The Renderer
While the main Master and Minion configuration files must necessarily be stored in YAML, other files in Salt can take advantage of the wealth of file formats that the modern world of technology has to offer. This is because of the rendering system built into Salt, which can take files of arbitrary formats and render them into a structure that is usable by Salt.
Rendering SLS files
By default, all SLS files in Salt are rendered twice: first through the Jinja templating engine, and then through the PyYAML library. This provides some significant advantages:
- Jinja provides a fast, powerful, and easy to understand and use templating system that follows a Pythonic mindset, comfortable to many administrators. It is particularly well-suited for managing YAML files.
- YAML has a very shallow learning curve, making it easy to learn and understand. While it does support more complex syntax, such as parenthesis, brackets, and braces (JSON is technically syntactically-correct YAML), it is not required.
However, it was immediately apparent, even before any Renderers were written, that there would be some dissent among users as to which formats were best suited to their own environments.
- A popular alternative to YAML, which was already in common usage in other software, is JSON. This format is more strict, making it somewhat harder to read, and even more difficult to write correctly. However, because JSON is more strict concerning how data is declared, a properly-formatted JSON file is more accurate than YAML, and easier to parse safely.
- Mako was also an early addition to the Salt toolkit. While Jinja adds just enough functionality to create a dynamic toolkit, Mako is designed to bring the full power of Python to templates. This is especially popular with a number of users in the DevOps community, who are known to mix code with content in a number of innovative ways.
A primary design goal of Salt has always been to provide flexibility, and so the Renderer system was designed to be pluggable in the same way as the other components of Salt. While Jinja and YAML have been made the default, either or both can be replaced and, if necessary, even more Renderers can be brought into the mix.
If your needs include changing the global Renderer from yaml_jinja
, you can do so in the Master configuration file:
renderer: json_mako
However, you should consider very carefully whether this is best. Keep in mind that community examples, repositories, and formulae are generally kept in YAML, and if any templating needs to be done, Jinja is usually used. This will affect how you deal with the community or act as an enterprise customer on any support issues, and may confuse any experienced Salt users that your company hires.
That said, even with a standard base of Jinja + YAML, there are times when using a different set of Renderers for a small subset of your SLS files is appropriate.
Render pipes
As previously mentioned, SLS files will be rendered using the configured default. However, it is possible to change how a file is rendered by adding a shebang (also known as, shabang) line to the top of the file. A file that is to be rendered only as YAML will begin with the following line:
However, in the Salt world, this is generally impractical. Adding a templating engine increases the power of an SLS file significantly. In order to use multiple Renderers in a specific order, add them to the shabang line in the desired order, separated by pipes:
This resembles the Unix method of piping smaller programs together, to create larger, more functional programs. There is no imposed limit on how many Renderers are piped together:
However, this is pretty unrealistic. You will find that, in general, no more than two Renderers need to be used. Indeed, too many Renderers will create a complexity that is unreadable and unmaintainable. Use as many as are needed, and no more.
It is important to note that SLS files will ultimately result in a specific data structure. The most accurate way to say this in simple terms is that the data generated by SLS files must be usable by the msgpack
serialization package. This is the format used extensively throughout the various subsystems inside Salt (notably, the cache system). A more detailed description of the resulting files will be explored later in the chapter, in Plunging into the State compiler section as we uncover the mysteries of the State compiler.
Serving templated files
SLS files are not the only files that can take advantage of the Renderer. Any file that is served from an SLS file may also be rendered through a templating engine. These files aren't as specific as SLS files, because they do not need to return a specific data format; they only need to result in the arbitrary file contents that will be served by Salt.
The most common usage of this is with the file.managed
State. Adding a template argument to this State will cause the file to be rendered accordingly:
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://httpd/httpd.conf - template: jinja
Because the templated file will not return data, Renderers that deal exclusively with data are not available here. But while YAML, JSON, msgpack, and the various Python-based Renderers are not available, Jinja, Mako, Cheetah, and the like can be used.