1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This code has been formulated to regulate the design of substations for compliance with relevant national policies and regulations,and safe,reliable and economic design.
1.0.2 This code applies to construction,extension,and renovation of substations rated 35kV-110kV with unit capacity of transformer equal to or above 5000kV·A.
1.0.3 Substations shall be designed based on the 5-10 year development planning giving consideration to both short-term and long-term objectives.The short-term development objectives shall be given priority and shall be well coordinated with long-term planning to reserve necessary margin for future extension.
1.0.4 Substations shall be designed based on a reasonable scheme taking into account relevant factors including load characteristics,power demand,environmental characteristics,and local development level.
1.0.5 In the design of substations,the principle of resource conservation and social benefits shall be adhered to.
1.0.6 The design of substations shall comply with the relevant national standards in force as well.