程丽红 于军
关键词:传统红包 微信红包 媒介属性
Research on the Media Attribute of Wechat Red Pack
—Based on the Cognition of Traditional Red Pack Media Culture
Cheng Lihong Yu Jun
Abstract It is no stranger to mention red envelope,which has formed a rich and complex red envelope culture due to its unique Chinese traditional ethical color.With the rise of mobile network,a new digital folklore is produced.Taking the traditional red envelope as the reference object,this paper explores the media attributes of the Wechat red envelope in the Internet ecology,and examines the interaction between the development of information technology and the real society on this basis.It is found that Wechat Red Pack is a dynamic and important part of the social environment.It is not only a response and expression to social evolution,but also a supplement and promotion to social development.It has a profound impact on culture,economy and user psychology.
Keywords Traditional red Envelope;Wechat Red Envelope;Media Attribute
据悉,“2018年春节红包中,微信红包的用户参与度最高,参与率高达86%”[1],在春节之外的非仪式化场景,微信红包同样显示出优势性的全网渗透率和适用性。庞大运营量级的涌现以及全民范围的功能实践,将微信红包型塑为展现中国互联网时代背景下经济、文化、社会心理变迁的多棱镜,反观现实世界的特殊媒介视角,在数字化媒介群像中醒目的网络文化特征,使其成为互联网应用领域热门的研究对象。“在桑德拉·鲍尔-洛基奇(Sandra Ball-Rokeach)看来,为了弄懂任何传播形态的潜力,人们必须首先弄懂人类传播的基本特征是什么,然后方能在此基础上以它们作为评判标准去研究和对比每种形态的潜在用处”[2],这一洞见正是本文以微信红包的基本媒介属性为中心议题,探讨其传播影响的研究线索。