[词语]to call sb.on the carpet
to bring sb.on the carpet
to have sb.on the carpet
[趣释]【物事喻指】地毯(carpet)与西方人的关系颇为密切,由它构成的习惯用语有些不能直译,也颇为费解。如“在地毯上”(on the carpet)被用来喻指在讨论研究或审议之中。例如:A question of importance is now on the carpet.(正在研究一个重要问题。)He contrived to bring that subject on the carpet.(他设法把这个问题提交讨论。)如果佣人或仆人出了错,主人将他们叫到有地毯的房间(如书房、起居室等)进行批评、训斥或责骂,这种情况也时常出现长辈对晚辈的身上。于是,“把某人叫到地毯上”(to call/bring/have sb. on the carpet)喻指批评某人、训斥某人、责骂某人。其使用范围很广,作为一种固定表现形式,不论是“叫来”还是“主动来”都是如此。多用于被动语态。
[运用]He was called on the carpet again for his carelessness. 他由于做事粗心大意,再一次受到训斥。
The chief called us on the carpet for spending too much on entertainment. 由于交际费花得太多,领导把我们批评了一顿。
The boss had me on the carpet over my expenses claim.因为索取报销费的事,老板把我叫去训了一顿。
The salesman was brought on the carpet for losing three customers in one month. 那个销售由于一个月内失去三家客户而受到批评。