Part D Exercises

1.Key to Exercises 2.Translation 3.Reading Comprehension
A. Team Discussion
Work in teams and discuss each topic for at least three minutes.
1. Handling Requirements for Different Cargo Ships
2. Measurements of Cargo Ships
3. Principle of Choosing Cargo Ships
B. Professional Terms Bank
1. Write out the full names of the following abbreviations, and then translate them into Chinese.
(1) DWT
(2) BW
(3) RCC
(4) LWL
(5) SCT
(6) VLCC
(7) GT
(8) NT
(9) ABS
(10) CCS
2. Translate the following terms into Chinese.
(1) cargo ship
(2) ship structure
(3) single deck vessel
(4) tween deck vessel
(5) specialized vessel
(6) vertical loading
(7) horizontal stowage
(8) classification society
(9) volume measurement
(10) weight measurement
(11) cargo capacity
(12) cubic capacity
(13) bale capacity
(14) grain capacity
(15) Capesize ships
(16) displacement tonnage
3. Write out the related English specialized terms for the following terms.
(1) measurement ton
(2) port side
(3) estimated time of arrival
(4) liquefied natural gas
(5) loaded displacement
(6) deadweight tonnage
(7) net tonnage
(8) bale space
(9) cargo ship
(10) Post Panamax ship
4. Fill in the blanks with the proper terms given.
Main deck
Lower deck
Tween deck
Poop deck
Upper deck
Weather deck
(1) ___ refers to the deck which is located on the vessel's stern, and is basically used by the vessel's commanding superiors to observe the work and navigational proceedings. Technically, it is the deck that forms the roof of a cabin built in the aft part of the superstructure of the ship.
(2) ___ refers to the deck that covers the hull of the vessel from its fore to its aft, and it is the topmost deck on a ship. In all vessels, it is the biggest deck amongst all other decks.
(3)___ refers to the deck located below the primary or main deck, and generally comprises of more than one deck. It is just next to the lowest or orlop deck.
(4) ___ refers to the deck that is not roofed and thus is open to the ever-changing weather conditions of the sea and it is the upper most deck on the ship which is exposed to environment.
(5) ___ refers to the deck which actually means an empty space separating or between two other decks in the hull of a vessel.
(6)___ refers to the primary deck in any vessel, but it is not the topmost deck in a vessel which is referred to as the weather deck. On sailing warships it is usually the deck below the upper deck.
C. Summary Cloze
The following is a brief summary of cargo ships with some words missing. Read the summary carefully and complete it by filling in one or some appropriate words in each blank.
Generally speaking, a cargo ship has two main parts, (1) ___ and machinery. In dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds, while in liquid cargo ships it is divided into tanks. Firstly, a ship can be classified according to the purpose she serves, and the most common purposes are (2)___ , assistance and service, catching of fish, and peace keeping. Secondly, the distinction between sea-going vessels and vessels for coastal trade and/or inland waterways can also be made. Thirdly, in accordance with the number of decks the ship is equipped with, a ship can be categorized into single deck vessels, (3) ___ , shelter deck vessels and specialized cargo carrying vessels. Different cargo ships require different handling operations. For example, (4)___ is a necessity to cater for bulk cargoes stowed in the single deck vessels. There have been rapid changes in ship technology and in cargo handling techniques, especially through developments towards more mechanized handling of commodities which is mainly beneficial to the handling of the bulk cargoes and (5)___ . Cargo ships can be measured by (6) ___ and by (7) ___ . The former ship measurement has two ways, namely, gross tonnage and net tonnage. Gross tonnage is the total volume of a ship, and net tonnage applies to the cargo instead of the ship. The cargo capacity of a ship in volume can also be measured in (8) ___ and bale space. The latter ship measurement also has two ways, i.e. deadweight tonnage and (9) ___ . Cargo ships are regularly surveyed by (10)___ that establish and continually update standards for the design, construction, and survey of ships.
D. Short-Answer Questions
1. Write out the main parts of a ship.
2. Write out the ship measurements and their respective measurement ways.
3. Write out the sea passages after which the following types of ships were named respectively: (1) Panamax ships; (2) Suezmax ships; (3) Capesize ships; and (4) Malaccamax ships.
4. Write out the principal objectives of classification societies.
5. Write out different types of ships in conformity to the number of decks equipped.
6. Write out different types of ships in compliance with transport purposes of cargoes and passengers.
7. Write out different types of ships in accordance with the purpose of assistance and service.
8. Write out the major ship size groups in deadweight tonnage.
9. Write out the full English names of the abbreviations shown in Plimsoll Mark: (1) LR;(2) TF; (3) F; (4) T; (5) S; (6) W; (7) WNA; and (8) LTF.
10. Write out the full English names of the following abbreviations: (1) ULCS; (2) VLCS;(3) VLGC; (4) VLOC; and (5) OBO ship.
E. Writing
Write an essay titled “Development Trends of Cargo Ships”, using at least 500 words.