[词语]to put a spoke in sb's wheel
[趣释]【物事喻指】旧时英国的马车轮子多为木制或铁制。轮子上有三个孔,要刹车时或是车子下坡要降低速度以防止翻车时,就将一根特制的棒,叫“辐”(spoke)插入车轮中,起着制动棒的作用。后来,人们就用“把辐插入某人的车轮中”(to put a spoke in sb's wheel)来喻指阻挠某人的行动、破坏某人的计划。
[运用]I hear Shirley wants to be the new secretary, but I think we can put a spoke in her wheel and stop her. 我听说雪莉想争新秘书这个位置,但我想我们可以阻挠她一下,让她当不成。
He ought perhaps to have put a spoke in the wheel of their marriage; they were too young. 也许他当初应当阻止他们,不要那样急急忙忙结婚,两个人的年纪都太轻。
He has high ambitions, and is well on the way to achieving them, but it is not yet too late for someone to pet a spoke in his wheel. 他很有雄心壮志,并且正在顺利实现之中,不过有人要破坏他,也不会为时过晚。