5.3 Furnace Body
5.3.1 The furnace shell shall be assembled on site according to the requirement of the design technical document or the written technical instruction of the supplier's field representative.In case of no abovementioned requirement or instruction,the requirements of Articles 5.3.2-5.3.13 of the code shall be complied with.
5.3.2 The furnace body should be assembled and installed with"trolley method"or"sliding method",and specially prepared with the scheme.
5.3.3 For"trolley method",the furnace shell and backing ring shall be assembled on the trolley and conveyed with it to the installation position for installation,which shall also meet the following requirements:
1 The assembling bench set on the trolley shall be subject to the confirmatory calculation for strength and able to bear the weight of equipment to be assembled and the compact happening during assembly.
2 The jack supporting the furnace shell and backing ring shall be inspected as qualified and the lifting shall be synchronous and stable.
5.3.4 For"sliding method",the backing ring,furnace shell and tilting device shall be assembled as a whole on two sliding beams,and then slide to the bearing support for installation,which shall also comply with the following requirements:
1 The sliding beams shall be designed and manufactured on the basis of the weight of furnace body and the site conditions,and with adequate strength and rigidity.
2 The sliding beams shall be arranged on the main beams of charging bay and furnace front platform,and the structure of platform shall be verified and properly reinforced.The coordinate and elevation for arrangement of sliding beams shall meet the requirement of sliding and installation of furnace body.
3 During assembly,the reliable anti-tipping facilities for backing ring tipping shall be arranged to strictly prevent the rings from tipping.
5.3.5 Prior to the welding of furnace shell and that of connection device for furnace shell and backing ring,the corresponding WPQ shall be carried out and the operation instruction for welding shall be prepared based on the WPQ report.The welding shall be carried out in strict accordance with the instruction.
5.3.6 The appearance quality of welding seam shall conform to related requirements of current national standard Code for Installation Acceptance of Steel-making Mechanical Equipment GB 50403.
5.3.7 The internal quality of welding seam shall conform to related requirements of current national standard Code for Installation Acceptance of Steel-making Mechanical Equipment GB 50403.
5.3.8 The postweld heat treatment of welding seam shall conform to related requirements of current national standard Code for Installation Acceptance of Steel-making Mechanical Equipment GB 50403.
5.3.9 The assembly of furnace shell shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The allowable deviation of diameter as well as that of maximum and minimum diameter shall be±10.0mm and 3D/1000(D refers to the design diameter of furnace shell)respectively.
2 The allowable deviation of height shall be 3H/1000(H refers to the design height of furnace shell).
3 The allowable vertical deviation of furnace shell(the verticality of the plane of furnace mouth and hearth to the axis of furnace shell)shall be 1.0/1000.
5.3.10 The allowable deviation for installation of furnace shell shall be inspected in case the backing ring is at"0"position,which shall also meet the following requirements:
1 The longitudinal and horizontal center lines of furnace mouth shall be adjusted,and the measurement by plumb wire should be carried out,with the allowable deviation of 2.0mm.
2 The distance from the plane of furnace mouth to the axis of trunnion shall be adjusted,and the measurement by optical instrument should be carried out,with the allowable deviation of-2.0mm-1.0mm.
3 The verticality of the axis of furnace shell to the bearing surface of backing ring shall be adjusted,and the measurement by suspension wire should be carried out,with the allowable deviation of 1.0/1000.
4 The center of water cooling device at the furnace mouth and the center of the mouth shall be adjusted to be at the same vertical line,which should be measured by suspension wire,with the allowable deviation of 5.0mm.
5.3.11 The connection device for furnace body and backing ring shall be installed according to the requirement of the design technical document.
5.3.12 The furnace mouth for water cooling shall be subject to hydrostatic test and flushing test according to the design technical document,or the following requirements if there is no related requirement in the design technical document:
1 The test pressure shall be 1.5 times of working pressure.Booster the pressure up to the test pressure and hold for 10min,and then lower it up to the working pressure and hold for 30min.The test is qualified if there is no leakage and pressure fall.
2 For the flushing test,the water shall be able to flow in and out smoothly and freely for at least 24h,without any leakage.