.


6.知识拓展 Knowledge Development
Directions: Do the following exercises and learn the cross-cultural knowledge in interpreting and try to build up your intercultural awareness and communication ability.
(1) Could you illustrate the differences in daily expressions for communication between Chinese and English?
(2) What are the factors leading to the cultural differences between China and the West?
(3) Could you find more examples to reveal the cultural differences in colors, numbers, and animals between China and the West?
口译中的跨文化意识 Cross-cultural Awareness in Interpreting

1 中国人见面打招呼常说:“干什么去?”或“到哪儿去?”这只是一种表达关心的问候方式。如果直译,就很难让英美国家的人理解和接受。可译为“How are you? ”或“What's up? ”之类的问候语。
2 面对夸奖时,中国人为了表示谦虚会说:“不行不行,还差得远呢。”译员将这种自谦简单地转译为“Thank you.”就可以了。
3 当外方表示感谢时,中方经常回答:“这是我们应该做的。”如果直译会让对方误解为“你是因为工作原因而非真正愿意为我们做这些事情”,因此译为“With pleasure.”比较恰当。
5 当中方人员在机场迎接外宾时会说:“欢迎欢迎,一路辛苦了。”这句话直译为“Welcome. You must be tired all the way.”是不合适的。按照英美国家人的思维和表达习惯,它可以转述为“You've had a long trip.”或“Did you have a long flight? ”
6“区区薄礼,不成敬意。”这句话是为了表示礼貌的客套话,事实上礼品不一定是“薄礼”。如果直译会让英美国家的人感到很不解,甚至觉得说话者是在炫耀。可以按照他们的思维习惯转述为“This is a gift for you. Hope you like it.”
7 面对一桌丰盛的菜肴,主人会说:“几个小菜,随便吃点。菜不好,请多包涵。”如果直译会让外宾无法理解。可以根据场合处理为“Enjoy yourself.”或“Hope you have enjoyed yourself.”
英国是一个岛国,航海业一度领先世界,因此有许多跟船和海有关的习语;而中国的自然地理环境相对封闭,传统农耕文化发达,因此有不少跟土地、农业有关的短语。例如,“挥金如土”可译成“spend money like water”。
1 根据文化概念,选择对应的表达方式,可采用意译、直译加意译、直译加解释性翻译等方法。
2 充分理解上下文,在具体语境中,从整体上把握原文的含义,切忌生硬地字对字翻译。
3 根据听众的需要,从听众的文化背景、层次以及理解能力等出发进行翻译。