This book would not have been possible without the contributions of many delightful people from many different parts of the world. Since commencing this project, I have met many individuals who have added important dimensions to my understanding of life, many of whom I remain in close contact with today. While there are too many to mention here, I thank all of you for your kindness.
The crew and I thank World Famous Pike Place Fish owner Johnny Yokoyama and bizFUTURES consultant Jim Bergquist for the opportunity to share these stories and guiding principles with the world.
This book really would not have been possible without the entire staff at Berrett-Koehler Publishing. They have been an utter pleasure to work with. I owe special thanks to Publisher Steve Piersanti for having faith in my abilities as an author, for teaching me about the world of publishing, and for creative inspiration. I am particularly indebted to Managing Editor Jeevan Sivasubramaniam for taking a risk, for all of his mentoring, and for becoming a great friend along the way.
A special thanks is in order for the many fantastic reviewers who shaped this work. I owe debts of gratitude to Tiffiny Aasen, Russell Ackoff, Gary Anderson, Sandy Chase, Cheryl Crother (my mom), Mike Crowley, Marcia Daszko, Amie Devero, Kathleen Epperson, Theresa Frappia, Jennee La Lanne, Chris Lee, Carol P. McCoy, Connie McNoble, Beverly Murray-Scherf, Sarah Pahlow, Jade Stone, Mavis Wilson, and Don Yates. For their assistance with endorsements, I wish to thank Graham Gawne, Michael Kennedy, Nancy Kent, Lois Mitchell, and Ron Trego. I thank Bill Bellows for my first opportunity to introduce the book to the public. For his creative nature, and for taking most of the photographs found throughout the book, I am most grateful to and thank my dad, Larry Crother.
I also wish to express my deepest appreciation to the students of the Industrial Technology Department at California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo for their excitement about this adventure, as well as my colleagues Fred Abitia, Larry Gay, Rod Hoadley, Roger Keep, Dave Kimble, Lezlie Labhard, Al Lipper, Tony Randazzo, Lee Sneller, and Jeannie Souza. Your encouragement has been invaluable, and you have kept my spirit smiling.