First off we want to thank our excellent author’s representative, Andrea Pedolsky of the Altair Literary Agency. Andrea has been working with us for many years now, originally as our editor before ascending to agentry. She’s been a steady influence on our writing career—the sensible left-brain counterweight to our right-brain playfulness. Half of the things she does, we say, “Why didn’t we think of that?” The other half, we wonder how she did it.
Harvey wants to thank all the teams he has ministered to at client sites in his 20 years as a teams trainer—at Honeywell, 3M, Toro Co., IDS, International Multifoods, the U.S. Treasury Department, Southern Companies, and elsewhere. The people he worked with are the heroes of this book, the team pioneers who taught us so much with the hard lessons they had to learn.
Mike wants to acknowledge the Masters Forum, the Twin Cities executive education program with which he has collaborated for the past decade, reporting on the trends and ideas bubbling up in the business realm. Much of the wisdom in this book consists of the parboiled and reconstituted thoughts of these fine teachers.
We also must thank Steven Piersanti, Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, and the rest of the team at Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Berrett-Koehler is something else, a publisher that still loves publishing. Better yet, it’s a business publisher that gives a damn about the people side of business. Lucky us.
Harvey Robbins
Mike Finley
June 2000