![研究生英语学位课统考真题及模拟题精解(GET 2017-2018)](https://wfqqreader-1252317822.image.myqcloud.com/cover/469/26398469/b_26398469.jpg)
2018年1月 研究生英语学位课统考真题
一、 本考试由两份试卷组成:试卷一(Paper One)包括听力理解、词汇、完形填空与阅读理解四部分,共80题,按顺序统一编号;试卷二 (Paper Two) 包括翻译与写作两部分,共3题。此外,试卷分A卷和B卷,请考生注意在答题卡上标出自己的试卷类型。
二、 试卷一(题号1-80)为客观评分题(听力Section C 部分除外),答案一律用2B铅笔做在机读答题纸上,在对应题号下所选的字母中间划黑道,如
三、 试卷二为主观评分题,答案做在ANSWER SHEET II上。答题前,请仔细阅读试卷二的注意事项。
四、 试卷一、试卷二上均不得做任何记号(听力Section C部分除外),答案一律写在答题纸上,否则无效。
五、 本考试全部时间为150分钟,采用试卷一与试卷二分卷计时的办法。试卷一考试时间为90分钟,听力理解部分以放完录音为准,大约25分钟;其余部分共计时65分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握。
六、 试卷二共计时60分钟,每部分所占时间均标在试卷上,考生可自行掌握。试卷一与试卷二采取分别收卷的办法。每次终了时间一到,考生一律停笔,等候监考教师收点试卷及答题纸。全部考试结束后,须待监考教师将全部试卷及答题纸收点无误并宣布本考试结束,方可离开考场。
LISTENING COMPREHENSION (25 minutes,20 points)
Section A (1 point each)
Directions: In this section,you will hear nine short conversa tions between two speakers. At the end of each conversa tion a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by m a rking the corresponding letter with a single ba r across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
1.A. She had a d rink with her elder brother.
B. She has already given up drinking.
C. She used to look like her elder bro ther.
D. She didn’t d rink with her elder brother.
2.A. 68511688.
B. 68156608.
C. 86150608.
D. 68156688.
3.A. Listen to som e so ft music.
B. Sw itch off the light.
C. Help the woman out.
D. Leave this room quickly.
4.A. Supportive. B. Pleased. C. Hesitant. D. Opposed.
5.A. She shou ld go to see a docto r at once.
B. She deserves his sym pathy.
C. She w as allow ed to give her p resen tation.
D. She can ask the pro fessor for an apology.
6.A. It is perfect in each possible way.
B. It can bring many good neighbo rs.
C. It is nearer to her paren ts’ home.
D. It has advan tages and disadvantages.
7.A. They are of the same opinion.
B. They are read ing the sam e book.
C. They are reading in the same room.
D. They are w riting about the sam e top ic.
8.A. She has no school assignm ent.
B. She can’t go to the concert.
C. She’d like to go to the concert.
D. She will attend a concert next week.
9.A. Read gramm ar books.
B. Learn gramm ar from read ing.
C. Talk to native speakers.
D. Do gramm ar exercises.
Section B (1 point each)
Directions: In this section you will hear two Mini-talks. At the end of each talk,there will be som e questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once. After each question,there will be a pause. During the pause,you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by m arking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
Mini-talk One
10.A. Those with a three-year bachelor’s degree.
B. Those with a m aster’s degree or its equivalents.
C. Those with a po ten tial to excel academ ically.
D. Those who are new to academ ic research.
11.A. By Sep tem ber 1 of each year.
B. By Decem ber 15 of each year.
C. In the fall of each year.
D. By early March each year.
12.A. The work of fellow researchers.
B. Requirem ents for PhD oral defense.
C. The school’s intellectual environm ent.
D. Ind ividual research interests of studen ts.
Mini-talk Two
13.A. Pu rp le and p ink. B. Black and w hite.
C. Red and yellow. D. O range and blue.
14.A. Calm. B. Excited. C. Creative. D. Alert.
15.A. Cu riosity. B. Creativity. C. Tranquility. D. Affection.
Section C (1 point each)
Directions: In this section you will hea r a short lectu re. Listen to the recording and com p lete the notes about the lecture. You will hea r the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down your answers on the answer Sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.
16. Tourism can be sustainab le…so that poten tial _____ (2 words) on the host comm unity do not su rpass the financial benefits.
17. The tourism industry also p rovides oppo rtunities for sm all-scale businesses,w hich is especially im portant in _____ (2 words).
18. Tou rism en cou rages the p reservation of trad itional custom s,fo lk music and festivals that _____ (2 words) have been lost.
19. Tou rism,particu larly eco tourism,help s p rom o te _____ (3 w o rds) and natu ral resources.
20. It also helps generate fund ing for maintaining anim al p reserves and m arine parks through _____ (2 words) and guide fees.
VOCABULARY (10 minutes,10 points )
Section A (0.5 point each)
Directions: There are 10 questions in this section. Each question is a sen tence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sen tence are four words or phrases m arked A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in m eaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
21. Salaries of leading execu tives have con tinued to escalate desp ite the sh rinking corporate p rofits.
A. decline B. fluctuate C. increase D. vanish
22. Most readers believe that th is book is intriguing,thoughtfu l and in form ative.
A. am using B. com pu lsive C. am biguous D. consistent
23. Corruption is a breach of a public official’s commitment to uphold the Constitution.
A. objection B. obligation C. designation D. term ination
24. Acco rd ing to this repo rt,this is the 36th consecutive year the popu lation of Japan has dropped.
A. in teractive B. dep ressive C. massive D. successive
25. In this book,the au thor’s vision is not only creative,but a com pelling p red iction of where the world is headed.
A. deterio rating B. dom inating C. expanding D. p roceeding
26. The belief that do lphins can help cu re som e diseases is actually a myth.
A. scien tific m ystery B. universal tru th
C. m istaken idea D. fairy tale
27. Factory workers will subm it to punishmen t if they fail to achieve the required standards.
A. carry on with B. be subjected to
C. give in to D. do away with
28. I saw John this m orning. Oddly enough,I was just thinking I hadn’t seen him for a long time.
A. Scarcely B. Natu rally C. Probably D. Strangely
29. To serve as a ro le m odel for the kids,paren ts have to abide by each of their p rom ises to them.
A. live up to B. date back to C. get down to D. give rise to
30. Some of the recent actions of the governm ent are not in line with their statemen t of policy.
A. in the in terest of B. in conformity with
C. in the event of D. in proportion to
Section B (0.5 point each)
Directions: There are 10 questions in this section. Each question is a sen tence with som ething m issing. Below each sen tence are four words or phrases m a rked A,B,C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best com pletes the sen tence. Ma rk the corresponding letter with a single bar across the squa re brackets on your m achinescored answer Sheet.
31. China’s pursuit of ru le of law has brough t about considerable changes and won global ___.
A. m ed ication B. acquisition C. conven tion D. recognition
32. The cen tral governm en t has been trying to ___ rigorous con tro l over the soaring p rice of property.
A. exercise B. intervene C. dispose D. fulfill
33. These areas have ___ higher popu lation density and their total popu lation and density will grow even more.
A. im portan tly B. significan tly C. imperatively D. radically
34. After a guided ___ of the Forbidden City,we were taken to the Beihai Park.
A. trip B. tour C. jou rney D. visit
35. Ch ina has seen rem arkable improvem en ts ___ the gloom ___ global w arm ing.
A. am id…over B. between…for C. in…with D. within…to
36. William Tyndale,the first person to p rin t an English language New Testam en t,left his native England for Eu rope,___ return.
A. only to B. yet to C. as to D. never to
37. Moderate d rinking of alcoho l is ___ health by low ering the risk of several heart cond itions.
A. keen on B. casual about C. conducive to D. accoun table for
38. You can ___ about these universities easily if you have ready access to the In ternet.
A. figu re out B. find out C. make out D. work out
39. Teenagers w ho w atch film s show ing acto rs sm oking are more likely to _____sm oking them selves.
A. take up B. take in C. take after D. take over
40. A good education shou ld,___,encourage studen ts to think for them selves.
A. on their own B. out of the question
C. am ong other things D. in no case
CLOZE TEST (10 minutes,10 points,1 point each)
D irections: There are 10 questions in this pa rt of the test. Read the passagethrough. Then,go back and choose one suitable word or phrase m a rked A,B,C,or D for each blank in the passage. Ma rk the co rrespond ing letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
There is no doubt that air pollution is a global crisis: it causes an annual death 41 of 6.5 m illion. That is double the to tal num ber of peop le lost42 HIV/AIDS,tubercu losis and m alaria43,and four times the num ber killed on the world’s roads. Half the early deaths resu lt from ou tdoor air pollution that is far more dispersed and harder to44.
Air pollution has increased the45 of m ental illness,diabetes and kidney d isease. It is eventhought to be p rem atu rely ageing the faces of city dwellers by accelerating w rinkles and age46. What’s worse,alm ost 90% of the world’s child ren live where ou tdoor air pollution47 WHO lim its.
In creasing efforts48 global w arm ing by cu tting the fossil fuel consum p tion will help cu t air pollution. Som e m ajo r w o rld cities are also doing som ething49 traffic sm og by setting dates50 the wo rst po llu ting cars will be banned. The huge cu ts in health costs that could be achieved with cleaner air are becom ing better understood.
41.A. amount B. sector C. toll D. equivalent
42.A. in B. to C. for D. by
43.A. combined B. united C. in tegrated D. connected
44.A. deal B. cope C. cherish D. tackle
45.A. incident B. incidence C. accident D. instance
46.A. spots B. areas C. sections D. spans
47.A. recedes B. succeeds C. exceeds D. p recedes
48.A. of fighting B. to fighting C. for fight D. to fight
49.A. for B. with C. about D. from
50.A. in w hich B. for which C. about w hich D. by which
READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes,30 points,1 point each)
Directions: In this part of the test,there are five short passages. Read each passage ca refu lly,and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from the four choices given and m ark the corresponding letter with a single ba r across the squa re brackets on your m achine-scored answer Sheet.
Passage One
That’s OK then. A p in t a day keeps the docto r away. A pint of beer,that is. Yes,it used to be a pint of m ilk,but that was before m ilk w as bad for you. Going to work on an egg w as the same. Now it is ou r o ld friend alcohol that is back in favor. Seven p ints of beer,or a bottle and a half of w ine,dram atically cu t whether you get type 2 diabetes. It’s official. Danish scien tists say so,and who are we to quarrel?
What shou ld the ord inary reader m ake of the daily stream of stories bu rsting from m ed ical research,usually followed by a request for more research cash? The biggest head lines go to anyone who can think about previous advice differently. Vitam ins are good for you,or totally useless. Exercise is good for your heart,or m ight kill you,depend ing on who you are. Carbohydrates are good if com p lex,bad if no t. Cholestero l also com es in “good” and “bad” varieties. As for the m icrobiome theo ry,it offers a new and abundan t supp ly of horrors and delights.
Som e things are getting better. Time was when “surveys show…” was p relim inary to pure advertising copy. Pedd lers of cigarettes,fats and cereals all used pseudoscien ce to claim health-giving p roperties for their w ares. They probably killed hund reds of thousands. Advertising regulation and scien tific peer review have done something to cu rb such d istress.
The new th reat is self-d iagnosis. Do cto rs claim that a m ajo rity of patien ts investigate their sym p tom s on line,arriving at the surgery demanding not d iagnosis,but p rescriptions. Flou rishing health colum ns in the m ed ia have a sim ilar effect.
Huge p rofits can be m ade by d rug com panies from claim ing to postpone the app roach of death. Big pharm a behaves like med ieval popes,selling indu lgences to reduce time spen t in tem po rary su ffering. Its long cam paign against can cer imm unology — to pro tect its p rofitable chem otherapy paten ts — was a scandal of sim ilar p roportions. So is the continued condem nation of m ed icinal m arijuana.
Increased know ledge about health must be a good thing. Increased regu lation of such know ledge is essen tial,though not if dom inated by big pharm a,as it still is. As yet,there is no regu lation of the In ternet health anxiety,which fills the world with fake news in seconds.
The w isest response rem ains the old alliance of doubt and en joym ent. Trust no thing at first sigh t. Test everything against the evidence. The good things in life are best taken in moderation. but what makes you happy cannot be all bad,whatever the docto r says.
51. The first paragraph is in tended to ___.
A. describe useful health tips given by docto rs
B. ridicu le the findings by m edical researchers
C. in troduce the different ways to stay healthy
D. presen t the latest discoveries by scien tists
52. Acco rding to Paragraph Two,the medical comm unity ___.
A. often gives con tradictory recommendations
B. is to be trusted in m atters of public health
C. rarely m akes their findings public
D. hard ly hits head lines with new findings
53. The au thor of this passage is likely to support ___.
A. the self-diagnosis among patients
B. drinking a p in t of beer daily
C. health columns in the m edia
D. strict con trol over advertisem en ts
54. Drug com panies are m en tioned ___.
A. as an area with constan t p rofitability
B. as a target of rid icu le and criticism
C. to em phasize their great con tributions
D. to urge us to update m edical know ledge
55. It is recomm ended in the last paragraph that we shou ld ___.
A. have no doubt about various tips on health
B. rem ain cautious with each food we consume
C. eat a moderate am ount of our favorite foods
D. believe in neither doctors’ advice nor evidence
56. This passage is intended to ___ the med ical community.
A. encou rage us to listen to the advice given by
B. poin t out p roblem s facing the development of
C. rem ind us of the im portant role played by
D. cau tion us against the exaggerated claim s from
Passage Two
Despite the eno rm ous contribution of the music industry to the UK econom y and the huge benefits to child ren,the governm en t rem ains qu iet about its im po rtance in schools,but instead announced p lans to try m ental health training for pup ils recen tly. It has not dawned on politicians that this can be achieved through the arts.
Music education has become harder to access since 2010,when new m easures were in troduced to boost the num ber of students studying science and languages,and since then the num ber of studen ts taking music at A-level has d ropped by about 9% as teachers homed_in_on “academ ic” subjects.
Children are com pelled to take up p rivate tuition,putting those who canno t afford such lessons at a disadvan tage. In 2014,the National Children’s Orchestra of Great Britain found that out of its members aged 7 to 13,nearly 70% of those at state school received p rivate education. In 2012-13,only 10% of music studen ts at universities cam e from black,Asian and m inority ethnic backgrounds.
but that’s not the only p roblem. For a creative subject,music has always been taugh t in a far too academ ic way,m eaning that theoretical know ledge is the m ain rou te to advancem en t. While there are routes into musical careers for the un trained,there are also dozens of choirs and am ateu r collectives that pu t a huge focus on musical notation.
This is an obscu re,tricky languagethat can only be read by a sm all num ber of peop le,m ost of w hom have benefited from p rivate education. Child ren who canno t com p rehend it are w ritten off even when they are capable performers.
The insisten ce on theo retical understand ing is suppo rted by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music,which sets the most w idely-used music exam s. To m eet its requirem en ts,pup ils must w ork th rough lim ited repertoires of old,m ostly classical music,focusing their efforts on m astering musical literacy,above songw riting,com posing or en joym ent.
So there is not only a wealthy elite p resid ing over music,but an academ ic one,which decides what sort of know ledge and ability make child ren com peten t — eventhough,like artists,musicians vary imm ensely in their tastes,too ls and learning m echanism s.
Su re,we m ay not be able to tell the difference between a low sound and a high sound,but we can play our favorite songs. That is all I wanted from music.
I w orry that the cu rren t state of play m eans many children are locked ou t. As a d iscip line,music needs to attract a bigger crowd. Diversity breeds d iversity,and teaching is where this needs to start.
57. It can be in ferred from the first two paragraphs that ___.
A. politicians are aw are of the im portance of music
B. music education is worsening around the coun try
C. arts have little to do with men tal health training
D. studen ts p refer music to science or languages
58. The underlined words in Paragraph Two probably mean ___.
A. directed their atten tion to B. becam e quite indifferent to
C. taught students at home D. assigned no hom ew ork for
59. Wh ich of the following is NOT one of the problem s with music education?
A. Child ren have to receive private music education.
B. Excessive w eigh t is given to theo retical know ledge.
C. Music tests focus on know ledge of classical music.
D. Child ren are taught to write songs or com pose music.
60. In Paragraph Eight,the au tho r exp resses the belief that ___.
A. learners of music shou ld try to be pro fessional
B. music can be learned from your favorite songs
C. music is learned m ain ly for personal en joyment
D. many peop le actually know little about music
61. The au thor argues in the last paragraph that ___.
A. cu rrent teach ing m ethods of music lack variety
B. classical music should be m ade more popu lar
C. not everyone can become a great musician
D. music learning requires rigorous discip lines
62. It can be in ferred from this passagethat advanced music edu cation in the UK ___.
A. has become much more accessible
B. will be w ritten off from school curricula
C. is now mainly for the white and the wealthy
D. is absolutely unnecessary in high schools
Passage Three
You can’t p red ict the fu tu re,but in Silicon Valley you can inven t it. This is a popu lar saying at som e com panies that deliver digital delights. but underneath the su rface of m odernity,openness and progress there’s a p roblem that technology can’t fix. Relatively young white males overwhelm ingly run Silicon Valley firm s and are stealing ou r future.
Facebook is more than a social hub. It has become an im po rtant cen tralizing authority for new s. More than 40% of American adu lts rely on the social network to stay on top of the news. However,its trending new s sto ries are so ftly manipulated by free-willed peop le.
Ano ther exam p le of Silicon Valley bias is the alm ost com p lete absence of the fem ale perspective. These large com panies are really designing the fu tu re un less the many can in troduce the few to som e more diverse perspectives about what’s usefu l or im portant.
Another big p roblem is that these co rpo rations seem to know very little or care even less about o ther peop le. This bo ld claim has som e basis in brain science — all tech peop le are slightly autistic. Au tism(自闭症)can be a usefu l trait for seeking technical b rilliance,but becomes an obstacle if a general naiveté about human beings is translated directly in to the design of products and services used worldw ide.
How digital techno logies enhance or d iMinish ou r humanity depends largely upon how much developers of techno logies care about their fellow beings.
Privacy is a good exam p le. If In ternet culture is autistic,this could exp lain how som e com panies can regard p rivacy as acciden tal dam age,how som e com panies constan tly igno re or offend custom ers,and how some technology com panies can’t see that an open,connected and copyrigh t-free w orld isn’t necessarily better for everyone.
Jonathan Franzen has said that the In ternet is “an incred ib le concen trato r of wealth in the hands of the few while giving the appearance of voice and the ap pearan ce of dem ocracy to peop le w ho are in fact being exp loited by the techno logies.”
but if you’re an autistic co rporation,you probably can’t see that “free” can com e at a cost,that som e p rivacy is fundam ental to functioning governm en t,that physical p resence can m atter or that som e peop le don’t w an t to be online all the time or read everything on a screen.
After all,techno logy is a choice,not a destiny. We shape ou r fu tu re by the decisions we m ake today. We still have time to push things along in any direction we w ish,commanding,altering and deleting techno logies as we see fit.
63. Silicon Valley is m en tioned in this passageto ___.
A. high ligh t its im portan t ro le in d igital technology
B. list the d igital delights that have been delivered
C. im p ress us with the young executives there
D. illustrate its p rofound influence on ou r fu tu re
64. It can be in ferred from Paragraph Two that Facebook ___.
A. has been a reliable source of news
B. can determ ine the popu larity of new s
C. is no longer a social hub in the US
D. is the fastest source of new s repo rts
65. According to Paragraph Fou r,autism ___.
A. poses a big challengeto technical breakthroughs
B. can hinder product design and services in som e cases
C. is a strong personality trait of all brillian t scien tists
D. is p revalent am ong peop le engaged in brain science
66. The cen tral idea of Paragraph Six is that ___.
A. technology com panies care about our privacy
B. the In ternet culture is by no m eans autistic
C. technological advances will enhance humanity
D. ou r humanity is diMinished by tech com panies
67. What Jonathan Franzen says in Paragraph Seven im p lies that ___.
A. there is no real free speech or dem ocracy on the In ternet
B. users of the Internet can always en joy dem ocracy on line
C. m ost peop le p retend to be honest when getting online
D. the majo rity of peop le m ake m oney from the m ino rity
68. This passage is in tended to argue that young white m ales in Silicon Valley ___.
A. can serve as role m odels worldw ide
B. are stealing the futu re from the others
C. cannot shape the future of any of us
D. can help to make ou r future much better
Passage Four
The Departm ent for Education is considering new penalties for studen ts who p lagiarise essays,for 50,000 students had been caught cheating on their university degrees in the th ree years before. With a generation paying £50,000 for their degrees,is anybody su rp rised that a university education now feels like another asset that can sim p ly be bought?
Since tuition fees w ere in troduced in the 1990s,a num ber of changes have taken p lace that have m ade the decision of whether to go to university more about your ability to afford it and less about your desire to learn.
Fees have increased d rastically since then,and scho larsh ips have been rem oved for the poo rest studen ts,who will inevitab ly end up paying more,as it will take them longer to pay off their loans. This sends a very clear m essageto students: the right grades aren’t enough to get you into un iversity. You need m oney to pay for it. Buying essays is clearly w rong,but it feels like the logical extension of an education that com es with a high and rising p rice tag.
For many peop le,un iversity is about know ledge or self-improvement. The government insists that studen ts will end up earning more if they go to university —and so,for many,a degree feels like a route to a career rather than an opportun ity to learn. For studen ts who feel they’re just buying arubber stamp,what’s the point in pu tting in the effort?
There are many w ays to pu rchase your degree. youread your p re-decided list of writers,no rmally white male au tho rs who have been on the list for years — often past the time w hen their novels felt cu lturally relevant or their theories genuinely held w ater. In fact,you don’t even have to read these writers — you can just go on to find a summ ary. Then you m ake som e comm on criticism s that have p robab ly been m ade by many others before.
When large amoun ts of m oney are necessary to attend university,and degrees are increasingly described sim p ly as a rou te to a pro fitable job,it’s not su rprising that a pu re in terest in education is discarded.
I find the sudden dismay about all this cheating a joke. of course action should be taken — cheating is a serious offence. but we m igh t want to ask how we go t in to this position in the first p lace. The £50,000 cost of a degree,rather than the com parative pennies spen t on sto len essays,m ight be the first p lace to look.
69. Cheating as men tioned in this passage m ain ly invo lves ___.
A. taking o thers’ ideas as one’s own
B. copying answers from class notes
C. receiving text m essages on tests
D. help ing each other on a test
70. The consequences of the rising tuition fees include the follow ing except ___.
A. weakened in terest of studen ts in learning
B. a heavier financial bu rden on poor studen ts
C. harsher punishm en t for cheating on essays
D. the belief that a college degree is a commodity
71. The underlined words in Paragraph Fou r probably mean ___.
A. m aking som ething from rubber B. getting a good oppo rtunity
C. buying a co llege dip lom a D. having one’s talen t con firm ed
72. Paragraph Five is concerned with ___.
A. how to buy a degree on line B. how to p lagiarize essays
C. how to use references online D. how to write a good thesis
73. It seems to the au thor that ___.
A. peop le should be toleran t of cheating on tests
B. ways of cheating on tests have become d iverse
C. stealing essays is always expensive and risky
D. the high cost of a degree is the roo t of trouble
74. The cen tral idea of this passage is that ___.
A. more studen ts cheat,for a degree is considered a commodity
B. rising tuition fees make higher education less accessible
C. cheating on university degrees has differen t causes
D. p lagiarismand cheating on tests should be punished
Passage Five
Retail is tough. Customers have to be able to figu re out which item will best suit their needs w hile retailers need to m ake su re their custom ers are happy enough with their pu rchases to keep them. One way to serve both needs is with a solid “try before you buy” system,w hich lets consum ers get som e hands-on time with item s before comm itting to a fu ll pu rchase. This is even more usefu l w hen custom ers are looking for big-ticket item s like fancy wearables and high-end cam eras. Big-box electronics retailer Best Buy has partnered with gadget ren tal startup Lum oid to p rovide just such a system,which is due later this month.
Acco rding to ReCode,Best Buy you will soon be able to ren t item s like cam eras,wearables and audio devices with a featu red button on Best Buy’s website. However,a Best Buy spokesperson con firmed to Engadget that a rem otely controlled m icroaircraft will not be on offer through the ren tal service.
Best Buy’s website will have a button that sends you to Lum oid’s site to managethe actual ren tal of these item s,many of w hich m ay be “open box” returns instead of new item s. You’ll earn about 20% of the rental p rice in Lumoid cred its,which can then be app lied to a purchase of the ren ted item. Best Buy gets to breathe new life in to item s peop le have already bough t and custom ers get to check out big-ticket item s for a low m on thly fee.
This new p rogram could give Best Buy an advan tage over Am azon,which does not cu rren tly offer a sim ilar ren tal service. Letting customers ren t a higher-p riced item like a Sonos speaker,Sony Alpha camera or App le Watch could get them the time they need with the device to decide if the pu rchase is w o rth it. Lum oid’s founder,Aarthi Ram am u rthy,says that w earables get the highest conversion rate from ren tal to pu rchase,with one in th ree ren ters deciding to buy after the try. We’ve reached out to Lumoid for more details on this partnership and will update this post.
Have you found anything that catches your fancy on line? Why not try Lum oid to save yourself m oney? Once you have pu rchased a gadget this w ay,you will wonder why such business w as not started earlier. Rem em ber that retail is not all about quality and price. In some cases,innovation is what coun ts.
75. The first paragraph is in tended to ___.
A. poin t out the difficu lty in retail
B. in troduce a new app roach to retail
C. com pare Best Buy with Lum oid
D. give tips on the selection of goods
76. The underlined w o rds in Paragraph One p robab ly m ean a period of time that ___.
A. is not only big-ticket,but also high-end
B. is extrem ely uncom fortable but unique
C. can p rovide direct p ractical experience
D. allows you to pu t your hands on som ething
77. Which of the follow ing is true about Lumoid?
A. It is a well-known electronics retailer.
B. It is a com pany that has a long history.
C. Custom ers can ren t alm ost anything.
D. Item s for ren t are m ostly returned goods.
78. It can be in ferred from Paragraph Fou r that ___.
A. the “try before you buy” system works
B. Am azon is going to offer the sam e service
C. wearables are not suitable for the rental service
D. Lum oid alters som e of the returned clo thes
79. The au thor of this passage believes that the business of Lum oid is ___.
A. costly B. short-lived C. conven tional D. innovative
80. Which of the follow ing summarizes the m ain idea of this passage?
A. You can ren t cheap wearables at a low p rice at Lum oid.
B. Best Buy will let yourent gadgets before pu rchase.
C. Returned goods bring heavy losses to retailers.
D. Ren t a house or pu rchase a house? Try Best Buy.
一、 本试卷(Paper Two)答案一律写在答题纸II(Answer Sheet II)上,草稿纸上的答题内容一律不予计分。
二、 中、英文尽可能做到字迹清晰,书写工整,疏密相间均匀,字体大小适当。
三、 英文作文必须逐行书写,不得隔行或跳行。
TRANSLATION (30 minutes,20 points)
Section A (15 m inutes,10 points)
Directions: Put the follow ing paragraph in to Chinese. Write your Chinese version in the proper space on answer Sheet II.
Un fortunately,e-mail leaves many things to be desired. On line communication has a w ide variety of form s,but each of these has its own requiremen ts that users must try to be aw are of in o rder to avoid saying som ething inap p rop riate or incom p rehensible. Ind ications of interest,positive rem arks,or even com p lim en ts that we easily com p rehend in face-to-face m eetings can be in terp reted as ironic when said in e-m ail. These issues are hard to add ress. Restraining yourself from m aking an im pu lsive response is not alw ays possib le in a busy workday,no r is it alw ays desirab le to supp ress the spon taneity of your rem arks. but as an insu rance policy against a possible d isaster,you shou ld try to an ticipate how your remarks m ay be taken.
Section B (15 m inutes,10 points)
D irections: Pu t the follow ing pa ragraph in to English. Write your English version in the proper space on answer Sheet II.
WRITING (30 minutes,10 points)
Directions: For this part,you are allow ed 30 m inu tes to write a com position of no less than 150 words under the title of “My Ow n In terp reta tion of Happ iness”. You are advised to avoid using any stereotyped expressions or sen tences,such as “last but not the least”.