Praise for The Great Turning
“The Great Turning sets forth a compelling, devastating, and ultimately profoundly hopeful story that provides a framework for the new, unifying political conversation our nation so desperately needs. A must-read for every person of conscience.”
—Van Jones, Executive Director, The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
“What a gift David Korten has given us with this prophetic book! In this well-written and thorough story of the crises of late Modernity, Korten gives us a beautifully reasoned, carefully researched look at why we absolutely have to turn away from imperial power and wealth and, instead, create an Earth Community. This is a must-read for activists, for lovers of contemporary American studies, and for Cultural Creatives.”
—Paul H. Ray, coauthor of The Cultural Creatives
“Employing history, psychology, economics, spirituality, and common sense, Korten not only critiques the dilemma we are in as a species, he also shows us doable and workable ways out of our morass. He has created a tour de force—a call to compassion as much as a blueprint for survival. This book is a kind of Bible to the 21st century, a revelation of where we might travel if we have the moral imagination and the courage to choose and act wisely.”
—Matthew Fox, educator and theologian, author of Original Blessing and A New Reformation
“If you read only one book on how to address the looming ecological and social crises facing humanity, make it this one! Korten fearlessly grapples with ‘the big picture’ and goes beyond merely diagnosing the problem (which he does with great precision), as he outlines a positive and realistic plan for actually creating a just and sustainable global society.”
—David Cobb, 2004 Green Party United States Presidential Candidate
“Korten has done it again—created a masterpiece of big thinking to help us find our way in this death-or-life historical moment. With fascinating analogies, intriguing stories, and eloquent analysis, Korten engages and emboldens us to believe that we can trust and cultivate the best in ourselves and, despite the lateness of the hour, choose life.”
—Frances Moore Lappé, author of Hope’s Edge and Democracy’s Edge
“In a moment when the political discourse is obsessed with immediacy, Korten calls us to pause and reflect upon what it means to be fully human. As one reads this rigorous book, one is moved by its sacredness. The spiritual reflection with deep political and economic implications demands we move with grace and dignity into the new space of equity, dignity, and, above all, abiding love. In the end, may we all be turned.”
—Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, author of Urbansouls
“This is the book that needed to be written. Weaving together culture patterns, politics, economics, and history, Korten demonstrates how U.S. history is NOT the democratic model that all politicians and pundits ‘recall.’ It is, in actuality, a legacy of imperial power and control. The time has come for a change… we need to move on and empower a different kind of story!”
—Georgia Kelly, Founder and Director, Praxis Peace Institute
“A must-read for everyone who yearns to create a positive human future. In When Corporations Rule the World Korten called attention to the corruption of corporate-led economic globalization and helped to launch a powerful global resistance movement. In The Great Turning he tells us that the scourge of economic globalization is but a contemporary manifestation of 5,000 years of rule by imperial elites. It is a wise, profound, and practical book filled with fresh insights and is destined to be even more influential than Korten’s previous contributions.”
—Anita Roddick, Founder, The Body Shop
“The Great Turning is smooth, brilliantly researched, and gripping. Korten has constructed a story of hope and insight. Alert the Democrats! Here is a blueprint for a vision they are born to promote to the world. The ending inspires poetically. Things aren’t hopeless, the world is truly turning and all we need do is push ourselves along together.”
—Dal LaMagna, Founder and former CEO, Tweezerman
“The Great Turning is a profound and inspiring masterpiece that illuminates the cultural, social, and political significance of the contrasting worldviews of the classic materialistic-mechanistic Newtonian physics and modern holistic-quantum physics. Korten eloquently points to the necessity of abandoning the dominating power-oriented plutocracy of Empire in favor of a life-enhancing, continuously diversifying, cooperatively integrated Earth.”
—Professor Hans-Peter Duerr, PhD, former Director, Max-Planck-Institute for Physics, Munich; Winner, Alternative Nobel Prize, 1987
“With the majesty of a George Lucas movie, Korten’s epic tale, which pits Earth Community against Empire, weaves together the great social movements of our time. It inspires us at this crucial point in history to fulfill our destiny as thinking, acting, and loving human beings.”
—Judy Wicks, Proprietress, White Dog Cafe and Co-Chair, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE)
“THIS is the book we have been waiting for! It provides the context and stories that have been missing, leaving us with piecemeal analyses and solutions. The framework of the 5,000-year history of the Empire is a powerful eye-opener about the deliberateness of enslavement and oppression.”
—Jan Roberts, Director, Earth Charter USA Communities Initiatives
“This is a hugely important book, and hugely impressive! I imagine it reaching far beyond Korten’s existing readership.”
—Raffi Cavoukian, singer, author, ecology advocate, and Founder, Child Honoring
“David Korten is a militant for Life, Earth, and Community. This groundbreaking book provides the holistic overview of a 21st century revolution and evolution that can inspire the ordinary citizen to act and transform the activist into a long-distance runner.”
—Grace Lee Boggs, coauthor of Revolution and Evolution in the 20th Century
“Throw away the technological fixes of Thomas Friedman and Jeffrey Sachs and enter Korten’s world where communities organize to secure their rights and build a better world. I know of no writer who better embraces the wisdom of such a broad spectrum of thinkers to create new understanding, new possibilities, new inspiration, new hope.”
—John Cavanagh, Director, Institute for Policy Studies; Board Chair, International Forum on Globalization
“This is indeed a spectacular book. The Great Turning supports our most open-hearted evolutionary process.”
—Bill Kauth, Co-Founder, The ManKind Project, and author of A Circle of Men
“Brilliant. Challenging. Inspiring. Practical. Spiritual. Intelligent. Once again David Korten challenges us with his keen analysis and elegant wisdom—a clear call for sustainable social transformation and a timely invitation to live a different story. Korten gives us exactly what we need in order to address our current paralysis and fear. Read this book and be inspired to make a difference.”
—The Very Reverend Bill Phipps, former Moderator, United Church of Canada
“Inspired by a compelling spiritual and ethical vision, The Great Turning argues persuasively that the 21st century presents humanity with a unique opportunity to break with its violent past and to create a just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful future. In this major work, David Korten skillfully combines ecological, economic, social, psychological, and cultural analysis in order to issue a powerful summons to local communities and the emerging global civil society to lead the way.”
—Steven C. Rockefeller, Co-Chair, Earth Charter International Steering
“David Korten has done it again!! Through careful and painstaking historical analysis, personal reflection, and myth-busting, The Great Turning challenges U.S. citizens to a new level of awareness of what has been and what can be. A must read!”
—Tanya Dawkins, Founder/Director, Global-Local Links Project
“David Korten’s ideas are tools, like picks and shovels, that help us dig under the surface of our pessimism and fear of change. What we find is a deep core of hope for the Earth as Beloved Community and the ability to embrace the individual and collective kuleana (Hawaiian for ‘responsibility’) for our choices and their consequences.”
—Puanani Burgess, Hawaiian storyteller and poet
“David Korten has presented a clear blueprint for a powerful emerging majority. This book will help to change America for the better.”
—Dennis J. Kucinich, U.S. House of Representatives
“Once you dive into this book, you’ll want everyone you know to read it. It is a powerful source of inspiration and guidance for those already turning to Earth Community and it can help those embedded in Empire’s institutions see more clearly the choices before them.”
—Alisa Gravitz, Executive Director, Co-op America