Who this book is for
This book is aimed at people with some experience of WordPress but who are new to mobile development. It deals with self-hosted WordPress sites, and not sites hosted on wordpress.com.
To get the most from this book, you should:
- Be familiar with using WordPress to develop websites, including working with the WordPress admin, installing themes and plugins, and editing theme files
- Have a good understanding of HTML and CSS, and be able to write both
- Have experience of uploading and downloading files using FTP, cPanel, or your preferred method
- Have some familiarity with PHP—you do not need to be able to write PHP but it helps if you have come across it before
Skills that you do not need and will learn from this book include the following:
- Using CSS for responsive design—creating a fluid layout and defining media queries
- Writing custom PHP—we will learn some examples of this but won’t cover PHP in a lot of detail
- Harnessing APIs for mobile development—the book will introduce you to some APIs, explain what they do, and show some of them in action.