Examiner: Are you feeling tired? Please sit down and rest for a moment.
检查者: 你感觉累吗?先坐下休息片刻。
Patient: What kind of examination is this?
病人: 这是什么检查?
Examiner: It’s Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography. Are you not feeling well?
检查者: 是经颅超声多普勒,你有什么不舒服吗?
Patient: I feel dizzy and have a headache.
病人: 我感到头晕、头痛。
Examiner: Have you ever had this kind of headache before?
检查者: 以前有过这种头痛吗?
Patient: Yes,I do,but not so severe.
病人: 是的,但没这么严重。
Examiner: What kind of examination did you have before?
检查者: 以前做过什么检查吗?
Patient: CT.
病人: CT。
Examiner: What was the result of your CT examination?
检查者: 结果如何?
Patient: Normal.
病人: 正常。
Examiner: Please lie down on the bed. I will examine you right away.
检查者: 请躺在检查床上,我给你检查一下。
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。
Examiner: What kind of pain do you have? Is it intermittent or persistent?
检查者: 疼痛是间歇性还是持续性的?
Patient: Intermittent. The headache is in my left side and you should examine there.
病人: 间歇性的。我是左侧头痛,你应该检查这边。
Examiner: Don’t worry. The main brain vessels will all be examined. Please get up and sit down for the vertebrobasilar artery examination.
检查者: 你放心,环主干的血管都要检查。你现在起来,坐在这儿检查椎基底动脉。
Patient: Do I have a problem?
病人: 我有问题吗?
Examiner: The blood supply to your brain is not suffcient.
检查者: 是脑供血不足。
Patient: What cause my headache?
病人: 那我头痛是怎么回事?
Examiner: The blood supply is relatively insuffcient because of cerebral vasospasm. It is the functional change of the blood vessels.
检查者: 这是脑血管痉挛所致的相对供血不足,是功能性的改变。
Patient: I see.
病人: 我明白了。
Examiner: Here’s your report. Show this to your doctor.
检查者: 这是你的检查报告,把它给你的医生看。