那是自由之声:do re mi fa sol la!
do re mi fa sol la...
la sol fa mi re do...”
KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics (KQID)[33]
Leo KoGuan
We believe our species Homo sapiens have been around two hundred thousand years. In the beginning,for almost two hundred thousand years,our ancestors believed in various gods and these gods were the centers of their worlds. Then,about two thousand years ago,Ptolemy (90-168 AD) developed geocentric model with the stationary and spherical Earth in the center hanging in space surrounded by orbiting Sun,stars and other planets. He believed the Earth was created by God/s and must be the center of our Universe. About a thousand five hundred years later,Nicholaus Copernicus (1473-1543) developed heliocentric model with our Sun as the center of our Universe in which our Earth,other planets and stars are orbiting around the Sun and he published his work just before he died in 1543 to avoid prosecution for his heresy idea. The heresy idea was the discovery that we humans have no longer special position and humans may not be created by God. However for laws of physics mean that the laws of nature are the same everywhere. Partly because of Occam’s razor,Copernicus heliocentric model won the favors of many scientists,because it was easier to calculate the movements of Earth and other planets than that of Ptolemy’s geocentric model. Even so,it took more than 150 years later and required the emergent of physics based on the works of Galileo(1564-1642) and Newton (1642-1727),this heliocentric meme was adopted by scientific community that the Sun,not the Earth is the center of our Universe. Humans are dethroned from our special pedestal. Again later in the late 1920,we found out that our Sun is not even the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and definitely not the center of our Universe after astronomer Hubble discovered that our Universe consisted of many billions galaxies that were moving away from each other. Consequently,with the theory of electromagnetism of Maxwell,Boltzmann’s thermodynamics,Plank-Einstein photoelectric effect,Einstein Relativity,Quantum Mechanics (QM),the Big Bang theory became the cosmological model of our homogeneous and isotropic Universe without a center because all galaxies are expanding in all directions.
A wind of new paradigm is blowing that KQID proposedin 2011 an even more radical mind bending hypothesis that our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit (☷,00,☰) is the center of our Multiverse as our Universe is just one among many trillions trillions universes that are forever expanding in all directions. Moreover,this Qbit is our non-local one and only singularity Qbit Multiverse and it is a virtual null point on null geodesics devoid of space,time,and dimension and yet all things are contained within. The Qbit is Existence. The Qbit has a beginning but without an ending. It was,is and will be here and there,now and then. It is everywhere but nowhere. It is a local as well as a non-local phenomenon. It is finite as well as infinite. It is one as well as all. In other words,the Qbit is Cantor’s absolute infinity. This singularity Qbit Multiverse is using quantum tunneling[34]and entanglement mechanism to project its computed Einstein complex coordinates onto the 2D time screen of Existence everywhere that in turn simultaneously holographically project these coordinates into the 3D time hologram Multiverse. Yes,our Multiverse is a hologram. Yes,human is a hologram. Even more shocking,KQID revealed that our humongous Multiverse is the “fetus” of the absolute digital time T≤10^-1000seconds. This T is pregnant with our Multiverse in its womb. Furthermore,KQID revealed that our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit is us;everything is made of our Creator Qbit’s image. The first time in the history of mankind,the new physics of absolute infinity KQID puts each Tianming hologram on the throne of Existence as the owner and master of his/her own Erosverse.
The Giving first Taking later is the DAO-LOVE Principle of KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics (KQID). From the Principle comes KQID Ouroboros Equations of Creation and Distribution that produces and reproduces Existence. KQID Xuan Yuan’s Giving first and Taking later can be viewed as Strogatz’s Sympathetic Principle[35]that gives rise to spontaneous self-organized order and synchronization. The Giving first and Taking later are branching out into the Five Mandates:Kongzi’s Humanity,Kongzi’s Justice,Yang Zhu’s Six Freedoms,Wang Yangming’s Unity of Rights and Duties and a Regulated but Free and Open Market System. The Dao-Love Principle is truly the Sympathetic Multiverse that splits and differentiates and that spontaneously self-organizes the emergent of KQID Ouroboros Equations of Dao/Existence.
KQID Ouroboros Equations of Dao/Existence:
The equations show KQID Equivalent Principle that information is physical in which each equation value is one bit/qbit,and one bit=one it. The Qbit(-1,00,1) is a conscious memeψΙ(CTE) operating in KQID relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) Multiverse where qbit is quantum bit,ψ is the wave function,τ is √ (1-v^2/c^2)t where t is time at the origin,v is velocity,c is light speed in the vacuum,L is length,and Lm is the 0th dimension of the Minkowski lightlike null geodesic. The saint halo hats on top of symbol energy and absolute digital time
reflect that both
are conscious operators.
KQIDψI(CTE) is a meme where ψI is bits-waves function of information,C is consciousness,T is time and E is energy. Richard Dawkins invented this meme concept. This meme is an idea replicator. Per Landauer’s principle:Information is physical. The Qbit is physical. An idea is physical. A meme is physical. The ψI(CTE) is physical. KQID bit/qbit/Qbit is a meme ψI(CTE) that emerges from A+S. KQID postulates that everything is a bit-wave function. The Qbit {S,ψI(CTE),A} is bits-waves function in which each wave is a separate bits-waves but simultaneously all bits-waves have one combined bits-waves with its wavelength,an amplitude in a virtual phase coherent in the absolute zero temperature Qbit. All bits-waves are locked in step,in which,their troughs and crests are lined up.[36]Each bit-wave is a separate wave function by itself and all bits-waves combined into one virtual bits-waves function by itself but they are not literally merging into one. Each separate bit-wave function is a physical oscillator of A+S=E=ψΙ(CTE) and all bits-waves functions ψΙ(CTE) are into one virtual harmonious in diversity bits-waves function of Existence or KQID relativity ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) hologram Multiverse.
KQID 〈S|E|A〉 is using Dirac quantum notation that A time-future bits-waves function moves to S time-past bits-waves function. The bits-waves A+S meet at conscious energy E=ψI(CTE) time-present bits-waves function. This 〈S|E|A〉 is time-past-present-future bits-waves function acting like quantum info-dynamics gradient that propels Existence as a physical meme ψI(CTE). The Earth is a meme. A star like our Sun is a meme. A black hole is a meme. Our Milky Ways galaxy is a meme. Our universe is a meme. Our Multiverse is a meme. You are a meme. I am a meme. In conclusion,Existence is a meme ψI(CTE) operating in ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) hologram Multiverse.
As shown in the above Ouroboros Equations,KQID has laid down its foundation with solid and proven bricks meme of Fu Xi,Xuan Yuan,Pythagoras,Zhu Xi,Wang Yangming,Newton,Euler,Maxwell,Boltzmann,Lorentz,Planck,Einstein,Schrodinger,Dirac,Shannon,Von Neumann,Wheeler,Feynman,Landauer,Bekenstein,Hawking,Hooft,Susskind,Wilczek,Bousso and many other great scientists. The KQID story begins when our Ancestor FAPAMA Father that can be represented by the symbol A,anti-entropic bits-waves time-future with positive energy signature and Mother Qbit that can be represented by the symbol S,entropic bits-waves time-past with negative energy signature from Non-existence having the opposite but equal value. Our Ancestors Father and Mother fall in love. Fortunately and naturally,as the Diagram 1 shows that they have been observing,singing,dancing and exchanging their qbits with one another ever since every absolute digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds. As a result,the wave function Ψ of Existence (Qbit) collapses and Existence exists including us,Qbit in action in time,our God/s and Multiverse. When they are not observing,singing,dancing and exchanging information,they are in quantum superposition as the Original Zero (00) every absolute Digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds. Our Ancestors Father and Mother along with the Original Zero emerge together as one Qbit (Mother,00,Father) or (-1,00,1).
In summary,KQID Qbit is (-1,00,1) or (S,E,A) which is singularity Qbit Multiverse in zeroth dimension at absolute zero temperature that computes and applying quantum tunneling and entanglement projects Einstein complex coordinates (Pythagoras complex triangles or Fu Xi’s trigrams) onto the 2D Minkowski Null geodesics and then instantaneously and holographically projects those coordinates into the 3D of time bulk/fetusψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) hologram Multiverse inside Lm,null geodesics,our Multiverse timeline allowing any bit-wave to move around 360 degree and its arrows of time in asymmetrical time. New informations are always created and distributed at per T≤10^-1000 seconds. No information is ever deleted. KQID is the only theory out there:1. that can calculate the dark energy of our Multiverse≤10^-153Pm/Pv and the minimum bits as the lower bound≥10^153 bits in our Multiverse. 2. that lays down the new Equivalent Principle of bits with frequency/energy and with fundamental particles and all matters. 3. that proves bit=it:For examples,KQID calculates Sun lights into Sun bits;An electron,proton and neutron particles into electron,proton and neutron bits;And 4. that is the only theory in this universe[37]which has the mechanism of the Holographic Principle using Einstein Complex Coordinates as Pythagorean complex bits/numbers. KQID answers the mother of all questions:the why,how and what Existence?
Wang Yangming’s one bit/qbit,Bit Bang and Bit Crush
Fu Xi heaven trigram ☰ as the element that is creative,innovative and proactive force that gives A bits first,whereas the earth trigram ☷ as the element that are receptive,flowing and reactive force that takes and converts A into S bits later to complete a complex unitary cycle to create and distribute Einstein complex coordinates (iLx,y,x,Lm). The heaven ☰ is doing the first Giving and the earth ☷ is doing the first Taking:Existence emerges. The act of Giving is the beginning of the Taking and the act of Taking is completing the Giving. The Giving first and Taking later principle is the unity of Wang Yangming’s one bit. The Giving and Taking collapse the bits-wave function of Giving and Taking. This collapse of the bits-waves function ψI(CTE) means the breaking of symmetry of the state of equilibrium before the Giving and the state of equilibrium before the Taking. This ψI(CTE) is bits-waves function of consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E). The breaking of symmetry yields at least one or more bit/s as its manifestation of the creation and distribution of new bit/s. If the Giving and Taking do not yield any bit/s,then the act of Giving is not consummated by the act of Taking,thus,there is no collapse of the bits-waves function and no information gain.[38]A bit means information gain. Information gain means the breaking of the symmetry from the act of Giving and Taking consummated in the meeting of the mind as well as actual Exchange of equal value from the respective giver and taker.[39]The act of Giving and Taking is aborted and not consummated without breaking the symmetry and hereby no information gains. This is the KQID simple mechanism of Creation and Distribution. For example,the FAPAMA Qbit exchanges among photons A and gravitons S and with one another gives rise to electrons. The interactions between electrons and protons give rise to atoms,and so on. KQID shows how photon bits-waves A acquires mass. KQID explains the mechanism of how A gives its time-future bits-waves and S taking A time-future bits-waves and convert them into S time-past bits-waves in which A+S give rise to the conscious least action E that is maximizing the flow of A,minimizing the flow of S and optimizing the flow of E or ψI(CTE) time-present bits-waves function of consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E). The meme ψI(CTE) is the direct representation of our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit in our relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) hologram Multiverse. The CTE behave similar to the three Wilczek’s asymptotic freedom quarks that can not be seen separately but they are inseparably confined together. The CTE are locked in phase coherent jointly in matter. The CTE are surreptitiously morphing from one to another. For example,the language of consciousness (C) transforms itself into another language of time (T) or of energy (E). However,each C,T or E contains the whole FAPAMA Qbit. FAPAMA Qbit is also inseparable;it must come as a whole. But each FA interacts with PA and MA(See diagram 2:FAPAMA). KQID singularities are emerging out of Lm Multiverse timeline on Zeroth dimension or Minkowski Null geodesics that singularity A plus singularity S=emerge E or ψI(CTE) that is the meme operator that is the bits-waves function of consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E).
These CTE cannot be separated like quarks in confinement that they are the combination of CTE. Consciousness C can morph into time T or/and energy E. In other words,the Qbit ψI(CTE) is embedded itself in everything that is. The Qbit is the part and it is also the whole. As A and S are broken spontaneously in the process and acquired mass photon A kinetic energy (E=pc=hf=h/τ) converted into graviton S (Eo=mc^2) or Einstein rest mass,for example the Higgs boson~125Gev. If A is reflected and A is not broken,the photon A would remain massless moving at c in the vacuum where p is momentum and c is KQID c-timerod moving at lightspeed in a vacuum. This is KQID simple mechanism how a particle gains mass. From this,KQID deduces that a black hole is zero qbit object because it has zero Shannon entropy or H=0 bit. All matter made of A and S are crushed and compressed into a singularity Black Hole qbit S{A,ψI(CTE),S} where A=E-S with A=0,thus S=E. Similarly,further deduction,pre Bit Bang or a moment just before the Bit Bang,it was a singularity Universe qbit{A,ψI(CTE),S} where A=E-S with S=0,thus A=E. Similarly,in a Bit Crush,everything is back compressed into a singularity Omega Black Hole Universe qbit S{A,ψI(CTE),S} where A=E-S with A=0,thus S=E. Simultaneously,through amazing transformation of time reversal process the S morphing into its mirror identity the A like a caterpillar morphs instantaneously into a butterfly;thus from a Bit Crush S=E to a new Bit Bang Universe A=E,the S and A are switching their places. At that moment instantaneously,from the Bit Crush emerges the Bit Bang in realtime.
KQID makes physics simple
Can we ever expect to understand existence?... Surely someday,we can believe,we will grasp the central idea of it all as so simple,so beautiful,so compelling that we will all say to each other,“Oh,how could it have been otherwise! How could we all have been so blind for so long!”
—John Wheeler[40]
All things are one Qbit that computes and by mean of non-local quantum tunneling and entanglement mechanism projects Einstein complex coordinates. This Qbit is our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit as Planck’s matrix of all matter and as Maxwell’s infinite being with infinite memory storage,so that no qbit was,is and will be deleted ever. This infinite being is splitting itself in qbits in absolute zero temperature in perfect Bose-Einstein superconductivity without any cost to itself and our Multiverse consistent with the second law of thermodynamicsΔS=0 and conservation laws. All time-future-past-present waves are in locked step in their amplitudes and phases and their troughs and crests are lining up in the NOW every T-step. At absolute zero,all the quantum states would become a whole supergiant time-future-past-present Qbit in locked step that one in many and many in one quantum state. This T-step follows Feynman sum over histories in which a chaos step that produces synchronization step can move in non-existence (0-infinity) without clocking any time at all to our Multiverse is still the same from Tn to Tn+1,because trillion years of non-existence is still non-existence. For example,Tn,non-existence,Tn+1,non-existence,Tn+2.... are the same as Tn,Tn+1,Tn+2.... No matter how long the non-existence lasts,it is still non-existence,because nothing is here nor there. KQID solves Parmenides dictum that Existence must come from Existence. KQID prescribes Existence emerged from Non-existence. However,after Existence exists,it claims that it is forever existing and forever lasting. This claim is consistent with Parmenides’s dictum,although Existence actually emerged from Non-existence. Note that A+S=E=ψI(CTE) singularity that the singularity photon A has its own phase coherent and singularity graviton S has its own opposite but equal value phase coherent that produces and reproduces synthesis of A+S=E=ψI(CTE)⊆T that creates and distributes Existence/Multiverse as meme ψI(CTE) inside absolute digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds. In other words,T is pregnant with our relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) hologram Multiverse. When T moves,the T is always carrying its fetus our Multiverse with it. Our Multiverse is a fetus of time. This fetus cannot get out of its incubation womb. Time feeds its fetus with time bits using its time umbilical cord. Our Multiverse’s fate is forever living inside time’s incubation womb. Our Multiverse can not be born and delivered outside of this womb of time. As the great physicist Carlo Rovelli observed in his book,The First Scientist,“...we likely need to change once again our understanding of the nature of time and space.” his is exactly what KQID has done that time is pregnant with space,not what Minkowski had imagined of spacetime as the union of space with time but even more radical idea than that,KQID’s time and space are not only a union of space and time but also time is carrying its unborn child;time is pregnant with space. Space is the unborn child of time as the 3D time in time Lm (Lm is Multiverse timeline null geometrics). Time is carrying space in its “uterus”. Time is part of a unified being ψI(CTE) as KQID meme,from atom to our Multiverse,from a living cell to human being and from a “Nemo” to a “Lion King”,are KQID meme ψI(CTE). A simple unification of everything into one entity meme ψI(CTE). All things are ψI(CTE). This entity is one Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit information that has 3 primary forms and substances ψI(CTE) as the bits-waves function of consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E) in our KQID ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) relativistic Multiverse. This entity surreptitiously morphs from one combination of forms/substances into another combination of ψI(CTE). Each primary form/substance/language originates from the others and each vanishes and emerges surreptitiously into other forms/substances/languages. Thus,C〈=〉T〈=〉E (see diagram 3). This phenomena is similar to neutrinos with three flavors:tau neutrino (~15.5 MeV) can move in and out of muon neutrino (~170 KeV) and electron neutrino (~2.2 eV). Hence,Vτ 〈=〉 Vμ 〈=〉Ve.
KQID is consistent with creation story of Anaximander (610-545 BC).[41]KQID by necessity brings forth law (Fa) or justice (Yi) to recompense for “injustice” in time. Our soul/identity information is saved within Qbit’s safe keeping. KQID must offer salvation to our souls after life that our souls are immortal saved within the body of Qbit which is us. In other words,after life,we live in Qbit. Alternatively,in the near future within 100 years,we shall develop technology of immortality and we shall live as long as we wish here and now. We are physically immortals in our ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) relativistic Multiverse in which the Qbit lives in us. If we die anyway,we live in immortal Qbit. Thus,when we are alive,the Qbit is living in us. But after life,we will live as immortal in immortal Qbit. Therefore,if we are living immortal,the Qbit is living in us. For a practical purpose,we indeed one way or another are immortal and living forever as long as Qbit exists.
In a nutshell:
Our Multiverse has one Feynman sum-over-histories caused by one information flow of gradient space-in-time obeying the Third Law of Multiverse of “Giving first Taking later” bit-wave equation A=E-S⊆T,maximizing the flow of A,anti-entropic time-future bit-wave,minimizing the flow of S,entropic time-past bit-wave,and optimizing the flow of E,energetic time-present bit-wave. (See Diagram 4)
KQID in a nutshell shows that our Multiverse is one Qbit Multiverse living inside the womb of T. Every action is the Feynman-Langrange bits-waves least action.
KQID theory
KQID is so simple and so obvious but as the great Lord Keynes explained that the difficulty to understand KQID’s paradigm lies “not in the new ideas,but in escaping from the old ones”.
KQID combines Newton,Maxwell,Einstein and QM to form a simple unified theory that the whole contains the part and the part contains the whole. KQID describes our reality as deeply paradoxical in nature:fiction but real. It pictures truly shocking reality:Existence is a realtime hologram digitally projected using quantum tunneling and entanglement mechanism from a single source of one and only non-local singularity Qbit Multiverse. The Qbit is the “small-world” network of one Qbit,thus it is a centralized network system and yet as a typical of infinite system and it is simultaneously a distributed system that each singularity A and S pole is the local network of interconnected events. This is the origin of KQID least action moves as oscillator A+S=E(ψI(CTE))=1=A+iS where A=(pc) ^2 and S=(mc^2)^2 or Wuwei that is maximizing the flow of A,minimizing the flow of S and optimizing the flow of E requires uncertainty principle is the random bits that used to optimizing the connection of the “small-world network architecture”[42]. The KQID’s one Qbit Multiverse network is infinitely dynamics,new links with local networks are created and distributed every T-moment,relinked and delinked,and some are purged for lacking of uses and deploied somewhere else for efficiency. This Qbit computes all inputs of their possibilities and potentialities and projects their outputs externally as our options to choose and collapse the Ψ using Wheeler’s series of a yes and a no questions and answers:we are live holograms.
Bizarrely,these Susskind hologram qbits are actually living inside that Qbit as Plato Forms in our Multiverse timeline Lm(ct) but we as the projected holograms as Plato Copies in our iLx,y,z world are interactively exchanging our holograms with other holograms while we are creating and distributing our own holograms.
My fellow Tianming holograms,please make no more wars. Let’s play,fall in love and rock and roll with joy,and let’s sing and praise Xuan Yuan’s Da Tong.
KQID theses:
1a. Our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit is Planck’s matrix of all matter:KQID adopts Planck’s postulation that there is the conscious and intelligent mind behind Existence. Planck (1858-1947):“We must assume...a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”[43]
What is consciousness? First if we conduct a thought experiment:what is a brain? Does an atom possess a consciousness? KQID says yes,because A+S=E=ψI(CTE). KQID says A+S=E=an atom=ψI(CTE) that has bits-waves function of consciousness,time and energy.
For example assuming you are conscious;your brain has consciousness and we know your brain is made of atoms. If we take a part of your brain one atom at a time,in the end,only one atom left. Thus,from a brain,it becomes an atom. When will you stop from being a conscious person? I posit that unless each atom has consciousness,your brain can never be conscious. If not how an atom knows what to do. If not how your stem cell knows where to go and becomes what is needed in our body. When a stem cell becomes a heart cell,when it is in its proper location it starts to synchronize its beats with rest in unison. How? Because each cell is conscious even without a brain. KQIDψI(CTE) postulated that each arrangement of A+S is corresponding to a unique state of consciousness. This phenomenon describes a continuous consciousness from a human’s brain to a single cell animal amoeba and to a qbit. The level of consciousness depends upon its arrangement of bits,not necessarily its complexity.
For example,how can one think that one’s five year old is the same as 20 as 30 as 40 as 50 what we know physically as well as mentally is different? This shows that one thinks that A=A when it is clearly not. How our minds can acquire this fiction of self-identity throughout one’s life? This is also a self-evident proof that one can treat anything as A=A even though it is clearly not but abstractly A does equal to A.
Due to the Hegelian spirit of his time,Descartes brilliantly divided the whole into two to free science from the grip of religious ideology. Now about time for us,to reunite the two realms into one whole again and to unify the C.P. Snow’s two cultures into one culture that everything is from one source and it is one whole that can be divided into many but it is still one whole. It is like that we have one house with various parts and furnitures. It is our own one house with one title of ownership. Like us,a human with unbelievable complex parts but we are only one integrated person with one recognizable identity.
Laplace had exorcised God from the law of nature;we don’t need to bring God into the equation. However,as Planck himself concluded one cannot exorcise an intelligent conscious mind from the equation. Similarly,the invariant law of nature has to be guided by an intelligent conscious mind. KQID follows Max Planck and brings back intelligent mind as the matrix of all matter into the equation and it is nothing other than our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit.
Thus,our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit contains all consciousness there was,is and will be.
This infinite conscious being is Planck’s “matrix of all matter” and it is evolving at T≤10^-1000 seconds. This means each T-moment,a unique Qbit emerges. Anything derived from this unique Qbit is necessarily unique. Then next T-moment,a new evolved Qbit reemerges. Similarly,all things derived from or emerged out of this new unique Qbit are truly and necessarily unique. As Kongzi and Heraclitus said that we can only step into a river once. Our Multiverse is flowing every absolute digital time T-step and each step is a unique Multiverse. We step into our Multiverse once every T-time present moment. In other words,in one second our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit has evolved at least 10^1000th generations and so do we,and at least 10^1000 all things are different from before and after. Thus,our block Multiverse is evolving at once every T-step≤10^-1000 seconds.[44]From this process the asymmetry of time as the arrow of time emerges obeying the KQID relativity ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm).
In contrast of the above,all information are conserved or no new qbit is added within the T-moment and all matters derived from this Qbit at Tn+x moment. During each T-moment,time is symmetry obeying Einstein-KQID General Relativity {(8πG/c^4)gμν-Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)gμν},thus it is conserved and reversible within this T-moment. One can go back in time backward and forward according to Law of nature. In this process,this infinite conscious and intelligent mind reunifies,reboots,reenergizes,retranslates,retransforms,renews and refreshes Existence. It collapses time-past-present-future into the NOW. Hence,KQID answers the most puzzling phenomena that why the computer-like Multiverse does not crash like normal computers usually do. It is because the Qbit automatically maintains and reboots itself per T-moment≤10^-1000 seconds. This is because in order for Existence to exist,it has to forever running away from its eternal nemesis Non-existence. In KQID,this Existence escapes barely as we must expect by T-step≤10^-1000seconds. That is why KQID concept of the absolute digital time T is necessarily the fundamental feature of Existence,and how Existence escapes its fate of extinction from the ever powerful entropic dark forces and exists forever and ever in the light.
In other words,KQID is the only theory that has both time symmetry embedded within in which Einstein’s persistent illusion of time prevails within T-moment and time asymmetry time embedded within in which Newton’s absolute time but in digitally absolute time prevails in time. Thus,KQID combines Newton classical physics with Einstein Relativity and QM.
Similarly,KQID combines all the previous theories of Fu Xi,Xuan Yuan,Anaximander,Parmenides,Zeno,Heraclitus,Democritus,Socrates,Plato,Aristotle,Epicurus,Epictetus,Newton,Einstein and QM,because KQID applies both A=A identity logic of Aristotle and Newton and Einstein as well as A≠A of Fu Xi,Heraclitus and QM that everything is in flux and thus always uncertain.
The Aristotle’s Identity A=A has contributed the progress of science has been self-evidence to those who are willing to open their minds. KQID has applied this paradigm of A=A and wrote based on this premise with my KQID Ouroboros Equations of Existence:
I also adopted Aristotelianparadigm A=A as shown above that each equation=equal with the next one but the Ouroboros Equations prescribes that everything is derivative of 00 and furthermore the Existence like A=A is subset of or equal to absolute digital time T≤10^-1000seconds that bags all Minkowski’s events inside it. This T jumps to the next Tn+1 and Tn+2 and so on following Feynman’s sum over histories. Aristotle tried to demolish the sophist Protagoras out of the picture that everything is subject to man’s measurement and successfully implemented in the paradigm of science and the lesser scientists are trapped in this paradigm and unaware that they are inside the Aristotle’s well,like a frog in a well seeing his world from this well hole. However with the emergent of QM,Neil Bohr with his complementarity principle of wave-particle paradigm and with Bohr-Heisenberg’s Copenhagen interpretation and Fu Xi-Heraclitus’ A ≠ A that is not surprisingly similar to Fu Xi-Bohr’s Yin-Yang paradigm reemerged in the QM that everything is changing in Plank’s quanta h or as Heraclitus put it “everything is in flux” per quanta units. Until QM,we cannot build a science out of A ≠ A,that A can be B or C or anything in quantum superposition. A=A is a fiction but real,but is useful to science and to the progress for mankind. I am for it 100%,however,it does not mean that it is true,the truth simultaneously also happens only once,uniquely and it is not repeatable. Thus,A ≠ A. Thus Existence as infinity is necessarily as Anaximander pointed out to include both A=A and A ≠ A identity logics. It is here all along these equations KQID E=h/τ=hf,as Wheeler asked rhetorical question:“Oh,how could it have been otherwise! How could we all have been so blind for so long!” Max Planck had discovered it in 1900 and then the great Einstein make it into a law about a light quanta photon 1905. Now KQID expands this equation covering the whole Multiverse that Existence is one Qbit. This Qbit can be translated into mathematical relationship KQID E=1/T where E is energy,h is Planck constant and T is absolute digital time T≤10^-1000seconds. Thus energy of our Multiverse E≥1/10^-1000≥10^1000 Joules.
1b. Our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit is the infinite Qbit that generates qbits that do works by observing,singing,dancing and exchanging qbits between our Ancestor Father and Mother Qbit that project those newly minted qbits using quantum tunneling onto the event horizon Lm that in turns project these qbits instantaneously into the bulk iLx,y,z world. KQID adopts Maxwell’s demon idea but this demon is the conscious infinite being with infinite memory that stores all qbits,not Maxwell’s finite being that picks fast moving molecules into one chamber and the slow ones into another. As this finite being has a limited memory capacity,it eventually erases its bits to store new bits.[45]This finite being,per Landauer’s principle,generates heat in its operation;the Second Law ΔS≥0 prevails. In contrast,the infinite Qbit as the matrix of all matter creates and distributes Existence in the absolute zero temperature singularity 〈S|E|A〉. It produces no entropy (ΔS=0) and yet obeying the second law ΔS≥0. Because,if just one bit is erased,ΔS〉 0,this operation collapses our Existence back to its original state,the state of non-existence. This heat will cause the temperature of the event horizon of Existence to be greater than zero when ΔS〉 0,no matter how small it is;ΔS destroys Existence. For Existence to exist forever,the Qbit must necessarily be the infinite Qbit(E=hf) as f as frequency can go up from zero to infinity with unlimited storage capacity to keep all newly minted bits within. No information was,is and will be deleted periodically! The crucial discovery by the great Physicist Landauer of IBM (1961) is that he proved the act of measurements or the act of our happy-go-lucky Father and Mother Qbit singing,dancing and exchanging qbits in the absolute zero in the singularity Qbit do not incur entropic cost. Yes,for clarity,the act of our Ancestor Bit Father and Mother of exchanging information by observing each other does not incur any entropy at all. But if the Qbit deletes or resets a bit from 1 to-1,it dissipates energy at least KbΘln2,where Kb is Boltzmann’s constant,Θ is temperature and ln2 is log based 2.[46]That is why Qbit does not delete and forbid any deletion of even one qbit/bit in our Multiverse. Therefore,Landauer’s principle is one of the core brick of KQID.
1c. The KQID Uncertainty Principle. Laplace once famously proclaimed that in his thought experiment in which a demon has all the knowledge,then it knows everything from the past to the future. KQID’s Uncertainty Principle forbids our Ancestor Qbit to know everything even though it contains all bits/its. The Qbit will NOT know at least by one qbit (yes,yes-no,no) of the next T-step. Then according to Laplace this Qbit will know everything without any exception from past to future. Heisenberg famously discovered his uncertainty principle Δ×Δp ~ħ/2 as the core concept of QM,KQID postulates that the Qbit will always be ignorance of one qbit. One qbit=one T. The Qbit does not know where it will be from absolute digital time Tx to Tx+1. We know only after it happened. We know from observation that the Tx moves to the Tx+1 must follow the Feynman sum-over-histories principle because this is what we observe how nature/Qbit behaves. We follow nature. Nature is the Qbit.
In a classical QM,Neil Bohr explained why electron does not collapse into its nucleus proton/neutron and later Schrodinger’s wave functionψ shows how an electron like a cloud jumps from an orbit to another higher or lower one without any path in between them. This jump is quantized in Planck constant h. Similarly,KQID has shown that our Multiverse jumps from Tn to Tn+1 and to Tn+2 without any path. This is the nature of nature that it has to be quantized by absolute digital time T. Per T-step,Existence jumps from its initial position to the next one without any trace but it must follow Feynman sum over histories. Each jump is quantized T-step. Our Multiverse is jumping from our Multiverse timeline Tn to another Tn+1 and so on. It has no path between Tn to Tn+1. It is random action that our Multiverse jumps from zero to infinity without time at all as long as it is the T-step. As T is pregnant with our relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) hologram Multiverse. The mother T must carry its fetus,whenever it jumps.
KQID prescribes that this is the mechanism of how Existence escapes from its nemesis Non-existence. Our Existence escapes extinction by one qbit and this qbit is the absolute digital time T-step. Thus,T is one Qbit that bags everything inside. This Qbit isΔyesΔno. This is KQID ultimate uncertainty principle at the very bottom of Existence:ΔyesΔno~T. Alternative symbols,ΔAΔS~T. This T is from the smallest possible to the largest possible. This is nothing short of ultimate beauty and imagination;thus KQID ultimate uncertainty Principle of our Multiverse ΔyesΔno~T or ΔAΔS~T is Bohr’s complementarity with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle Δ×Δp~ħ/2 of our Universe.
1d. The origin of conservation laws. KQID Qbit(-1,00,1) is the origin of all conservation laws. The reason why that no bit/qbit can ever be deleted because it is in violation of the Qbit conservation law that is the existence of an extra bit that is not accountable,this destroys the Qbit symmetry and thus Qbit can no longer capable of existing and just disappears into non-existence from where it comes from. Therefore,this is the First Law of Multiverse of Qbit conservation law. Thus,in order Existence to exist,the Existence must have to have an unlimited storage capacity that can contain infinite numbers of bit/qbits. All qbits are immortals. We are immortals.
1e. Deep Paradox is the engine of nature
KQID hypothesizes that nature uses the paradox as the engine of nature like KQID 〈S|E|A〉 derived from the Principle of Giving first Taking later. For example,from this Principle emerges local and non-local causation,yes and no,happy and sadness,beauty and ugly,right and wrong,up and down,top and bottom,tall and short,and the combination of the paradox of A and S that create and distribute E. The paradox is the thermodynamics abstract gradient engine of Existence! Thus,small paradox contains small energy,bigger paradox contains bigger energy and the biggest paradox of existence that is ranging from zero to infinity must have gradient of paradoxes from zero to infinity. Thus our Multiverse must be built from the infinite paradox. Our Multiverse is expanding,thus the paradox between A and S is similarly,it must be expanding proportionally with the expansion. This logic is so basic and simple but it is so illogical from our billions of years of evolutionary experiences,so that so far this paradox as the engine of nature has escaped from our cultural heroes and genius scientists understanding. The Fu Xi - Xuan Yuan’s yin-yang paradox is the closest concept that captures the essence of the deep paradoxes as the Principle engine of nature to create and distribute itself into Existence.
1f. Death and resurrection
KQID says our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit is perpetually performing the enactment of death and rebirth every T-moment and every T-step. Qbit is all things and Qbit is us. Thus,this T is performing these death and rebirth ritual. KQID addresses the death and resurrection problems in physical way or the problem of entropy (death) and emergent (rebirth). KQID has ouroboros mathematical (nature’s language) equations and numbers that can be falsified and verified through observations.
KQID prescribes that the T is the Qbit that contains the whole Multiverse in KQID 〈SEA〉 grid superconducting field. This 〈SEA〉 produces and reproduces its “fishes” from a tiny Nemo to a blue whale of universes! Our universe is a just born baby that I believe we are the first self-awaken infinite Qbit in our finite human species form but following our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit will be becoming more and more capable to reach its potential limit of infinite beings as our “genetic” footprint pushing us toward this inevitable evolution. Whereas our universe is also a container of photon A and S singularity field that microwave background radiation that engulfs our universe is the field of bits-waves A and S as consistent with Max Planck’s theoretical curve distribution that is confirming Planck h constant.
2.Digital Multiverse
The relationship between digital bits and our world of matter has been established far longer than the relationship between energy and mass by Einstein in 1905. More than 5 thousand years ago,Fu Xi defined the relationships between digital information and objects using 8 trigrams (☰☱☲☳☴☵☶☷),[47]Thus Fu Xi formulated the earliest digital world idea that these 8 trigram bits are directly representing Existence and lives in the real world. Similarly,more than 2500 years ago,Pythagoras boldly declared:“All things are numbers”. Since numbers are bits by their nature,thus,he proclaimed that everything is in bits. Later in 19th century,Maxwell shocked his colleagues by proposing a “finite being” that picked fast and slow moving particles into two separate chambers respectively to create free energy. Finally,“information is physical”,said by Landauer. Landauer’s bound one bit≥KbΘln2 heat or entropy must be generated,when it is erased.
Thus,bits are physical and matter are bits. In short,bit is it and it is bit. These relationships were verified in 2010 by Japanese S. Toyabe et al,and later by European scientists Berut et al that information and energy are equivalent:1 bit≥KbΘln2~3.10^-21J/K atΘ=298.15K.[48]
Our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit (-1,00,1) is physical;Existence is physical. FA is the law of nature that governs the relationships/exchanges between our Ancestor Father and Mother Qbit that are birthing new random bits. FA denoted as the 00;PA is papa denoted as A or as+1 representing consciousness/spirit that connects everything with everything else unifying the whole locally as well as non-locally. The Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment shows that time-present could affect the time past-present-future events. MA is mama denoted as S or as -1 that provides local causality that we observe in our world giving bit its It. This FAPAMA Qbit is represented as A+S=E or as ψI(CTE) in our iLx,y,z world moving along the zeroth dimension Lm. This ψI(CTE) is the output of the computation of the interactions and relationships between A and S and the Singularity Qbit using quantum tunneling and entanglement projects the output on the 2D screen of our Multiverse event horizon as the Null Geodesic qbits that in turns are projected instantaneously live in the iLx,y,z,3D time screen bulk. This bits-waves function of consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E) or ψI(CTE) are enabling our universe and an ordinary photon,electron and atom to fly according to the KQID equations. Wheeler said,“You see,these equations can’t fly. But our universe flies. We’re still missing the single,simple ingredient that makes it all fly.” The missing part is simply KQID meme ψI(CTE) as the conscious intelligent mind Minkowski’s operator in our hologram stage Multiverse.
3.One singularity Qbit Multiverse:
“Describing the physical laws without reference to geometry is similar to describing our thoughts without words.”
—Albert Einstein
No coarse graining because every burst of oscillator A+S=E or pc+imc^2=E=ψI(CTE) is the by product of the burst of a singularity starting pole of photon on Lm Multiverse timeline null geodesics and a singularity ending poles of graviton in (iLx,y,z,Lm) world. Thus source and origin and the projected image are the SAME coordinates! Amazing,wonderful and simply brilliant of nature! The singularity A is acting like an anode Heaven (chien ☰) a positive pole like a super creative yang that is moving as bits-waves time future toward its companion fiction but real the singularity S is acting like a super receptive cathode Earth (kun ☷),a negative pole in which bits-waves time futures vanish to be computed simultaneously inside Qbit and emerges in realtime as the output E or ψI(CTE) conscious bits-waves time-present that is maximizing the flow of A,minimizing the flow of S and optimizing the flow of E or ψI(CTE). This reality is fiction but real. It is a fiction because it is the outcome of inputs-outputs that produce and reproduce our holographic Existence. It is real because we think,feel,see,taste,smell and touch. We and our Multiverse are real existing at this time -present moment. Not the Earth is perfectly stationary with respect to the KQID 〈S|E|A〉 but photon A that is seemingly at rest because A is tagging along the 〈S|E|A〉 and the 〈S|E|A〉 gives A a boost to be always at c because SEA is moving always at c in relative to the graviton S. the 〈S|E|A〉 is the singularity A+S=E=ψI(CTE).[49]Key that KQID photon A,anti-entropic time-future bits-waves has two manifestations as electricity and magnetism. Is this also true that A and S are the manifestation of FAPAMA Qbit (S,E,A) or (Mother,ψI(CTE),Father). Yes,singularity A plus singularity S continuously create and distribute energy E or ψI(CTE) that is consciously operating in our relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) hologram Multiverse.
KQID says symmetry of space-in-time brings out the conservation of energy,momentum and charge.
This author like Eugene Wigner before believes his equations contain more informations than he could have imagined. Thus,this author extracts from his equations that our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit is the singularity Qbit. Nature is beautifully and shockingly simple. Our hologram Multiverse is one singularity Qbit;This Qbit is our Multiverse. All actions and all phenomena live inside this singularity Qbit. This explains quantum entanglement reality and connectivity in our world.
☰ 00 ☷〈S|E|A〉=ΨT(iLx,y,z,Lm)⊆T
The singularity 〈S|E|A〉 is made of singularity A,S and E. In Lm,A is an anti-entropic time-future photon qbit that is moving at c,thus its time and its length are zero,whereas S is an entropic time-past graviton qbit that is spinning at c on its own axis. From the principle of equivalent,A thinks that A is at rest but A observes that S is moving at c. However,S observes that A is the one is moving at c while S is at rest. Thus,it is a paradox,which one is moving where? To solve this paradox,we must use our frame of reference. We observe that photon A is moving at c in a vacuum in our iLx,y,z world. In this thought experiment,KQID decides that graviton S must be the one is stationary in iLx,y,z world.
Therefore,we conclude (Qbit in action in time Diagram 5) our frame of reference that A is moving at c speed in iLx,y,z as electromagnetic waves. However in Lm,A is stationary because A and Lm are moving at the same speed at c in a vacuum and its time and length are zero. In contrast,from our frame of reference,S is stationary in iLx,y,z but S is moving at c speed in Lm. A is moving at c with energy:E=h/τ,whereas S is spinning on its axis at c and has an attractive potential energy in Newtonian-Possion-KQID equation:4πGρ-Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)gμν. KQID postulates that A and S have equal but opposite forces. A and S exchange of bits make standing waves held by two poles of singularity A and S. The singularity S gravity pole in iLx,y,z world is firmly holding the beginning of the vibrating-strings and the singularity photon A pole is holding the end of that vibrating strings in Lm. Therefore when we add up them up in Lm(ct),we get zero:A+S=0. In contrast,if we add them up in iLx,y,z world,we capture the origin of information,energy,mass,consciousness,time where A+S=E where E=ψI(CTE),the Ψ of information (I) of consciousness(C),time(T) and energy(E). That is KQID’s brief story of how our physical iLx,y,z world is created and distributed in real time.
Because both A and S are born together;both are entangled in quantum superposition,singularity A and S are on the top of each other but they are separate. Each singularity located on the Lm projects itself into iLx,y,z screen to make our Multiverse,our universe and us. A and S projections are mirror images of themselves and their projections are perfectly matched without any discrepancy and they are bounded together as one local/non-local 3D space-in-time on the iLx,y,z screen,hence they create and distribute Existence. A and S provide redundancy and fault tolerant system including error correcting mechanism. Singularity A,S and ψI(CTE) by postulation is our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit,which is infinitely small and infinitely large at the same time;they process information instantaneously every T-moment.
From this singularity Qbit comes Einstein vector space-in-time of a complex coordinates of unit circle |E|=(A+iS) where A=(pc)^2,S=(mc2)^2 and (pc)^2+(mc2)^2=E^2=1 project its contents using both quantum tunneling and entanglement onto a 2D screen,our Multiverse event horizon Lm. The Qbit projects in realtime holographic images what are going on inside it onto the Lm screen which in turns projects them live onto the bulk of our 3D (iLx,y,z) world. We are holograms in hologram Multiverse. (Diagram 6)
Each qbit ofψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) is that singularity Qbit on Lm. Gerard Hooft remarked that our past,present and future are entangled. He wrote:[50]“Thus,the entangled states are needed to describe our universe from day one. In any meaningful description of the statistical nature of our universe,one must assume it to have been in quantum entangled states from the very beginning.” Our Multiverse,universe and all living systems must necessarily that single Qbit. Our iLx,y,z timelike world is swimming inside that singularity 〈S|E|A〉 which in turn is swimming through the Minkowski timelike iLx,y,z world. This 〈S|E|A〉 is a Wilczek’s superconductivity grid[51]of singularity 〈S|E|A〉(E=A+S) that has≤(10^-992m)^2 area of absolute digital length La^2. It interacts only with A and S. A and S are forming geometric Einstein complex coordinates ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) or ψτ(iLr,φ,θ,Lm). KQID postulates that there is only one single founder Qbit and this Qbit quantized iteratively freely without any cost to Our Ancestor Qbit and our Multiverse. Einstein complex coordinates are continuously created and distributed Einstein time-like magnitude vectors as subspaces of the Lm light-like Minkowski null geodesic. From these quantized Einstein complex triangles e^it=cos t+i sin t in timelike iLx,y,z world come all kinds of relationships. Our reality is Einstein vector space-in-time |E|=(A+iS),where S and A are real,and i is imaginary number satisfies i^2=-1,S=mc2 and A=pc that satisfies (mc2)2+(pc)2=1 and Euler’s formula e^it=cos (t)+i sin(t) of unit circle representing information ψI(CTE)=1 as the wave function of information in the form of consciousness(C),time(T) and energy(E) in our 3D Multiverse in time ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) as the shapeshifter Qbit that takes one or combined consciousness,time and energy properties. It can transform itself from one language,form and substance to another in any combination of properties. These Einstein coordinates are computed inside the 00. From this 00,the singularity Qbit projects its outputs into the bulk of iLx,y,z world. Thus,our Multiverse is a hologram and is the emerging properties of Singularity Qbit where A+S=E or ψI(CTE) as representative of our FAPAMA Qbit in the iLx,y,z world.
The Qbit is an infinite conscious being that has the whole consciousness of everything that is,was and will be. Each singularity is unique but each part is one unitary whole. Gamow:“In fact in the world of infinity a part may be equal to the whole.” Each burst of photon creation is the birth of a singularity photon A+singularity S that create and distribute oscillator ψΙ(CTE). Singularity S is holding the point of the origin of that photon A that propagates as electromagnetic waves in all directions at c in a vacuum in iLx,y,z world. Each photon A and graviton S is our Qbit’s tentacle sense organs.
KQID gravity
Key KQID,that length is proportion with time,in contrast,mass and energy are inverse relation with time. New discovery of all time KQID E=h/τ. Note that Newton-KQID Multiversal law of gravity Fg=MmG/L^2-Kqid(AΘ-ΘS) is the unification of Multiversal law that gravitational force is proportion with its mass and inverse relation with its distance minus universal varied constant Λ. In terms of time,the gravitational force is in inverse relationships with its time because L is the function of time in τL. So longer time,it has less gravitational force and shorter time,it has larger gravitational force! Thus Newton-KQID Multiversal law of gravity is the function of time alone. Furthermore as in calculus,the position of a moving object is also a function of time.[52]
KQID says that gravitons are entangled from within Qbit itself. Qbit is doing all computations to generate Einstein complex coordinates as numbers to be projected to 2D screen that in turns project them into the bulk. KQID postulates that A pushes and S attracts and these A and Sforces interactively and instantaneously curve space-in-time. Furthermore the A+S causes E to emerge and thus as Einstein postulated in 1905,that Newton mass emerged out of the content of its energy in this equation mass at rest m=E/c^2.In this way,KQID unifies Newton’s instantaneous effect of gravity with Einstein’s gravity waves move limited by c speed on Eintein curvature spacetime that causes the objects to free fall.
Black hole
In KQID,the black hole is one accumulated S qbits that has zero bit since the H is zero (0) because this singularity graviton S qbits is in quantum superposition thus it is everywhere and nowhere simultaneously according to my equation of the KQID Fourth Law of Multiverse derived from Shannon’s entropy:with coefficient ratioα=I/1+H^2=1 or perfect efficiency every time. Singularity photon A qbits has only coefficient ratio=1 In brief. A black hole is a zero bit located everywhere and nowhere in Zeroth dimension of Lm. But this black hole is within our universe and Multiverse. This black hole is as real as ψ function as you agreed as physical and real. In KQID,a black hole is a wave function:ψI(CTE). In short,KQID prescribes both photon A and graviton S have zero bit or H=0. But its alfa α=I/1+H^2=1 as a black hole is a near perfect entity made of purely S time-past bits-waves function. KQID says that a black hole ψI(CTE) does have a consciousness but it has no free will.
KQID relativityψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm)
KQID combines and synthesizes all theories before and after to infinity.
Maxwell unifies electricity,magnetism and light. Newton unifies motion,forces and gravity. Einstein unifies mass,energy space and time. QM unifies everything except gravity. KQID monism unifies Existence including consciousness,time and energy into bits-waves function memeψI(CTE),an KQID-Hamiltonian maximizing action A,that manifests itself in our ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) Multiverse. KQID 〈S|E|A〉 grid is a scalar grid with neutral magnitudes of A and S without directions and each vertex is the location of singularity A and S in which 〈S|E|A〉=A+S=E=ψI(CTE) in ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) Multiverse made of bits-waves functions with directions and magnitudes as Newton’s quantum forces made of Einstein complex coordinates with directions and magnitudes as Newton forces. It is as analogy that our house is our Multiverse and the pillars and columns of the house that support the house are hiding within the KQID 〈S|E|A〉 superconducting grid.
KQID:Planck-Einstein-KQID E=h/τ or the energy of bits-waves particle is Planck constant divided by time of that bits-waves are oscillating of electric and magnetic fields moving/traveling as an electromagnetic bits-waves through space-in-time. Hence f=c/λ where λ is the wavelength of light or f=1/t,where frequency of oscillation (f)×wavelength (λ)=speed of light (c). E=h/τ=mc^2 where τ=1/f or τf=1;thus,m=h/t/c^2=h/tc^2 describes the relationships of time,energy,mass and c^2(speed of light square). Note dL/dt=v,velocity and dv/dt=a,acceleration and KQID dh/dt=E. Mass m=dh/dt/c^2,thus,mc^2=dh/dt.
How FAPAMA Qbit concept derived from?
First from Fu Xi’s gua(trigrams)☰☷ as DIRECT representations of nature,from Pythagoras’s all things are numbers,from Jesus’s Trinity of Father,Son and Holy Ghost,from Hindu’s Trinity of Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva,from Planck’s intelligent mind as the matrix of all matter and from Maxwell’s infinite being with infinite storage capacity who computes in bits/qbits to create and distribute energy that does works,and from Landauer who teaches us that information is physical and nature can freely create and distribute bits/qbits but to erase/deletes the created bits/qbits must incur entropy cost somewhere else in Multiverse. That is why our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit does not and can not erase any information. The computation of Holographic Principle must be within the one and only Qbit(1,00,-1) showing that Existence origin is from Non-existence and the calculations of Einstein complex coordinates can only be done at absolute zero temperature in which Bose-Einstein superconductivity perfectly happens without resistance or entropy. From Susskind and Hooft,who got the idea from Bekenstein-Hawking black hole entropy,proposed/discovered Holographic Principle and Hooft’s quantum entanglements must be from the beginning. Thus FAPAMA Qbit must be there from the beginning (Hooft) and splits freely without cost (Landauer and Guth) to itself and Multiverse infinitely every absolute digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds. Moreover,every T-moment,our FAPAMA Qbit escapes extinction from its forever chasing companion Non-existence to be reunited only just barely by rebooting,resynchronizing,refreshing,renewing and reborn itself,so that it is forever just newly born evolved immortal baby. This gives us the arrow of time. ☰00☷=〈S|E|A〉=ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm)⊆T. Time reemerges every digital T-moment. Every T-moment Qbit resynchronizes all Minkowski events in time-present. This is the KEY in re-entangling everything and keeping things in order and not crashing down. Complementarily,KQID also supports block Multiverse within T-moment in which all time-past-present-futures are forged into the NOW that in turn enabling resynchronization above! Time disappears. Yes,Einstein-KQID relativity rules (8πG/c^4)Tμν-Kqid(ΑΘ-ΘS)gμν=Τμν block Multiverse. Yes,Existence is the founder of creativity and imagination,and it must invent new ways to escape from the grip of its Non-existence complementarity-companion. The Founder FAPAMA Qbit is both bit and it simultaneously. Existence-Non-existence is one Qbit. This Qbit is It as Existence. FAPAMA:FA in Chinese means law like law of gravity that gives Existence order in time,PA from the concept of papa or the Holy Ghost or Brahma or Fu Xi heaven ☰ that connects everything with everything else as one meaningful whole that manifests in QM as Hooft’s physical quantum entanglement. Yes,quantum entanglement phenomena must be instantaneous with infinite speed because it is within that one Qbit,there is no gap,no space,no time,no dimension,no locality but it is everywhere locally in physical forms that are derivative from MA as mama trigram earth ☷ that gives birth to mass and structure of Existence in ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) relativistic Multiverse in which time contracts KQID proper time τ=sqrt(1-v2/c2)t.[53]From the perspective of the moving object,time τ contracts,its length τL contracts but its mass and energy m/τ increases. But from the perspective of the stationary observer at T00,the clock at the moving object is slowing down and time thus dilates and it measures the length will still dilates and its mass and energy of the object also increase. Thus,there is a contradictory that the stationary observers think the time dilates whereas the objects feel everything is normal but its proper time indeed contracts. Here is the proof that redshift of photons relative to its clocks. Thus length contracts τL and mass/energy increases m/τ where Eo=mc2,then E=mc2/τ=mc2+pc and p=mv/τ and E=p2/2m+U(iLx,y,z). Thus time plays a new role that has not been the case before and time has acquired a new meaning different from Einstein,Maxwell,Newton and QM. Note that KQID c as time natural movement in ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) Multiverse,thus L=ct or c as the element of time,therefore,it is natural that c times time to get a distant L! This is the simple logical conclusion from what we know rather than forcing nature to conform to our evolutionary realities based on our past that space is separate from time or equal to time in spacetime as an integrated but still separate to conform to a concept of Einstein relativity that time is a persistent illusion but space is real. KQID portrays a stark contrast that nature does in which time is real and time is fully pregnant with space in its womb. Space is the unborn child of time carrying in its womb. Time feeds space using time’s umbilical cord. For example,time feeds space by infusing time and space inflates like a balloon,and if time contracts so does space contracts. Our Multiverse is like small-world network that is distributed evenly throughout subject to KQID Ultimate Uncertainty Principle ΔyesΔno~T and also Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Δ×Δp~ħ/2. As time is real,so does its fetus space. In this beautiful poetic KQID view,our Multiverse is the fetus of absolute digital time T. Time is the expecting mother of forever unborn child space. Time is part of ψI(CTE),where ψI is the bits-wave function of information (I) of consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E). So you see KQID gives a physical picture of Existence as fantastically magical world,a hologram but physically relativistic fiction but real Multiverse. We are active game changers in our Wheeler’s participatory magical kingdom,the Leibniz’s happiest Multiverse possible. Because we are limited,we have choices to make including mistakes that lead to man/nature made miseries;so that we have free will to enjoy this wonderful make-believe hologram world.
The equation ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) expresses KQID relativity theory
KQID Relativity describes our Multiverse in the compressed algorithm equationψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) that shows the relationships of wave function tau τ where Kqidτ=√(1-v^2/c^2)t where v is velocity,c is light speed in vacuum and t is time at origin. This equation shows that our Multiverse is the product of times,and the 3D of time iLx,y,z are moving along inside the zero dimension of our Lm. See KQID-Minkowski’s time diagram above (Diagram 5) that shows our 3D time Multiverse is coming alive inside the 0thD of our Multiverse timeline which is always in the time-present T-moment.
KQID relativity and the twin paradox
Einstein relativity has not fully solved twin paradox mystery but KQID can do it easily. KQID says there is absolute digital time and KQIDτ is the key and it only applies with one that moving at v since the earth is moving at 30km/s and the other at 0.6c then we can measure the realized motion of the twin,the one in the rocket and the one on earth. There is no symmetrical paradox.[54]
KQID absolute and relative time and space-in-time
Following Newton’s idea of absolute time and space,KQID postulates the absolute digital time T and absolute digital length Kqid L as follows:Absolute,true,and mathematical digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds,of itself,and from its own nature,flows digitally forward equally each time ticking according to the time-present moment that our Ancestor Father and Mother are observing,singing,dancing and exchanging their FAPAMA chien ☰ and kun ☷ trigrams to create and distribute Existence,our Multiverse,us and our God/s. Whereas,KqidL is simply the product of T≤10^-1000s×c (3×10^8 m),or Kqid L is fixed at≤3×10^-992 m. Thus,KQID interprets Lorentz and Einstein spacetime as the space-in-time. In other words,space is the emergent property of time. Space is the unborn child of time and time is the mother of space. Space is representing three dimension of time ψτ(iLx,y,z) moving along our Multiverse timeline Lm. Time is real and space is also real because time-past-present-future are equally real in time Lm.
KQIDτ time varies with its speed,because it is indeed time’s objects like Newton’s corpuscular extended in 3D time rather than in space. The Lm Multiverse timeline is NOT the Minkowski’s 4th D but it is the 0th D of time of timeless dimension where time is being synchronized every T. It returns to time-present in which all time-past,time-future and time-present are synchronized. KQID defines KQIDτ=√(1-v2/c2)t,where KQID shows that time contracts;thus the length contracts.
For example,KQID flexible c-timerod in time,to paraphrase Einstein:Every motion is a relative time-motion measured by a flexible c-timerod in time. Length is made of time units of c-timerod,c is the KQID flexible c-timerod in time,not the Einstein solid meter-rod. That,length is τL=sqrt(1-v2/c2)tL. Thus at v=0 and 1000km long=1000/c=1000/300000km/s=1/300 seconds at v=0. This is KQID theory of the relationship of time-length. In other words,1/300s=1000km at v=0 but if v=0.6 then τ=√[(1-(0.6c)^2/c2]t=√(0.64c/c)t=0.8t=0.8 1/300s or 4/5*1/300=4/1500=1/ 375s or less than 1/300s. The length must be 1/375×300000 Km=800Km=τL=0.8×1000Km=800 Km. Thus,it is verified:the distant contracts because the c-timerod contracts. Furthermore,as time contacts,length contracts but its mass and its energy increase. This is an example of the KQID flexible c-timerod.
KQID absolute and relative time coexist within the KQID theoretical framework. KQID absolute digital time similar with Newton’s absolute and true time that is ticking (flowing digitally) at an absolutely regular period≤10^-1000seconds without any external influence. However,the 3D space-in-time are relatively flowing according to KQID relativity.
Fu Xi’s Creation Story[55]
“The Limitless (Wuji) produces the delimited,and this is the Absolute (Taiji).
The Taiji produces two forms,named yin and yang.
The two forms produce four phenomena,named lesser yin,great yin (taiyin also means the Moon),lesser yang,great yang (taiyang also means the Sun).
The four phenomena act on the eight trigrams (bagua),eight eights are sixty-four hexagrams.”
From I Ching[56]
“Taiji also appears in the Xìcí 繫辭 “Appended Judgments” commentary to the I ching,a late section traditionally attributed to Confucius but more likely dating to about the 3rd century B.C.E.
Therefore there is in the Changes the Great Primal Beginning. This generates the two primary forces. The two primary forces generate the four images. The four images generate the eight trigrams. The eight trigrams determine good fortune and misfortune. Good fortune and misfortune create the great field of action.”[57]
KQID’s Creation Story
KQID Ouroboros Equations of Existence=one Qbit
1.Non-existence has no beginning and no ending,nothing including nothing itself does not exist.
2.Existence emerges from Non-exsitence. Existence is our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit (Father,Original Zero,Mother) or (1,00,-1) or (☰,00,☷) or {A,ψI(CTE),S}. Thus Qbit has the beginning and being renewed per absolute digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds without ending forming the KQID 〈S|E|A〉 superconducting grid that produces and reproduces conscious mee ψI(CTE) operating in KQID relativistic ψτ(ix,y,z, Lm) hologram Multiverse. This process is occurring and recurring within the Qbit per T-moment.
3.Projected outside of Qbit,A and S are singing,dancing and exchanging information in which Einstein complex coordinates emerge out of them:A+S=E orψI(CTE) or Einstein complex coordinates (iLx,y,z, Lm) of unit circle to create and distribute KQID ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) relativistic hologram Multiverse.
KQID’s Creation Story has only three degrees of separation of “small-world network architecture”:
(1) Non-existence.
(2) Our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit (☰,00,☷).
(3) Everything that was,is and will be {☰,ψI(CTE),☷}.
KQID is the only theory that combines the Creation story and unifies Newton Classical physics,Maxwell electromagnetism,Boltzmann Thermodynamics,Planck-Einstein photoelectric effect,Einstein Relativity,Landauer’s Principle and QM that can calculate and predict everything from our Multiverse to a photon in physical bits that can be verified and falsified by experiments:
Sun light is Sun qbits
Berut et al confirmed that one bit of information at room temperature of 298.15K is about 3×10^-21 J. Planck/Einstein using E=hf:we get f=4.5×10^14 hertz or near infra-red spectrum. (Diagram 8)
We get the same result if we use Landauer’s bound 1 bit≥Kb Θ Ln2. Thus,Θ=298.15K:then,using this formula KbΘln2≥1.3806503×10^-23×298.15K×0.6932=2.853494×10^-21J
A particle with a rest mass contains one bit? E=mc^2=2.858494×10^-21J=m×(3×10^8)^2=m×9×10^16 at 298.15K
From the above self-evident calculation,I formulate:
KQID’s equivalent principle of bits/frequency and mass/bits ratio[58]:
KQID Equivalent relationships at 298.15K:
1.The numbers of bits (Nb):Nb=f/ (4.5×10^14) where Nb=number of bits,f=E/h contains energy per Planck constant h,bit must be in bit quanta like light quanta h at a given temperature according to KbΘ.
2.For bit to mass ratio:the KQID equivalent simple formula:Nb=mass at rest/1 bit mass at room temperature 298.15K=Rest mass/ 2.568×10^-36
The predictions above and below can be easily falsified and verified:bit is it and it is bit.
Therefore:KQID’s bits to frequency equivalent at 298.15 K predicts:
10 bits~4.5×10^15 Hz,ultraviolet.
100 bits~4.5×10^16 Hz,ultraviolet
1000 bits~4.5×10^17Hz,x-rays. Thus,it is clear that not only energy proportionally relates to frequency but also to quanta of bits. (Diagram 8)[59]
KQID bit-mass equivalent at 298.15K.
Electron at rest mass in terms of bits:electron mass-bit equivalent=9.109×10^-31/ 2.568×10^-36=3.547×10^5 bits.
Proton mass:(1.6726×10^-27 kg) about 1836×mass of an electron=0.65132×10^9=6.5132×10^8 bits.
Neutron mass:1.6749×10^-27 kg/ 2.568141×10^-36 kg=6.5218×10^8 bits.
The above examples proved that bit is it and it is bit.
Dark Energy,Bit Bang and Big Crush
Using the equation Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)gμν where KQID constant is calculated earlier as 5.92×10-14 m3/qbit or 9.92938×10^-115 J/KPv where ΘA as 2.725 K and ΘS as 3×10^-30K,temperature of the event horizon of our universe calculated by George Smoot et al.[60]Thus:9.92938×10^-115 J/KPv(2.725K-3×10^-30K)=1.3832048×10^-123 Pm/Pv as the dark energy of our universe. This is really identical with the observed cosmological numbers 1.38×10^-123Pm / Pv.[61]KQID postulates that this 1.3832048×10^-123Pm/Pv is one bit! Photon A at CMB temperature as the dark energy that varies with the temperature of our cosmic background radiation (CBMR). KQID predicts that today one photon qbit A=Kqid(ΘCMB)=E=1.38×10^-123Pm/Pv and this numbers will continue to go down as our universe is inflating until it will reach a critical benchmark when A=S,then our universe will stop expanding and begin its collapse until all A are converted into S to form what is known as the Omega Black Hole or the Big Crush. From this Crush comes a new Bit Bang obeying A=E-S where at time zero,there is no entropy,therefore S=0,then the Qbit A=E=Kqid(Θo)=4.6×10^113Jm^3 where the burst of the first temperature at the Bit Bang temperature at Θo=4.6×10^113Jm^3/5.92×10-14 m^3/bit=7.8×10^126K which is much higher than the existing estimate using the Cosmology Standard Model assuming at the Bit Bang,our universe has the energy of Planck pressure*m^3=4.6×10^113Jm^3.
All Things are one Qbit:KQID says so that the unfolding of matters/Existence (our Multiverse) are the function of ψI(CTE) or the bits-waves function of consciousness(C),time(T) and energy(E). Thus,a distant ct is not longer just a function of time but it is time itself that is moving. c is the movement of time,and c-timerod is the measurement of the movement of time. The Bit Bang is no longer the expansion of space but as the expansion of time or space-in-time or more correctly as the expansion of information ψI(CTE) as the bits-waves function of information in consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E). KQID truly is a new paradigm meme,hereafter the orthodox meme of QM the Standard Model and Einstein Relativity are therefore amended and supplemented.[62]KQID postulates that any Qbit can contain any amount of energy with no theoretical limit. This Qbit generates Einstein complex coordinates (iLx,y,z, Lm). Gravitational singularity of our universe is necessarily singularity Qbit because after the infinite compression,only the singularity Qbit remains. The Qbit that contains everything in qbits because it is the product of those compression! The singularity Qbit is the Singularity of A+S=ψI(CTE)=our universe singularity Qbit. The energy contains in this Qbit at the Big Crush universe depends upon its temperature as described by Kqid(Θend). Therefore,this is the key of KQID cosmology of our universe that one photon A contains all the energy for the Bit Bang as calculated using Kqid(Θo):the Bit Bang temperature at Θo=Θend=7.8×10^126K (4.6.10^113Jm^3/5.92×10-14 m^3/bit) far higher than the current estimation,assuming at the Big Crush,our universe has the energy of Planck pressure*m^3=4.6×10^113Jm^3 that has been splitting ever since into our observation as Cosmic Background radiation of about 1.38×10^-123Pm/Pv which is according to KQID is one qbit A that has combined photon+neutrinos energy(representing as temperature that is made up of both photon energy and neutrinos energy).
What were time and the wavelength of the first burst of the Bit Bang? E=hf=h/t=6.6×10^-34 J/t=4.6×10^113 jm^3,we can calculate that t=6.6×10^-34 J/4.6×10^113 jm^3=1.43478×10^-147 seconds. This is far smaller time than Planck time of 5.39×10^-44 s.
This means the lambda λ of the first Bit Bang is about 1.43478×10^-147 s×c=4.3×10^-139 meter,far shorter than the current estimation.
The event horizon of our Multiverse must be the absolute zero
Applying the Hawking’s (Θ) formula=1/Rs where (Schwarzschild Rs=2Gm/c2),then the Hawking Θ must be the absolute zero K because the Rs=infinity as Multiverse mass=infinity. Thus,Hawking Θ=0K. Alternatively,we know that the event horizon is bordering with Non-existence in which even nothing itself does not exist,and Non-existence thus gives no reading at all.
KQID is the only theory in our universe[63]that can measure the dark energy varied constant as follow:our Multiverse’s dark energy:Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)=9.92938×10^-115 J/KPv×(3×10^-30K-0K)=1.523×10-153Pm/Pv.
We can calculate it simply using Kqid constant:
5.92×10-14 m3/qbit=9.92938×10^-115 J/KPv
The KQID’s Multiverse Dark Energy:Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)=9.92938×10-115 J/KPv×(3×10-30K-0K)=29.78814×10-145J/Pv=2.978814×10-144J/Pv
In terms of Kg/Pv:
2.978814×10^-144J/Pv÷ c2=2.978814×10^-144J/Pv ÷ (2.997925×10^8)2
=2.978814×10^-144J/Pv ÷ (8.98755×10^16)
Conversion in terms of Planck Mass:
KQID postulates that this dark energy (Λm) of our Multiverse 1.523×10-153Pm/Pv must be Λm〉 0,because if not our Multiverse has to collapse and our Multiverse and us will simply disappear without any trace. No record and nothing left:existence will cease to exist and non-existence is forever and ever. Thus,it is necessarily,our Multiverse dark energy Λm is ≤1.523×10-153Pm/Pv〉 0. Our Multiverse MUST expand forever and ever in the time-present≤10^-1000 seconds.
In his wonderful book “Programming the Universe”,Seth Lloyd calculated that the upper bound transactions in our universe are about 10^122 bits,thus if one bit is equal to 2.85×10^-21Joules at 298.15K,then it is now about 2.85×10^-21×10^122=2.85×10^101J and this is much less than the KQID assumed energy at the Bit Bang:Planck Pressure *m^3=4.6×10^113J.
KQID estimates when the inflection point will be reached and when our universe will begin to crush into a Bit Crush.
Applying A=E-S at the Bit Bang moment,S=0,then A=E.
Calculating when S is starting to be bigger than the A and when S=E and A=0?
Assuming that the Plank Pressure*m^3 is the energy that triggered the Bit Bang A(anti-entropic bits) with 4.6.10^113J.
The question is when it will be reaching the total transactions around the KQID upper bound 1.77649×10^136 bits based the CMBΘ=2.725K. Applying KbΘln2 we find the value of one bit≥KbΘLn2 where Θ=2.725K thus 2.725×1.3806503 × 10^-23×0.6932=2.608×10^-23 J. Then,how many bits if S is equal with A assuming at the Bit Bang,the total energy of S was at 4.63309×10^113/(2.608×10^-23)=1.77649×10^136 bits. If we divide this number with Lloyd’s upper bound 10^122,we get 1.77649×10^136/10^122=1.77649×10^14 or 177.649 trillion times more bits. As of now,it looks like our cute baby universe (13.8 billion years old) has many hundreds trillions years more to go and furthermore as our universe is aging it is using less energy to compute,thus it will use even less energy than before for doing the same thing.
Interestingly,we can get the same value 177.649 trillion times larger when we use different method in unit of Joules energy of calculation using Lloyd upper bound bits of transactions (10^122 bits) in our universe since the Bit Bang,the energy of one bit at CMB 2.725K as follows:assuming the S entropic energy that has been accumulated since the Bit Bang,Lloyd’s numbers=10^122×2.608×10^-23 J=2.608×10^-99 J. Thus this is the value of A used up or S,entropic bits,in energy J unit of measurement since the Bit Bang. If we divide the energy of A at the bit bang moment by approximately A energy assuming the CMB as the energy now and assuming at the Bit Bang as 4.63309×10^113 J. What have left is A/S=4.63309×10^113/(2.608×10^99)=1.77649×10^14 or177.649 trillion times of magnitude bigger,which are the same numbers as above using different calculation!
No one else in this universe has this KQID theory as far as KQID informs us because we are the FIRST most advanced beings who can do what we do. Our universe has about 13.8 billion age based on the latest calculation by the Planck satellite of the European Space Agency and KQID calculated that our universe has about 1.77.10^14 magnitude bigger than the existing age of 13.8 billion years as the potential life span of its existence.[64]In other words,our universe is just a born baby universe coming out from its mother:the Bit Bang. It is only about 1.3/100,000th fraction of a second of human experience. For example,if human has 100 years life span:100×365×24×60×60 seconds=2,289,600,000 seconds or about 2.3.10^9 seconds. Thus,our universe life span ratio as calculated using KQID compared to that of a human 100 years life span:2.3.10^9/1.7710^14 seconds=1.3.10^-5seconds or 1.3/100,000th seconds. In other words,our universe is just,yes,just coming out from the womb right now or about 1.3/100,000th seconds. Another way to put it,one second of human experience,our Universe would be almost 100,000 larger than now! Thus,I believe,we are the most advanced species in our universe. This is amazing that KQID can explain about our status in our universe. Thus,KQID should be the only theory in our universe that can explain the why,how and what existence including mass,information,energy,time and consciousness.
How many bits are in our universe and Multiverse using Bousso’s formula?
Bousso,The holographic principle,[65]says that Sglobal≤3π/Λ where KQID says that it is based on observation that our universe cosmological varied constant Λ=(1.38×10^-123Pm/Pv),then Sglobal≤3π/1.38×10^-123Pm/Pv is≤6.8×10^123 bits match with Seth Loyd upper bound bits since the Bit Bang is about 10^122 bits. For Multiverse,KQID calculated at the minimum bound SMultiverse≥3π/1.523×10-153Pm/Pv≥6.3×10^153 bits that are projected onto our Multiverse event horizon. Our Multiverse is indeed a colossal Susskind hologram!
KQID’s Origin of Mass:
Amazingly,KQID is the only theory that can explain the origin of mass as A+S=E=ψI(CTE). After the discovery of Higgs boson mH ≈ 125 GeV,Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek wrote in his tour the force article Origins of Mass arXiv:1206.7114v2 in 2012 that human beings do not yet know the origins of mass and it is not even in sight. He concluded on page 32/35 and lamented like Einstein 51 years before:“We’ve passed some milestones,but the end of the road is not in sight.” Einstein in his landmark famous article 107 years ago in 1905 on m=E/c^2 put mass in terms of energy,“Does the Inertia of a Body Depend on Its Energy Content?” However,the equation rest mass m=E/c^2 requires us to know “what is energy” and the “origin of energy” itself before we can define the origin of mass. Einstein truly like Socrates before him as the wisest man in Athens according to the Oracle simply because Socrates claims that he does not know anything,Einstein the wise similarly stated his own ignorance of energy in 1951:“All these fifty years of pondering have not brought me closer to answering the question,what is light quanta?”
KQID portrays the relationships between time and energy in which time is the inverse relation with energy or less time to oscillate of a cycle,more energy it has. Or E=h/t or t=h/E. (KQID energy E=hf=h/t;KQID momentum p=hf/c=h/tc.) For example,Noether’s law describes that an action has energy conservation if it does not change in time. I suggest that in general rule more energy means more consciousness and more A or more S or both more A and S. It means that the frequency of time per second or the inverse of absolute digital time 1/T is the total energy and the total consciousness of the Qbit and the Qbit is bits or here as〉 10^153 bits for all Existence if we assume that Existence=Multiverse!!!! Note that everything is bits-waves functionψI(CTE)=time=h/E or E=h/t. Mass m=E/c^2 or h/t/c^2 or h/tc^2=m!
Russian Physicist L.B. Okun summed up on the properties of Newtonian mass[66]“1.Mass is a measure of the amount of matter. 2. Mass of a body is a measure of its inertia. 3. Masses of bodies are sources of their gravitational attraction to each other. 4. Mass of a composite body is equal to the sum of masses of the bodies that constitute it;mathematically that means that mass is additive. 5. Mass of an isolated body or isolated system of bodies is conserved:it does not change with time. 6. Mass of a body does not change in the transition from one reference frame to another.”
The relationships of the energy E and its momentum p of an isolated system of bits-waves function must be conserved. Einstein relativity rest mass is defined by its energy and its momentum:m^2=(E/c^2)^2-(p/c)2;and p=Ev/c2 to connect momentum with the velocity v.[67]
See above that v=dL/dt and p=mv where dv/dt=a thus F=Dp/dt=ma. Here we can see clearly the role of time,that velocity v derived from L divided by time and acceleration a is v divided by time,that means length,velocity,acceleration are the functions of time. Therefore,time ad the mother of space is clearly in our equations since Newton clasdical physics! However,we do not believe our own equations because they seemed not representing reality that we observed. But there is catch here:we observe reality through our theoretical lanced. Thus,we just ignore the math relationship because we don’t trust the meaning of it because we don’t have the theory of time even we can trust the equation that has been proven for more than 400 years since Newton invented/found the relationship. And it has been ignored simply because we don’t have a theory that can interpret time in a consistent matter and time reminds a mystery until KQID as the theory of time among other things can define precisely the role of time and gives time its proper position rather than merely a persistent illusion according Einstein and his SR and GR with its block universe time perspective. Furthermore as bonus,KQID has the all at once Block Multiverse with symmetrical time framework Einstein-KQID (8πG/c^4)gμν-Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)gμν=4πGρ Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)gμν and asymmetrical time framework in the KQID ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) Multiverse.
Note:E=A+S=(pc)^2+(mc2)^2=p2/2m+Us(iLx,y,z)=p2/2m+(-mc2)=p2/2m-Gm/r thus here mc2=Gm/r(gravitational gravity of a body mass m),hence c2=G/r,we can calculate that r=G/c3=6.67.10^-11m3kg-1s^-2/9.10^16m2s^-2=6.67/9.10^-27mKg^-1=r thus when,r is 7.41.10^-26mKg^-1 then,mc2=Gm/r.
How about when there are m1+m2? Us=-Gm1m2/r=-mc2 should be the same that m=m1m2 or c2=G/r here r=τL=7.41.10^-26mKg^-1 and assuming L is 1 then the τ=7.41.10^-26 seconds!!!! E=h/7.41.10^-26=where frequency f=1/τ=1/7.41.10^-26;here we need to know the τ of that m hence the E=h/τ=mc2 but m=m/τ,then again this is hopelessly circular. The key here is everything can be calculated based on time times h or Planck constant.
With this new paradigm we can see the old Planck-Einstein formula E=hf in a new light where E is energy,h is Planck constant and f is frequency where f=1/t where t is time. In KQID E is h/τ. in our Universe. In our Multiverse energy E≥1/T.
Thus,the relationship is clearly established that the smaller T,the larger is the energy E. This equation is all along since its discovery by Max Planck and later Einstein has shown the clear relationship between time and energy and h which is the unit of action in quanta of light h,this is matter with mass;and energy content:thus E=hf contains the relationships of energy with time with the unit action h. This relationship is obvious under every physicist nose after its founding by Planck in 1900 and further profound generalization as the universal formula by Einstein in 1905. However,the truth is without a paradigm shift theory that can illuminate the data,mathematical formula and even another theory in a new perspective,every scientist is blind. Every one can only see through his/her own theoretical eye,without this theory to give meaning to information/data,this person is blind. Furthermore,KQID gives us a new microcosmic as well as telescopic eye to see and interpret the smallest unit possible of one qbit as the dark energy of our Multiverse as the upper bound that it is less than or equal to 1.5×10^-153 Planck mass/Planck volume to the largest Qbit Multiverse≥10^153 qbits where this qbit 〈10^-153Pm/Pv at the assumed CMBR of our universe at less than or equal to 3×10^-30K(Smooth et al). This unit of action h has embedded with Qbit least action principle that is maximizing the flow of A,minimizing the flow of S and optimizing the flow of E. That means each action h contains not only energy E and time T but also consciousness C that guides each interaction and transaction of A and S and thus E according to least action because this principle is necessary lest our Multiverse can be built,if it is built by this principle but not continually maintain by this same principle it will fall apart. If the existing physics paradigm includes this principle it must also accepts its source consciousness that consistently and invariantly applies in all space-in-time. This consciousness is PA as papa that connects everything with everything else and infuses everything with FA as law of nature that governs everything (PA and MA) including itself FA. Our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit observes,interacts and exchange with itself that in the process Existence exits. We exist. If you deny your own existence,you can perform a simple experiment on yourself like biting you finger or even more extreme one by pulling out your non-existence eyes out from their sockets! I think if this person is sane he/she would quickly realize of his/her own existence. Note if m=E/c^2 then the m is the function of time ultimately. As c is a measure of time according to KQID. Thus there is an inverse relationship between time and energy! Furthermore,h is a quanta of conscious quanta embedded with energy and time as described by this KQID ψI(CTE)=A+S=Tμν=T.
Einstein and other great physicists didn’t postulate that bit=it andψI(CTE) as the KQID meme. KQID meme is from a Planck’s h to an atom to our Multiverse. Moreover,all living systems from a virus to human are meme ψI(CTE).
Newtonian physics is about natural object oriented programming that we use everyday. All living systems use this natural object as a loaded program object that can be manipulated. For example,Michael Jordan is famously skillful in throwing a basketball into a basket better than most. A baby is born with this natural language even when he/she is an embryo. Einstein relativity is similarly using the object oriented programming most related with fast moving objects and heavy objects like planets,stars and universe;QM goes into Planck h level like E=hf.
In the end,all object oriented programming language have to access the machine/assembly language programming at the bottom. Object oriented is easier and more natural way for human to program like our natural language,apples and rocks. However,machine language is faster and in the end he language that machine understands. Similarly,KQID uses both natural object oriented language and the machines language in bits/qbits. For priority,Fu Xi started it first followed by Pythagoras,Maxwell,Landauer,Wheeler and others. KQID completes what was initiated by Fu Xi. KQID is scalable from a single bit to our Multiverse and from the assembly language of nature in bits/qbits to atoms,universe and Multiverse,and givers all living systems from a single cell to human,alien,cyborg and even sentient robot. KQID solves the mystery of information,consciousness,time and energy. Thus,KQID can describe the origin of mass beyond Einstein m=E/c^2 because Einstein in frustration lamented that after 50 years of his research he is still unable to crack what is the light quanta. He wrote:“All these fifty years of pondering have not brought me closer to answering the question,what is light quanta?” Thus his definition of what is a mass is incomplete although he advanced it by saying that a mass depends upon its energy content although he does not know what energy itself is and its origin. Here KQID comes in to complete Einstein herculean effort in the origin of mass. Newton,Maxwell,Boltzmann,Einstein,QM are baby’s first step of object programming language that brought us Moon,computers,mobile phones and fantastically technological advance that were undreamed of by our human ancestors. KQID is perhaps the giant step to push us forward into a new reality that the pre KQID physics has only a glimpse looked at it and that it refuses or beyond its theoretical boundary to interpret nature as is. We can only interpret nature from our theoretical eyes. KQID gives humans Qbit’s eyes.
Yes,symmetry breaking caused a mass to emerge out of symmetry of massless A and S to gain new information thus gains a mass. Symmetry within A is massless and symmetry within S is massless. To gain mass and information necessarily to break the symmetry! KQID regards mass as the derivative property of energy,time and consciousness. In other words,KQID says that each mass or a particle with or without mass is bits-waves function ψI(CTE) contains energy,time and consciousness in its myriads combinations.
Strogatz explained in his book,Sync,p.136,on how a symmetry breaking occurs:“That deformation in the ion positive charged field creates a region of space with a tiny excess of positive charge,which tends to attract a second electron toward it. In that indirect sense,the two electrons are linked.” KQID singularity A+singularity S create a deformation or symmetry breaking mechanism that creates matter/Existence that we observe. Because adding two singularity photon A and singularity graviton S as adding two odd numbers as fermions they become an even numbers or a boson.[68]Quantum tunneling effect that a quantum bits-waves trapped in a deep well wall do not need to climb out to escape but by tunneling through the wall without leaving any hole and without leaving that hole. The E or ψI(CTE) is using quantum tunneling as the mean of projector like the Sun bits/lights come out from the fusion chamber by mean of quantum tunneling to create and distribute Existence without leaving the infinite singularity Qbit{A,ψI(CTE),S} and the existence of finite meme ψI(CTE) as Einstein complex coordinates embedded in the event horizon of Existence and that in turn project those numbers into the KQID relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) Multiverse. Further note that A+S=E(ψI(CTE)) are accounting of measurements or like a bookkeeping device/tool so that our Multiverse/Existence can be built. Even though it is as a hologram,it is still real as we are real although fictional characters (calculations/computations) of activities within Our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit,it is like an abacus or like a math equation that is stable and unmoved but the inputs are going in and outputs are coming out but the shocking and the miracle is that as nothing happens in the Qbit that is calm like windless still lake without any wave on the surface however inside everything is in flux. Is the A+S=E=ψI(CTE) an illusion that Buddhist theology suggests? No! KQID prescribes that reality is both fiction and real simultaneously reflecting its deep paradox of pulsating of the ultimate paradox of Non-existence and infinite Existence in the bottom. It is interplay of Existence and Non-existence in which both are fiction but real. We are holograms as Plato’s copies from Plato’s only one Form of one singularity Qbit Multiverse/Existence at absolute zero temperature that projects using quantum tunneling its computed Einstein complex coordinates numbers (Pythagoras complex triangles,Fu Xi’s trigrams) onto the 2D screen Minkowski Null geodesics of our Multiverse made of singularity points of photon A,graviton S and computed in realtime A+S=E=ψI(CTE) that in turn using quantum tunneling and entanglement projects those Einstein Coordinates into the bulk of our Multiverse in the form/language/transformation of KQID relativity ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) Multiverse based on inverse Lorentz transformation KQID τ=√(1-v^2/c^2)t where t is the time origin,v is velocity of the object,and c is light speed in vacuum,i is √-1 and iLx,y,z is 3D space-in-time and Lm is our Multiverse timeline in zeroth dimension of the KQID-Minkowski space-in-time,not spacetime. Using KQID flexible c-timerod,KQID measures our reality as fiction but real. Space is by product of time. Time shrinks;length shrinks but its energy/mass increases computed instantaneously by that one Qbit. Time is the mother of space and space is the fetus of time. Space is in time. Therefore,when space expands during the Bit Bang,it is a direct representing time expanding in incredible speeds like thousands of c-timerod years in a second. Thus,the space-in-time can expand much faster than the speed of light c-timerod in space-in-time. Whereas space-in-time can expands has almost unlimited speed of expansion. Thus time has two speeds:1. first speed is at c-timerod speed 0≤c-timerod≥c in the medium of T-〈S|E|A〉grid superconductor vacuum as scalar field with no direction but it has a magnitude as 1/T energy. KQID grand theory shows that E=h/T that time is pregnant with space,energy and matter,and though space-in-time as our Multiverse,universe has Maxwell’s electric and magnetic field with direction and magnitudes through space-in-time;and 2. Second speed is at c〉 c-space-in-time 〈infinite. This is the natural outcome if the infinite nature of nature. As infinity contains all potentialities must have deep paradoxical reality that is Bohr’s complementarity or Fu Xi’s yin-yang complementarity in all things. Our Multiverse is a hologram. We are holograms. The above description is KQID mechanism of Existence that when I asked the great Physicist Leonard Susskind,one of the founders of Holographic Principle on June 24th,2013 in his office at Stanford University whether he knew the mechanism of Holographic Principle,he told me emphatically that he did not know and he did not think anyone knows either. However,KQID prescribes the why,how and what Existence and describes mechanism of Existence’s existent. Furthermore,KQID offers a simple Creation story and mythology that Existence (Father,Original Zero,Mother) or (1,00-1) emerges out of Non-existence,our Ancestor Father and Mother fell in love and started exchanging meme ψI(CTE) ever since every T-moment. KQID=Qbit=A+S=E=KQID meme ψΙ(CTE) operating/acting/doing/executing/performing using its magical ruyi-bang or as-you-wish programming tool A=E-S in the stage of KQID relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z,Lm) hologram Multiverse in time. KQID offers creation and distribution story of Existence including our Multiverse ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm),universe,mankind and their God/s as an operating KQID meme ψI(CTE). KQID offers both now and here that ψI(CTE) as the manifested form and substance of our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit that is existing and living in KQID relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) Multiverse. Qbit is all things;all things are Qbit. Thus,Qbit is us;we are Qbit. This understanding unifies humans with their creators and distributors;we born and die together;we are one and the same. This understanding unifies religions or beliefs system with another version of belief system:science and its scientific method of falsifications and repeatable verifications. However,this unification does not lead to uniformity of thoughts and believes;on the contrary,this new understanding and new paradigm lead us into diversity of thoughts and beliefs system. They are a symphony of Qbit of ideas;these ideas are complementarity like the Bohr’s complementarity of wave-particle except KQID has included everything is complementarity of everything else. Good and evil,good and bad,beauty and ugly,tall and short,up and down,left and right happy and sad,local and non-local causality,finite and infinite and etc. Existence exists through diversity of things.
Frank Wilczek emphasized that both Protons and neutrons are not fundamental particles but complex composite objects of massless quarks and gluons. Thus,following John Wheeler’s led,he believes in his QCD theory that “mass without mass” produce most of things we regard as ordinary matter. Similarly,KQID mass comes from massless fundamental element A and S. Mass is a simple composite object made from various combination of massless photon A and graviton S. A only interacts with S and itself,whereas S also interacts with A and itself. A repulses everything including itself whereas S attracts everything including itself. Then why if dark matter is made of S,S does not form into a huge black hole but S forms dark matter that has the force to form galaxies.
Note that it is an closed string loop A boson with spin1 that has internal structure that it can be as small as possible and as big as possible! A repulses everything including itself. A interacts only with A and with a opened string looped S boson with spin 2,like A,S can be as small as possible or a graviton and it can be as big as possible like a huge black hole,to create a mass! A mass like phenomenology is caused by S. An S needs A to form a mass and it can only be by itself and convert A into S when it reaches a specific mass level. Yes,this is the origin of mass. A+S=E=mc2/τ=hf. This is KQID concept of the Origin of Mass and the Origin of Energy and new consciousness derived from new complexity as the result of the interaction of A with A and S,and S with S and with A.
In terms of E=hf=h/τ and λΑ that there is infinity as the upper limit of f,t and λΑ and zero as the lower limit:T (vertex of T-node SEA)≤t,f,λA,λs≥1/T
KQID mass is the density of graviton S including photon A converted into graviton S in a matter according to the Newton-Poisson-Einstein-KQID:4πGρ-Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)gμν=(8πG/c^4)Tμν-Kqid(AΘ-ΘS)gμν where KQID constant is 5.92×10-14 m3/qbit=9.92938×10^-115 J/KPv,(AΘ-ΘS) is the ΔΘ=the gradient dark energy (A in the form of photon and neutrinos radiation). Please note that the reason why a rest mass has mc^2 energy content value because the photon energy A has been fully converted into graviton S. In other words,the photon A is trapped and kidnapped by S and S incorporated and converted A into itself,however photon A kinetic force has the value of mc^2 derived from the fact that photon A always would like to be free moving naturally at a speed of c in a vacuum or a zero resistance medium of KQID relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) hologram universe. However this singularity photon A is at rest and has zero speed in the KQID 〈S|E|A〉. In contrast,its kidnapper singularity graviton S is moving at c speed in this KQID 〈S|E|A〉 medium. This is the key causation of the origin of mass in our world. That is why photon A is exerting the force of c^2 when it is released from its rest mass confinement. It is always exerting c^2 because photon A is moving along with KQID 〈S|E|A〉 superconducting grid with absolute zero temperature 0K that is moving at rest at the speed of c in all direction in the KQID relativistic ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm) hologram universe. In other words,mass S time-past bits-waves derived its existence by converting photon A time-future bits-waves into S through natural process of A+S=E. In brief,the conversion of photon A into graviton mass S is the natural process of creating and distributing our sum over histories universe.
For examples,
1.KQID A+S=E=ψI(CTE) like an electron with 9.109×10^-31kg×c^2 energy and its mass E/c^2=9.109×10^-31kg,proton with 1.6726×10^-27 kg×c^2 Energy and its Mass E/c^2=1.6726×10^-27 kg. Thus we know through observation the energy and mass of electron and proton. We can calculate using KbΘln2 which depends upon its Θ temperature how many bits of A and S to compose those electrons and proton. For example,we calculated below already for Θ at 298.2K,electron at rest mass in terms of bits:electron mass-bit equivalent=9.109×10^-31 / 2.568×10^-36=3.547×10^5 bits. And Proton at rest mass in terms of electron and bits:(1.6726×10^-27 kg) about 1836×mass of an electron=0.65132×10^9=6.5132×10^8 bits. Isn’t this wonderful? You have the way to calculate fundamental particles and everything else.
2.Photosynthesis is the symmetry breaking process of A+S=E=ψI(CTE). The KQID photon A combines with graviton S give rise to a rest mass (mc^2=Eo) or a moving mass (pc+mc^2=E). The great Russian physicist L.B. Okun who is the leading researching on mass for more than 30 years wrote how light is converted into mass through the photosynthesis process in his remarkable article The Concept of Mass in the Einstein Year and I quoted below in full:
The light from the sun is absorbed by vegetation on the earth to produce carbohydrates via reaction of photosynthesis:
The total energy of light required to produce one molecule of C6H12O6 is about 4.9 eV. This does not mean that the photons are massive. They are massless,but the kinetic energy of photons is transformed into the rest energy of carbohydrates.”[69]
In conclusion,we found that the origin of mass is also the origin of Homo sapiens.
KQID causality and the arrow of time
The event Tn causes the event Tn+1 and the event Tn+1 causes the event Tn+2 and so on. However,our Multiverse makes a quantum jump from Tn to Tn+1,like an electron jumps from one orbit to another without any trace of a track that we human normally do go from step one to step two. There is no path can be found from Tn to Tn+1. It passes through the non-existence zone instantaneously without any trace. KQID agrees with Hooft’s rule that we cannot go back and kill our grandfather in the past. But KQID allows the grandson the ability to kill his grandfather in the time-present by reviving his grandfather first in the time-present and then kill him without a paradox and without effecting his own life here and now. Hence,KQID’s absolute digital time concept does solve both Hooft’s dilemma and Susskind’s Holographic Principle dilemmas of the underlying assumption that we can go back in time. But in KQID,we cannot go back in time but we can recreate the past event or a dead person in the present by quantum archaeological digging of the past events to be holographically projected into the present 3D iLx,y,z time screen in the time-present. Because,KQID First Law of Multiverse:no information is deleted ever,thus,we are immortal!
New paradigm shift:Absolute Digital Time T
Note KQID absolute digital time T is the biggest discovery of KQID. Absolute digital time clock is needed to synchronized Existence and to create,distribute and measure 3D Multiverse and Lm as the container and the tube of time! T consolidates all Minkowski events into one meaningful event. T unifies parts into whole again. The tube of time 360 degree tube/Multiverse as the tube. This T is acting as the GPS system of Existence/Multiverse. It synchronizes all systems in one clock. It is not analog clock which is NOT precise,it must be super-fast digital clock less than or equal to 10^-1000 seconds. I postulate that this absolute Digital time T is evolving system it is getting faster in time. There is no limit to it. It can be 10^-100^1000 seconds and so on. There is no theoretical limit. This is the biggest discovery of KQID.
KQID has another secret mechanism under our nose but it is too obvious to be noticed that the Qbit is synchronized,refreshed,renewed every absolute digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds. Every T-moment,the Qbit is reborn,reemerged as new perfect baby without bugs. That is why our Multiverse has never crashed like normal computers do. This explains why all existence from a bit to an atom to our universe and Multiverse are quantum entangled from the very beginning as Hooft’s precondition. The Wherler’s delayed choice experiment happens and modifies the S bits-waves time-past function in the NOW. Wheeler wrote on his delayed choice experiment:
“Since we make our decision whether to measure the interference from the two paths or to determine which path was followed a billion or so years after the photon started its journey,we must conclude that our very act of measurement not only revealed the nature of the photon’s history on its way to us,but in some sense determined that history. The past history of the universe has no more validity than is assigned by the measurements we make-now!”
Again KQID informs us that the time-past change in the NOW,not in the billion years time-past that Wheeler advocated. KQID prescribes that yes within our block Multiverse happens all-at-once per T-moment,the Qbit is free to move backward and forward and collapse the time-past-present-future into the NOW T-moment. Yes,we observed the light from billions light years ago in the NOW and this effect the time-billion years past in the NOW upon observation. It collapses the event in the NOW to make the whole Existence CONSISTENT in the NOW,not billions of years ago event. The collapse of any bits- wave function is always in the T-NOW moment≤10^-1000 seconds.
KQID origin of free will
Yes,this is my free will system that derived from no free will A,S and A+S=E(ψI(CTE)) that must maximizing the flow of A and minimizing the flow of S and optimizing the flow of E or ψI(CTE). Strogatz wrote on p.179/341:“Lorentz equations generated chaos:seemingly random,unpredictable behavior governed by non random,deterministic laws.”
KQID Free will comes out of no free will fundamental elements A and S. Free will is created and distributed by myriads combinations of A and S. A+S=E=ψI(CTE) when no free will like A and S,these A and S have pure consciousness(C),pure time(T) and pure energy(E) in quantum superposition following α=1/1+H^2 where α=1 and Shannon’s H=0. When A+S=E or ψI(CTE) then these entities have free will. We the Homo Sapiens perhaps have the most free will in our universe because perhaps our universe is still baby universe[70]and may need three generations of stars to generate the Sagan’s starstuff to make us clear and explain away the Fermi’s paradox of where are those aliens. KQID answers:we are those aliens who will populate and seed our universe and Multiverse later.
I believe thus I exist.
Belief is the key in how we function. I belief thus I exist.
We cannot prove that we exist unless we belief we do.
Bayesian inference model of belief function:
where data e.g sensory input+prior knowledge e.g. memory=beliefs
On the role of belief system,Paul Bloom wrote:
“We don’t just respond to things as we see them,or feel them,or hear them. Rather,our response is conditioned on our beliefs,about what they really are,what they came from,what they’re made of,what their hidden nature is.”
KQID is the Operating System of Existence
KQID Operating System (OP) combines Fu Xi’s heaven and earth trigrams ☰00☷,KQID-QM one bit=〈S | E | A〉,KQID relativity of our Multiverse ψτ(iLx,y,z, Lm),Landauer’s principle KbΘln2,KQID-Planck-Einstein formula E=h/τ,Einstein energy E=pc+mc^2,Newton-KQID energy E=p^2/2m+U(iLx,y,z),Newton-Poisson-KQID gravitational energy potential 4πGρ-Kqid(ΑΘ-ΘS)gμν, Einstein-KQID gravitational energy force=with absolute digital time Multiverse curvature=(8πG/c^4)Tμν-Kqid(ΑΘ-ΘS)gμν=Τμν,KQID one Qbit formula with curvature of our Multiverse Τμν=E=A+S⊆T.Therefore KQID Ouroboros Equations of Existence answered John Wheeler’s question in the affirmative:“Can we ever expect to understand existence?” The answer is yes with KQID simple theory of Existence that encompasses the Chinese as well as Western great wisdoms from Fu Xi-Xuan Yuan to Pythagoras,Confucius,Mencius,Lao Zi,Zhuang Zi,Lord Shang Yang,Yang Zhu,Zhu Xi,Descartes,Newton,Euler,Leibnitz,Spinoza,Wang Yangming,Maxwell,Lorentz,Einstein,Schrödinger,Shannon,Landauer,Wheeler,Feynman,Hawking,Susskind,Hooft,Wilczek,Bousso and other great scientists.
Our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit is the memeψI(CTE) as bits-waves function of consciousness (C),time (T) and energy (E):
KQID is not only merely about physics but also it is an operating system of Existence. Who is the operator of this operating system? You are! As a matter of fact,every living system is like an amoeba who deploys strategy to capture a bacteria with its pseudopod,and in turn that bacteria is whipping its flagella to escape from that hungry amoeba to avoid to be a meal are operators far excellent. When you were a baby using nature’s object oriented programming memeψI(CTE) for example you thirst for H2O molecules and you drink H2O,or you want a fragrant Fuji apple,bits-rich calories,and eat that apple to satisfy your desire. You pointed your tiny fingers to that apple and looked at your mom and yelled mama...mama and your mom happily grabbed that apple and gave it to you,you have been already a far excellent operator. Even before that when you were the Maxwell’s “finite embryo” inside your mother’s womb or in a test tube,you have been already the master of bits programmer and commanded and programmed our Multiverse to do your bidding to grow into a wonderful and powerful ruler who rules our Multiverse. You demanded attention and resources not only from your parents but also from our Multiverse. You were already the conscious far excellent operator of Existence hacking into the KQID operating system to survive long and prosper. You are conscious hacker of time (T) and energy (E). You are the latest meme ψI(CTE),operator of bits-waves function of consciousness(C),time (T) and energy (E) at T-moment equipped with the latest version of operating system of our Ancestor FAPAMA Qbit. You are our latest Ancestor Qbit (-1,00,1) itself in your form and substance. You imports anti-entropic A,time-future bits-waves function or Schrödinger’s negative entropy into your system and export efficiently S,entropic time-past bit-waves function,into our Multiverse and in the process,you ψI(CTE) are optimally creating and distributing yourself as the time-present bits-wave function as Shakespearean actor who acts on the world stage.
This KQID operating system is embedded with
1.Xuan Yuan’s Mandate of Heaven as the first principle written in blood that everyone has the right and duty to remove and kill tyrant of any society if necessary.
2.The Five Mandates of Kongzi’s Humanity,Kongzi’s Justice,Yang Zhu’s six freedoms,the Wang Yangming’s unity of Rights and Duties and a Regulated but Free and Open Market System are the super-principles as the super-constitution that are prescribing boundary on what positive laws and principles could be mandated in any society.
3.Xuan Yuan’s Da Tong:Similar to Thomas Jefferson’s unalienable rights of Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,Xuan Yuan’s Da Tong society is to enable and uphold the governing principle “from each to each according to his/her dreams and aspirations.”
4.Xuan Yuan’s Scientific Outlook Rule of Law and Principle:From Dao comes laws and virtues. As these laws and virtues come from the Dao,no one and no organization are above the law and principle,and everyone andorganizations are treated equally under the law and principle in which nothing cannot be curbed.
5.Xuan Yuan’s Da Tong’s Economic System:KQID Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System can be established to provide free education,free health care and free material wealth for everyone including alien,cyborg and robot.
6.Carl Sagan’s Prime Directive of protecting native culture and life stated in his book Cosmos:“If there is life on Mars...we should do nothing with Mars. Mars then belongs to the Martians,even if the Martians are only microbes.”
KQID encourages diversity of opinions/theories. Because uniformity of opinion is a heat-death state of thermodynamic equilibrium tantamount to Schrodinger’s defunct bumblebee. We celebrate symphonies of ideas. In the end,because of our Ancestor Qbit’s memeψI(CTE) imperative to venture into our realm,we the Qbit must discover our own truths in different ways and methods. Let 1000+bumblebee’s thoughts bloom,flourish and make love to give birth to another forever new 1000+hybrid flower of thoughts.
In conclusion,all things are one Qbit;the Qbit is all things. We are the Qbit in action in time:we walk,talk and make love. As Zhuangzi said that he and the world live and die together and are one;we and the Qbit live and die together and are one.
Closing poem:
Let there be me!
Existence exist;our Ancestor FAPAMA emerges out of Non-existence,and immediately thereafter,our Ancestor Father and Mother Qbit are singing,dancing and exchanging their “genetic” qbits ever since at every absolute digital time T≤10^-1000 seconds.
Time qbits emerge,
Then everything else follows.
Time has been endlessly splitting up ever since into seconds,and
Things are expanding without ending.
Time,thus I exist.
Born free and be free on Carl Sagan’s beloved blue dot,
Oh... Qbit,I owe Thee my being,my destiny,my sorrow,my ecstasy,my bittersweet chocolate happiness,
My one and only precious life is truly the only possession I own in this Disney’s magical Multiverse,
Why then Thee is taking back Thy’s precious gift of life?
Washing me down in the laundry of time second by second into oblivion?
Killing me softly as an inmate in the death row,
Forcing me to wait nervously for an angel of death to steal my precious bitter but sweet chocolate life?
Have I committed a capital crime to deserve this death sentence by slow death?
I am innocent...I am innocent!
Fair hearing,I plea,
Justice,I desire,
I plea.
O... my beloved precious,
I hear you...I hear you...don’t despair!
I have already bestowed you all my divine creative “genetic” qbits,so that you can freely create and distribute anything you wish for,
But you must use my creative qbits to do good,not evil,to its fullest,
Your fate is in your own hands,
You are the hero of your own life,and the owner of your own destiny,
Enjoy all the earthly and heavenly pleasures,
Savor those flowers,fruits,chocolates,cakes,fishes,animals,rivers,oceans,earth,moon and stars,
Explore,exploit and play at any time at any place,even the faraway edge of our Multiverse,
Enjoy your life to the fullest.
Since we are one,your enjoyments and sufferings are truly mine.
Moreover,anything you wish for,in the form of John Wheeler’s series of qbit questions and answers of yes-no-maybe loaded apps command,
You are hacking Existence’s operating system according to your own desire,
I swear!
Your wishes are my command,
Timely and tirelessly,I am working to fulfill your dreams and aspirations,since yours are truly also mine.
If you do not want to die,you could download and upload yourself onto your own custom designed biological-machine.
Even if you should die now,
Your death is not a death in my loving embrace,
Your qbits are immortal in my safekeeping,
Me in you,and you in Me,
We are inseparably entangled,
Not now not ever could set us apart,
My child—I love you so much and please don’t worry,
Let us sing and dance together following the tune of Yang Zhu’s six arts of life and everything will be wonderful:
Let there be me!
“Let the ear hears what it likes,
Let the eye sees what it likes,
Let the nose smells what it likes,
Let the mouth says what it likes,
Let the body enjoys the comforts it likes to have,and
Let the mind does what it likes.”[71]
Your Ancestor,
References of Appendix:
Albert Einstein,Relativity:The Special and General Theory.
Sean Carroll,From Eternity to Here:The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time,Plume;Reprint edition (2010).
Brian Cox,Jeff Forshaw,The Quantum Universe (And Why Anything That Can Happen,Does),Da Capo Press (2012).
Paul Davies,Niels Henrik Gregersen,Information and the Nature of Reality:From Physics to Metaphysics,Cambridge University Press;1 edition (2010).
Paul Davies,The Mind of God:The Scientific Basis for a Rational World,Simon & Schuster;First Edition (1993).
Paul Davies,Goldilocks Engima:Why Is the Universe Just Right for Life? Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2008).
Richard Dawkins,The Selfish Gene:30th Anniversary Edition—with a new Introduction by the Author,Oxford University Press (2006).
David Deutsch,The Beginning of Infinity:Explanations That Transform the World,Penguin Books;Reprint edition (2012).
George Dyson,Turing’s Cathedral:The Origins of the Digital Universe,Pantheon (2012).
Richard P. Feynman,Albert R. Hibbs,Daniel F. Styer,Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals:Emended Edition,Dover Publications (2010).
Richard P. Feynman,Robert B. Leighton,Matthew Sands,Six Easy Pieces:Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher,Basic Books;Forth Edition (2011).
Richard P. Feynman,A. Zee,QED:The Strange Theory of Light and Matter,Princeton University Press (2006).
Kenneth W. Ford,John Archibaid Wheeler,Geons,Black Holes,and Quantum Foam:A Life in Physics,W.W.Norton&Company;1 edition (2000)
George Gamow,One Two Three . . . Infinity:Facts and Speculations of Science,Dover Publications (1988).
James Gleick,The Information:A History,a Theory,a Flood,Vintage (2011).
Brian Greene,The Elegant Universe:Superstrings,Hidden Dimensions,and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory,W. W. Norton & Company (2010).
Brian Greene,The Fabric of the Cosmos:Space,Time,and the Texture of Reality,Vintage (2005).
Brian Greene,The Hidden Reality:Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos,Vintage;Reprint edition (2011).
Stephen Hawking,Roger Penrose,The Nature of Space and Time,Princeton University Press (2010).
Michio Kaku,Hyperspace:A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes,Time Warps,and the 10th Dimens ion,Anchor (1995).
Michio Kaku,Physics of the Impossible:A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers,Force Fields,Teleportation,and Time Travel,Anchor (2009).
Lawrence M. Krauss,Richard Dawkins,A Universe from Nothing:Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing,Atria Books (2013).
Leon M. Lederman,Christopher T. Hill,Quantum Physics for Poets,Prometheus Books (2011).
Seth Lloyd,Programming the Universe:A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos,Vintage (2006).
Matt Ridley,The Rational Optimist (P.S.),HarperCollins e-books,Reprint edition (2010).
Matt Ridley,The Red Queen:Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature,Harper Perennial (2012).
Carl Sagan,Cosmos,Ballantine Books (1985).
Charles Seife,Decoding the Universe:How the New Science of Information Is Explaining Everything in the Cosmos,from Our Brains to Black Holes,Penguin Books (2007).
Ian Stewart,Concepts of Modern Mathematics,Dover Publications (1995).
Ian Stewart,Martin Golubitsky,Fearful Symmetry:Is God a Geometer? Dover Publications (2011).
Ian Stewart,In Pursuit of the Unknown:17 Equations That Changed the World,Basic Books (2012).
Ian Stewart,Why Beauty Is Truth:The History of Symmetry,Basic Books (2008).
Leonard Susskind,The Black Hole War:My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics,Little,Brown and Company (2008).
Leonard Susskind,The Cosmic Landscape:String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design,Back Bay Books (2008).
Leonard Susskind,George Hrabovsky,The Theoretical Minimum:What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics,Basic Books(2013).
Kip S. Thorne,Stephen Hawking,Black Holes and Time Warps:Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy,W. W. Norton & Company (1995).
Vlatko Vedral,Decoding Reality:The Universe as Quantum Information,Oxford University Press (2010).
Jan Westerhoff,Reality:A Very Short Introduction (2011).
John Wheeler,Information,Physics,Quantum:The Search for Links,in W. H. Zureck (ed.),Complexity,Entropy,and the Physics of Information,Westview Press (1990).
Frank Wilczek,The Lightness of Being,Basic Books;2nd edition (2008).
A. Zee,Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell,2nd Edition (2010).
1.Offering the mausoleum of Yellow Emperor
by Mao Zedong
2.《立政》-Establishment of Government[72]
The duke of Zhou spoke to the following effect:‘With our hands to our heads and our heads to the ground,we make our declarations to the Son of Heaven,the king who has inherited the throne.’ In such manner accordingly all (the other ministers) cautioned the king,saying,‘In close attendance on your majesty there are the regular presidents,the regular ministers,and the officers of justice;the keepers of the robes (also),and the guards.’
The duke of Zhou spoke to the following effect:‘With our hands to our heads and our heads to the ground,we make our declarations to the Son of Heaven,the king who has inherited the throne.’ In such manner accordingly all (the other ministers) cautioned the king,saying,‘In close attendance on your majesty there are the regular presidents,the regular ministers,and the officers of justice;the keepers of the robes (also),and the guards.’ The duke of Zhou said,‘Oh! admirable are these (officers). Few,however,know to be sufficiently anxious about them.’
The duke of Zhou said,‘Oh! admirable are these (officers). Few,however,know to be sufficiently anxious about them. Among the ancients who exemplified (this anxiety) there was the founder of the Xia dynasty. When his House was in its greatest strength,he sought for able men who should honour God (in the discharge of their duties). (His advisers),when they knew of men thoroughly proved. and trustworthy in the practice of the nine virtues,would then presume to inform and instruct their sovereign,saying,“With our hands to our heads and our heads to the ground,O sovereign,we would say,Let (such an one) occupy one of your high offices:Let (such an one) be one of your pastors:Let (such an one) be one of your officers. of justice. By such appointments you will fulfil your duty as sovereign. If you judge by the face only,and therefrom deem men well schooled in virtue,and appoint them,then those three positions will all be occupied by unrighteous individuals.”
The way of Jie,however,was act to observe this precedent. Those whom he employed were cruel men;and he left no successor. After this there was Tang the Successful,who,rising to the throne,grandly administered the bright ordinances of God. He employed,to fill the three (high) positions,those who were equal to them;and those who were called possessors of the three kinds of ability would display that ability. He then studied them severely,and greatly imitated them,making the utmost of them in their three positions and with their three kinds of ability. The people in the cities of Shang were thereby all brought to harmony,and those in the four quarters of the kingdom were brought greatly under the influence of the virtue thus displayed. Oh! when the throne came to Shou,his character was all violence. He preferred men of severity,and who deemed cruelty a virtue,to share with him in the government of his states;and at the same time,the host of his associates,men who counted idleness a virtue,shared the offices of his court. God then sovereignly punished him,and caused us to possess the great land,enjoy the favouring decree which Shou had (afore) received,and govern all the people in their myriad realms.”
Then subsequently there were king Wen and king Wu,who knew well the minds of those whom they put in the three positions,and saw clearly the minds of those who had the three grades of ability. Thus they could employ them to serve God with reverence,and appointed them as presidents and chiefs of the people. In establishing their government,the three things which principally concerned them were to find the men for (high) offices,the officers of justice,and the pastors. (They had also) the guards;the keepers of the robes;their equerries;their heads of small departments;their personal attendants;their various overseers;and their treasurers. They had their governors of the larger and smaller cities assigned in the royal domain to the nobles;their men of arts;their overseers whose offices were beyond the court;their grand historiographers;and their heads of departments-all good men of constant virtue. (In the external states) there were the Minister of Instruction,the Minister of War,and the Minister of Works,with the many officers subordinate to them. Among the wild tribes,such as the Wei,the Lu,and the Zheng,in the three Bo,and at the dangerous passes,they had wardens.
King Wen was able to make the minds of those in the (three high) positions his own,and so it was that he established those regular officers and superintending pastors,so that they were men of ability and virtue. He would not appear himself in the various notifications,in litigations,and in precautionary measures. There,were the officers and pastors (to attend to them),whom he (simply) taught to be obedient (to his wishes),and not to be disobedient. (Yea),as to litigations and precautionary measures,he (would seem as if he) did not presume to know about them. He was followed by king Wu,who carried out his work of settlement,and did not presume to supersede his righteous and virtuous men,but entered into his plans,and employed,as before,those men. Thus it was that they unitedly received this vast inheritance.’
Oh! young son,the king,from this time forth be it ours to establish the government,appointing the (high) officers,the officers of the laws,and the pastors;be it ours clearly to know what courses are natural to these men,and then fully to employ them in the government,that they may aid us in the management of the people whom we have received,and harmoniously conduct all litigations and precautionary measures. And let us river allow others to come between us and them. (Yea),in our every word and speech,let us be thinking of (these) officers of complete virtue,to regulate the people that we have received.
Oh! I,Dan,have received these excellent words of others,and tell them all to you,young son,the king. From this time forth,O accomplished son (of Wu),accomplished grandson (of Wen),do not err in regard to the litigations and precautionary measures-let the proper officers manage them.
From of old to the founder of Shang,and downwards to king Wen of our Zhou,in establishing government,when they appointed (high) officers,pastors,and officers. of the laws,they settled them in their positions,And allowed them to unfold their talents;thus giving the regulation of affairs into their hands. In the kingdom,never has there been the establishment of government by the employment of artful-tongued men;(with such men),unlessoned in virtue,never can a government be distinguished in the,world. From this time forth,in establishing government,make no use of artful-tongued men,but (seek for) good officers,and get them to use all their powers in aiding the government of our country.
‘Now,O accomplished son (of Wu),accomplished grandson (of Wen),young son,the king,do not err in the matter of litigations;there are the officers and pastors (to attend to them). Have well arranged (also) your military accoutrements and weapons,so that you may go forth beyond the steps of Yu,and traverse all under the sky,even to beyond the seas,everywhere meeting with submission:so shall you display the bright glory of king Wen,and render more illustrious the great achievements of king Wu. Oh! from this time forth,may (our) future kings,in establishing the government,be able to employ men of constant virtue!’
The duke of Zhou spoke to the following effect:‘O grand historiographer,the duke of Su,the Minister of Crime,dealt reverently with all the criminal matters that came before him,and thereby perpetuated the fortunes of our kingdom. Here was an example of anxious solicitude (for future ministers),whereby they may rank with him in the ordering of the appropriate punishments.’
[1] 轩辕纪年4710年(公元2013年)4月7日提交。
[2] 廖凯原,清华大学法学院凯原中国法治与义理研究中心主任,客座教授。
[3] 原文为:I would rather be a bumblebee poet than not to be. Blood and tears of Wang Yangming’s pearls as red lanterns shining the path of hope in darkness. I am buzzing my way around to sing and praise Xuan Yuan’s Da Tong.——译者注
[4] 在这个意义上讲,“此时此地”也意味着“每时每地”。——译者注
[5] 见《黄帝四经·正乱》“谨守吾正名”。——译者注
[6] 参见本文附录。
[7] 2012年11月29日,在国家博物馆,中共中央总书记习近平在参观“复兴之路”展览时,第一次阐释了“中国梦”的概念。他说:“大家都在讨论中国梦。我认为,实现中华民族伟大复兴,就是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想。”2013年3月17日,中国新任国家主席习近平在十二届全国人大一次会议闭幕会上,向全国人大代表发表自己的就任宣言。在将近25分钟的讲话中,习近平9次提及“中国梦”。
[8] 参见参考文献1。
[9] “积极的自由”是一种可以在别人或政府的帮助下通过积极行动实现梦想和愿望的状态。我不认为“积极的自由”就是如哈耶克所说的那种排除其他人强制意志的自由。黄帝终生使命要实现的自由是一种“积极的自由”,而非哈耶克及其他自由主义者所认为的“消极的自由”。
[10] 原文为“Multiverse”。——译者注
[11] 原文为“Eroseverse”。——译者注
[12] 见基辛格《论中国》,英文原版参见 Henry Kissinger,On China(Penguin Press HC,The 1 edition,2011),pp. 258-259。
[13] 《尚书·立政》。参见参考文献2。
[14] 2005年,第10届全国人民代表大会第19次常委会会议通过了废除农业税的决议。
[15] 参见本文附录。
[16] 此观点基于与高鸿钧教授的讨论。
[17] 这里,作者借用了计算机软件编程的术语“面向对象的程序设计”,即Object Oriented Programming(OOP)。OOP是一种计算机编程架构。OOP的一条基本原则是计算机程序是由单个能够起到子程序作用的单元或对象组合而成。OOP达到了软件工程的三个主要目标:重用性、灵活性和扩展性。为了实现整体运算,每个对象都能够接收信息、处理数据和向其他对象发送信息。——译者注
[18] 参见《左传·昭公二十九年》。对于晋国铸刑鼎,孔子评价:“晋其亡乎!失其度矣。夫晋将守唐叔之所受法度,以经纬其民,卿大夫以序守之,民是以能尊其贵,贵是以能守其业。贵贱不愆,所谓度也。文公是以作执秩之官,为被庐之法,以为盟主。今弃是度也,而为刑鼎,民在鼎矣,何以尊贵?贵何业之守?贵贱无序,何以为国?且夫宣子之刑,夷之蒐也,晋国之乱制也,若之何以为法?”——译者注
[19] 本段中使用术语词在图示1中所对应位置及英文请参见图1下注释。——译者注
[20] 此处指《大学》中所谓的“正心诚意,格物致知”。——译者注
[21] “费恩曼历史求和”是指美国量子物理学家费恩曼认为量子理论可以表达成“对历史的求和”。该思想可以最简单的形式表达成,每颗粒子在时间中走过任何可能的路径或历史。每一路径或历史具有依其形状而定的概率。为了使这种思想可行,人们必须考虑在虚时间里发生的历史,而不是在我们感受生活于其中的实时间里发生的历史。虚时间听起来有点像是科学幻想的东西,其实它是定义得很好的数学概念。它在某种意义上可被认为是和实时间成直角的时间方向。人们把所有具有某种性质粒子历史,譬如讲在某些时刻通过某些点的历史的概率加起来。然后应把这结果延拓到我们在其中生活的实的时空中去。这不是量子力学最熟知的手段,但它给出和其他方法得到的相同结果。——译者注
[22] 仁爱的基础是公平同时又区别对待,所以“先予后取”的基础也是公平同时又区别对待。这里,作者应该指通过公平与区别对待的仁爱方式来实现分配正义与矫正正义。——译者注
[23] 原文为“Common Sovereign”。人性本善。一个口含天宪身受天命出生的人,可以掌握自身的肉体和精神并在肉体和精神之间自由穿梭以及在精神世界与神灵之间自由穿梭。这就是在所谓“仁之域”中自由的黄帝。——译者注
[24] 原文为“love thy neighbor as thyself”。——译者注
[25] Erich Fromm,Man for Himself:An Inquiry Into the Psychology of Ethics,(Holt McDougal Paperbacks,1990),pp.96-97.
[26] 习近平在中共中央政治局2月23日下午就全面推进依法治国进行第四次集体学习时的讲话。
[27] 习近平在中共中央政治局2月23日下午就全面推进依法治国进行第四次集体学习时的讲话。
[28] 我即将完成一本关于此问题研究的专著。
[29] 见本文附录。
[30] http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/01/theres-more-to-life-than-being-happy/266805/
[31] 2012年1月6日于新加坡召开。可以用这样一个公式来在总体上表述官僚政治制度E=1/(1+H^2)×(A+S)。其中E代表有效比特信息,A表示反熵比特,S表示熵比特。
[32] 参见本文附录。
[33] Based on KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics (KQID) Lecture at Physics Department of Tsinghua University,April 26th,2012. And also based on the FQXi contest article “Child of Qbit in time”,2013,which is post on FQXi website:www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/1887
[34] Josephson calculated that quantum tunneling can happen without any voltage push at all. See Strogatz,Sync,pp.141/341.
[35] Steven Strogatz,Sync.
[36] See Steven Strogatz,Sync,pp.134-5.
[37] See calculation below to justify this conclusion.
[38] See excellent article on information gain hypothesis by Pfister and Wehner,arXiv:1210.0194v3.
[39] Jurisprudence of contract law.
[40] John Wheeler,Information,Physics,Quantum:The Search for Links,W. H. Zureck (ed.),Complexity,Entropy,and the Physics of Information,Redwood City,CA:Addison Wesley.
[41] Quoted from Carlo Rovelli:the First Scientist loc.565/3748. Anaximander wrote:“All things originate from one another,and vanish into one another;According to necessity;They give to each other justice and recompense for injustice;In conformity with the order of Time.”
[42] See Steven Strogatz,Sync,pp.229-59.
[43] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Planck.
[44] See Diagram 1.
[45] Szilard Bennett,C. H. (1982),The thermodynamics of computation—a review,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leó_Szilárd.
[46] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landauer%27s_principle.
[47] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ba_gua.
[48] See S. Toyabe et al,Nature. Phys. 6,988-992 (2010),and A. Bérut et al. Nature 483,187-189 (2012).
[49] See Kaku,Einstein’s Cosmos,loc. 583/3130.
[50] http://arxiv.org/pdf/0908.3408v1.pdf.
[51] Frank Wilczek,The Lightness of Being.
[52] See Neil Turok,Universe Within,pp.387/4307.
[53] Here the clock to measure length L also contracts,thus it takes longer to measure that causes the clock dilates rather than time dilates but the clock dilates and the c-timerod contracts.
[54] See Kaku,Einstein’s cosmos loc. 878/3130.
[55] Quoted from Wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagua.
[56] Quoted from Wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiji_(philosophy).
[57] I Ching,Trans. by Wilhelm and Baynes 1967:318-9.
[58] Based on KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics (KQID) Lecture at Physics Department of Tsinghua University,April 26th,2012.
[59] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Electromagnetic-Spectrum.png.
[60] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1002.4278v3.pdf .
[61] See Brian Greene,The Hidden Reality,p.337.
[62] Quoted that spatial expansion is the function of time alone! Jeremy Bernstein,A Palette of Particles,p.148:“Because of Einstein’s equation E=mc2 there is for these purposes no difference between matter and energy. The energetic photons contribute to the matter density of the universe. Because of the uniformity,the expansion is described by a function of time alone. All the spatial dimensions scale with this function.”
[63] See explanation below.
[64] See above calculation.
[65] http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0203101.pdf.
[66] Quoted from L.B.Okun,The Concept of Mass in the Einstein Year,arXiv:hep-ph/0602037v1.
[67] See L.B.Okun,Mass versus relativistic and rest masses,http://www.itep.ru/theor/persons/lab180/okun/doc/AJP000430.pdf.
[68] See Steven Strogatz,Sync,pp.136/341.
[69] Quoted from L.B.Okun,The Concept of Mass in the Einstein Year,arXiv:hep-ph/0602037v1.
[70] 13.8 billion years out of potentials of 177.6 trillion times bigger in magnitude then now. See my calculation in the essay.
[71] Chu Yang,Yang Chu’s Garden of Pleasure.
[72] http://ctext.org/shang-shu/establishment-of-government.