Listening Comprehension: John von Neumann
Listen to the article and answer the following 3 questions based on it.After you hear a question,there will be a break of 15 seconds.During the break,you will decide which one is the best answer among the four choices marked A,B,C and D.
1.Where was John von Neumann born?
A.The United States B.Britain C.Hungary D.Germany
2.How many components did von Neumann's computer necessarily contain?
A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five
3.Which of the following has become synonymous with von Neumann's name?
A.EDVAC B.Modern Computer Architecture
C.Quantum mechanics D.Mathematical physics
brilliant[ˈbriljənt] adj. 超群的,杰出的
distinguish[disˈtiŋgwiʃ] v. 使杰出,使著名
quantum[ˈkwɔntəm] n. 量子,量子论
mechanics[miˈkæniks] n. 力学
reside[riˈzaid] v. 居住
unveil[ʌnˈveil] v. 公布
rewire[ri:ˈwaiə] v. 重接电线
delve[delv] v. 挖掘
predecessor[ˈpri:disesə] n. 前任,(被取代的)原有事物
successor[səkˈsesə] n. 后继者,后续的事物
synonymous[siˈnɔniməs] adj. 同义的