Technical requirements
This chapter will explain how to use Packer to create a VM image in an Azure infrastructure as an example of cloud infrastructure. So, you will need an Azure subscription, which you can get here for free: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/.
In the Creating Packer templates using Ansible section, we will learn how to write Packer templates that use Ansible, so you will need to install Ansible on your machine and understand how it works, which is detailed in Chapter 3, Using Ansible for Configuring IaaS Infrastructure.
The last section of this chapter will give an example of using Terraform with a Packer image; for its application, it will be necessary to install Terraform and understand its operation, which is detailed in Chapter 2, Provisioning Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform.
The entire source code of this chapter is available here: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Learning_DevOps/blob/master/CHAP04/.
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