中国科学院院士。现任复旦大学附属中山医院心内科主任,上海市心血管临床医学中心主任,上海市心血管病研究所所长,复旦大学生物医学研究院院长,复旦大学泛血管医学研究院院长,复旦大学泛血管基金理事长,教育部“心血管介入治疗技术与器械”工程研究中心主任。被授予“长江学者”“科技精英”“全国五一劳动奖章”“谈家桢生命科学奖”“白求恩奖章”等荣誉称号。中华医学会心血管病分会主任委员,中国心血管健康联盟主席,美国心血管造影和介入学会理事会理事,美国心脏病学会国际顾问。长期致力于冠状动脉疾病诊疗策略的优化与技术革新,在血管内超声技术、新型冠脉支架研发、复杂疑难冠脉疾病介入策略、冠脉疾病细胞治疗等领域获得一系列成果。先后承担20余项国家和省部级科研项目,作为通讯作者发表SCI或SCI-E收录论文300余篇,主编英文专著1部、中文专著19部。担任《内科学》(第8版)、《实用内科学》(第15版)教材的主编工作,Cardiology Plus主编、Herz副主编。作为第一完成人获得国家科技进步二等奖、国家技术发明奖二等奖、教育部科技进步一等奖、中华医学科技二等奖、上海市科技进步一等奖等科技奖项10余项。
Professor Junbo Ge is academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; the chief of cardiology department of Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University; the chief of Shanghai Cardiovascular Clinical Center; the chairman of Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases; the head of Institutes of Biomedical Sciences;the head of Institute for Pan vascular Medical Research, Fudan University;the chairman of Pan vascular Fund, Fudan University; director of Engineering Research Center for Cardiovascular Devices, Ministry of Education;He was awarded Scholars of the Yangtse River; Elite of science and technology;National Labor Medal; Tan Jiazhen prize in life sciences; the national “Bethune”Medal, etc. He is also the president of the Chinese Society of Cardiology; the chairman of China Cardiovascular Association; board member of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; member of the international advisory board of American College of Cardiology. Prof. Ge dedicates to the optimization and innovation of diagnosis and treatment strategy for coronary artery disease and made extraordinary achievements in intravascular ultrasound(IVUS). His research areas also includes development of novel coronary stents,treatment strategy optimization of complex CAD and stem cell therapy. Prof.Ge has been responsible for over 20 scientific research projects supported by the government, Furthermore, a total of over 300 papers published by Prof. Ge have been included by SCI-E (as the first author or the corresponding author).Prof. Ge has edited 20books (one published abroad) and co-edited more than 20 monographs and textbooks. He is the chief editor of Internal Medicine (8th edition), Practice of Internal Medicine (15th edition), Cardiology Plus and deputy editor of Herz. As the first person to complete a project, Prof. Ge has received more than fourteen awards, including the second prize of National Award for Science and Technology Progress, the second prize of National Award for Technological Invention, the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award presented by the Ministry of Education, the second prize of the China Medical Technology Award(twice),the first prize of the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, etc.