Lesson1 The Little Post Boy
In my travels about the world, I have made the acquaintance of a great many children, and I might tell you many things about their dress, their speech, and their habits of life, in the different countries I have visited. I presume, however, that you would rather hear me relate① some of my adventures in which children participated, so that the story and the information shall be given together.
This one shall be the story of my adventure with a little post boy, in the northern part of Sweden. Very few foreigners travel in Sweden in the winter, on account of the intense cold.
I made my journey in the winter because I was on my way to Lapland, where it is easier to travel when the swamps and rivers are frozen, and the reindeer sleds can fly along over the smooth snow. It was very cold indeed, the greater part of the time; the days were short and dark, and if I had not found the people so kind, so cheerful, and so honest, I should have felt inclined to turn back more than once.
But I do not think there are better people in the world than those who live in Norrland, which is a Swedish province, commencing about two hundred miles north of Stockholm.
They are a tall, strong race, with yellow hair and bright blue eyes, and the handsomest teeth I ever saw. They live plainly, but very comfortably, in snug wooden houses, with double windows and doors to keep out the cold.
Here there are neither railroads nor stages, but the government has established post-stations at distances varying② from ten to twenty miles. At each station a number of horses are kept, but generally the traveler has his own sled, and simply hires the horses from one station to another.
I had my own little sled, filled with hay and covered with reindeer skins to keep me warm. So long as the weather was not too cold, it was very pleasant to speed along through the dark forests, over the frozen rivers, or past farm after farm in the sheltered valleys, up hill and down, until long after the stars came out, and then get a warm supper in some dark-red post cottage, while the cheerful people sang or told stories around the fire.
At first the thermometer fell to zero; then it went down ten degrees below; then twenty, and finally thirty. Being dressed in thick furs from head to foot, I did not suffer greatly; but I was very glad when the people assured me that such extreme cold never lasted more than two or three days.
Boys of twelve or fourteen very often went with me to bring back their fathers’horses, and so long as those lively, red-cheeked fellows could face the weather, it would not do for me to be afraid.
One night there was a wonderful aurora in the sky. The streamers of red and blue light darted hither and thither, chasing each other up to the zenith and down again to the northern horizon, with a rapidity and a brilliance which I had never seen before. “There will be a storm soon,” said my post boy; “one always comes after these lights.”
Next morning the sky was overcast, and the short day was as dark as our twilight.But it was not quite so cold, and I traveled onward as fast as possible. There was a long tract of wide and thinly settled③ country before me, and I wished to get through it before stopping for the night. At seven o’clock in the evening I had still one more station of three Swedish miles before reaching the village where I intended to spend the night. Now, a Swedish mile is nearly equal to seven English miles, so that this station was at least twenty miles long.
I decided to take supper while the horse was eating his feed. They had not expected any more travelers at the station and were not prepared. The keeper had gone on with two lumber merchants; but his wife—a friendly, rosy-faced woman—prepared me some excellent coffee, potatoes, and stewed reindeer meat, upon which I made a very good meal.
I did not feel inclined to go forth into the wintry storm, but, having set my mind on reaching the village that night, I was loath to turn back.
“It is a bad night,” said the woman, “and my husband will certainly stay at Umea until morning. Lars will take you, and they can come back together.”
“Who is Lars?” I asked.
“My son,” said she. “He is getting the horse ready. There is nobody else about the house tonight.”
Just then the door opened, and in came Lars. He was about twelve years old; but his face was so rosy, his eyes so clear and round and blue, and his golden hair was blown back from his face in such silky curls, that he appeared to be even younger. I was surprised that his mother should be willing to send him twenty miles through the dark woods on such a night.
“Come here, Lars,” I said. Then I took him by the hand, and asked, “Are you not afraid to go so far tonight?”
He looked at me with wondering eyes and smiled; and his mother made haste to say: “You need have no fear, sir. Lars is young; but he’ll take you safe enough. If the storm doesn’t get worse, you’ll be at Umea by eleven o’clock.”
While I was deliberating with myself the boy had put on his overcoat of sheepskin,tied the lappers of his fur cap under his chin, and a thick woolen scarf around his nose and mouth, so that only the round blue eyes were visible; and then his mother took down the mittens of hare’s fur from the stove, where they had been hung to dry. He put them on, took a short leather whip, and was ready.
I wrapped④ myself in my furs, and we went out together. The driving snow cut me in the face like needles, but Lars did not mind it in the least. He jumped into the sled, which he had filled with fresh, soft hay,tucked in the reindeer skins at the sides, and we cuddled together on the narrow seat, making everything close and warm before we set out. I could not see at all.
The night was dark, the snow blew incessantly, and the dark fir-trees roared all around us. Lars, however, knew the way, and somehow or other we kept the beaten track. He talked to the horse so constantly and so cheerfully that after a while my own spirits began to rise, and the way seemed neither so long nor so disagreeable.
“Ho there, Axel!” he would say. “Keep the road, not too far to the left. Well done.
Here’s a level now trot a bit.”
So we went on, sometimes up hill, sometimes down hill, for a long time, as it seemed. I began to grow chilly, and even Lars handed me the reins, while he swung and beat his arms to keep the blood in circulation. He no longer sang little songs and fragments of hymns, as when we first set out; but he was not in the least alarmed or even impatient. Whenever I asked (as I did about every five minutes), “Are we nearly there?” He always answered, “A little farther.”
Suddenly the wind seemed to increase.
“Ah,” said he, “now I know where we are: it’s one mile more.” But one mile, you must remember, meant seven.
Lars checked the horse and peered anxiously from side to side in the darkness. I looked also, but could see nothing.
“What is the matter?” I finally asked.
“We have got past the hills on the left,” he said. “The country is open to the wind,and here the snow drifts worse than anywhere else on the road. If there have been no ploughs out tonight we’ll have trouble.”
In less than a quarter of an hour we could see that the horse was sinking in the deep snow. He plunged bravely forward, but made scarcely any headway, and presently became so exhausted that he stood quite still. Lars and I arose from the seat and looked around. For my part, I saw nothing except some very indistinct shapes of trees; there was no sign of an opening through them. In a few minutes the horse started again, and with great labor carried us a few yards farther.
“Shall we get out and try to find the road?” said I. “It’s no use,” Lars answered. “In these new drifts we would sink to the waist. Wait a little and we shall get through this one.”
It was as he said. Another pull brought us through the deep part of the drift, and we reached a place where the snow was quite shallow. But it was not the hard, smooth surface of the road: we could feel that the ground was uneven and covered with roots and bushes.
Bidding Axel stand still, Lars jumped out of the sled and began wading around among the trees. Then I got out on the other side, but had not proceeded ten steps before I began to sink so deeply into the loose snow that I was glad to extricate myself and return. It was a desperate situation, and I wondered how we should ever get out of it.
I shouted to Lars, in order to guide him, and it was not long before he also came back to the sled. “If I knew where the road is,” said he, “I could get into it again. But I don’t know; and I think we must stay here all night.”
“We shall freeze to death in an hour!” I cried. I was already chilled to the bone.The wind had made me very drowsy, and I knew that if I slept I should soon be frozen.
“Oh, no!” exclaimed Lars, cheerfully. “I am a Norrlander, and Norrlanders never freeze. I went with the men to the bear hunt last winter up on the mountains, and we were several nights in the snow. Besides, I know what my father did with a gentleman from Stockholm on this very road, and we’ll do it tonight.”
“What was it?”
“Let me take care of Axel first,” said Lars. “We can spare him some hay and one reindeer skin.”
It was a slow task to unharness the horse but we did it at last. Lars then led him under a fir-tree, and tied him to a branch, gave him some hay, and fastened the reindeer skin upon his back.
When this was done, Lars spread the remaining hay evenly over the bottom of the sled and covered it with the skins, which he tucked in very firmly on the side towards the wind. Then, lifting them on the other side, he said: “Now take off your fur coat,quick, lay it over the hay and then creep under it.”
I obeyed as rapidly as possible. For an instant I shuddered in the icy air; but the next moment I lay stretched in the bottom of the sled, sheltered from the storm. I held up the ends of the reindeer skins while Lars took off his coat and crept in beside me. Then we drew the skins down and pressed the hay against them.
When the wind seemed to be entirely excluded, Lars said we must pull off our boots, untie our scarfs, and so loosen our clothes that they would not feel tight upon any part of the body. When this was done, and we lay close together, warming each other, I found that the chill gradually passed out of my blood.
A delightful feeling of comfort crept over me, and I lay as snugly as in the best bed. I was surprised to find that, although my head was covered, I did not feel stifled.
Enough air came in under the skins to prevent us from feeling oppressed.
There was barely room for the two of us to lie, with no chance of turning over or rolling about. In five minutes, I think, we were asleep, and I dreamed of gathering peaches on a warm August day at home. In fact, I did not wake up thoroughly during the night; neither did Lars, though it seemed to me that we both talked in our sleep.
Just as I was beginning to feel a little cramped and stiff from lying so still, I was suddenly aroused by the cold wind on my face. Lars had risen upon his elbow and was peeping out from under the skins.
“I think it must be near six o’clock,” he said. “The sky is clear, and I can see the big star. We can start in another hour.”
I felt so much refreshed that I was for setting out immediately; but Lars remarked⑤ very sensibly, that it was not yet possible to find the road. While we were talking Axel neighed.
“There they are!” cried Lars, and immediately began to put on his boots, his scarf and heavy coat. I did the same, and by the time we were ready we heard shouts and the crack⑥ of whips. We harnessed Axel to the sled, and proceeded slowly in the direction of the sounds, which came, as we presently saw, from a company of farmers, out thus early to plough the road.
After they had passed we sped along merrily in the cold, morning twilight, and in little more than an hour reached the post-house.
(2,291 words)
Ⅰ. How well did you read?
1. [Understand the reason] Why do few foreigners travel in Sweden in the winter?
A. Because it is too far away.
B. Because the winter weather is extremely cold.
C. Because Sweden is an adventurous place.
2. [Grasp the character’s thought] What does the writer think about the people living in Norrland?
A. They are living a comfortable life.
B. They are strongly built and have handsome teeth.
C. They are kind and helpful.
3. [Check the fact] How do the people travel in Norrland?
A. By railway.
B. By riding the relay horses.
C. By renting horses of the post-stations.
4. [Grasp the writer’s feeling] Which of the following words can best express the writer’s feeling at the beginning of the trip?
A. Suffering. B. Pleased. C. Warm.
5. [Grasp the main idea] What does the writer mainly talk about in Paragraph 8 to 9?
A. The horses the writer hired.
B. The kids going with the writer.
C. The drop of the temperature.
6. [Make the inference] According to the post boy, the aurora is often a sign of________.
A. a storm
B. red and blue light
C. drop of temperature
7. [Check the fact] Axel is the name of________ .
A. the post station where the writer had his supper B. the horse which pulled their sled over the night C. the lad who helped the writer to speed along 8. [Grasp the writer’s thought] Why did the woman send Lars to take the writer on the night?
A. Because the writer himself insisted on going.
B. Because she didn’t want to have a stranger in her house.
C. Because the weather would soon get better.
9. [See the point] What was the problem the writer and Lars encountered that night?
A. They lost their way.
B. The horse was injured.
C. They didn’t have enough hay.
10. [See the result] How did they survive the storm eventually?
A. By travelling all through night.
B. By putting up in a small inn nearby.
C. By making themselves simple shelters.
Ⅱ. Read for words
1. Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.
(1) I presume, however, that you would rather hear me relate some of my adventures in which children participated, so that the story and the information shall be given together. (Para. 1)
A. 决定 B. 认为 C. 怀疑
(2) He talked to the horse so constantly and so cheerfully that after a while my own spirits began to rise, and the way seemed neither so long nor so disagreeable. (Para. 22)
A. not visible B. not acceptable C. not nice or enjoyable
(3) Lars checked the horse and peered anxiously from side to side in the darkness.(Para. 27)
A. moved B. shook C. looked
(4) For my part, I saw nothing except some very indistinct shapes of trees; there was no sign of an opening through them. (Para. 30)
A. difficult to see or hear clearly B. different from others
C. easy to forget
(5) But it was not the hard, smooth surface of the road: we could feel that the ground was uneven and covered with roots and bushes. (Para. 32)
A. not regular B. not smooth C. not inviting
(6) The wind had made me very drowsy, and I knew that if I slept I should soon be frozen. (Para. 35)
A. sleepy B. exhausted C. cold
(7) For an instant I shuddered in the icy air; but the next moment I lay stretched in the bottom of the sled, sheltered from the storm. (Para. 41)
A. sighed in a loud voice
B. shook because of cold or fear C. felt cozy and comfortable
2. Choose one best paraphrase for the underlined expressions.
(1) Very few foreigners travel in Sweden in the winter, on account of the intense cold. (Para. 2)
A. in need of B. because of C. at the end of
(2) So long as the weather was not too cold, it was very pleasant to speed along through the dark forests, over the frozen rivers… (Para. 7)
A. As soon as B. Although C. Only if
(3) The driving snow cut me in the face like needles, but Lars did not mind it in the least. (Para. 21)
A. last but not least B. at the most C. not at all
(4) Lars, however, knew the way, and somehow or other we kept the beaten track.(Para. 22)
A. for one or another reason
B. for one way or another
C. from one moment to another
Language Box