王冠:事实上你说的是没有西方国家认可中国的观点。有中东、非洲和东欧等地好几十个国家支持中国。这些国家支持中国,是因为他们没有相信西方的叙事。在这个问题上,西方版本的叙事非常有意思。他们简单化地进行了有选择性的报道,似乎在南海的法律比拼中,菲律宾以1︰0战胜了中国,而中国却不遵守国际法。我不知道有多少西方编辑和记者仔细读过《公约》。如果他们读过了,他们会质疑自己得出这些结论的前提,比如:海牙常设仲裁法院对主权问题有没有司法管辖权?能不能绕着弯裁决主权?我也不知道有多少西方记者和编辑与不同于西方主流观点的法律学者深度交流过,或者在报道中引述过他们的观点。那些学者会指出,很多法律原则支持中方观点,例如“禁止反言”。这个概念的意思是,如果一个国家曾经承认他国的南海主权,比如20世纪70年代越南时任总理范文同就承认过中国南海主权,那么它就不能在几十年后反悔。我们在西方媒体上看不到这些观点。另外,西方媒体在这件事的报道上断章取义,仿佛中国突然开始向浩瀚的海洋里倾倒砂石、填海造陆。他们忘记了一个简单的事实,在“二战”之后,美国曾借军舰帮助中国收复南海岛屿,默认中国的南海主权声索。我们在西方媒体上没有看到任何类似的报道。所以说,是的,西方媒体是相对自由的,但自由的媒体也是有偏见的。是的,他们注明了每一处消息来源,但他们的来源是谁?他们多少次真心引述过非西方的消息源?是的,他们把带感情色彩的形容词都注明出处,但他们精心挑选和构建的名词呢?比如“共产主义中国” 或者 “具有法律约束力的仲裁”。这些看似客观的名词迎合和强化了西方观众的成见。
王冠:当越南1976年在南沙群岛建选第一条机场跑道时,美国并没有跳出来批评越南,当菲律宾两年后在南沙群岛填海造陆时,美国也没有跳出来批评菲律宾。后来,当菲律宾把一艘老军舰停在仁爱礁不走的时候,美国还是没有跳出来指责盟友菲律宾。奥巴马总统甚至在今年3月接受《大西洋月刊》专访时,明确承认了(美国)对中国的遏制战略。我在这里一字不差地引述他的原话:“如果你看看我们是如何在中国南海进行操作,你就知道我们已经能够调动大部分亚洲国家,通过让中国十分惊讶的方式来孤立中国,坦白地说,这加强了我们与盟国的关系 ,对美国十分有利。”所以说,美国其实是通过政治手段、军事部署并利用国际法来搞地缘政治。如果这还不是勾结起来对付中国,那我不知道什么才是。
Peter Lavelle, CrossTalk host at RT America:An International tribunal in the Hague has ruled overwhelmingly against China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. Beijing not only rejects this ruling. It even refused to participate in the case.
To cross talk South China Sea, I am joined by Wang Guan in Washington. He is the chief political correspondent at CCTV America and in New York, we cross to Daniel Wagner. He is the CEO for Country Risk Solutions. Wang, if I can go to you first here. The issues of jurisdiction, participation and enforcement are all called into question by many people here.
Wang Guan, Chief Political Correspondent of CCTV America:Well Peter, if we forget about western mainstream press for a moment and look at UNCLOS chapter for chapter, we can see that this case, in its essence, is about a court that ruled on something it has no jurisdiction to rule on, based on a geopoliticized lawsuit filed by the Philippines against China. I will explain exactly what I mean. In Part 15, Section 3 and Article 298 of UNCLOS, it says a court does not have jurisdiction to rule on sovereignty. And did the court in the Hague rule on sovereignty? Well, in letter it did not but in spirit it did.
Let’s look at it. It ruled on nine-dash line, a claim by Beijing that it has some specific controls of the islands and their associated territorial waters. When you delegitimize that line, you delegitimize the sovereignty. So it is about sovereignty. Also it ruled on the land features, whether they are rocks or islands. Well, despite the fact that in Taiping Island and Yongxing Island, we have restaurants, banks, even internet, Wi-Fi and cellphone LTE signals, the court ruled that they are not islands so they can not confer 12-nautical mile territorial water. It is about territory. And eventually, also it ruled that China’s land reclamation is illegal which had something to do with territory and sovereignty. So the court, in a nutshell, ruled on sovereignty in the disguise of ruling on other things which violated the spirit, if not the letter of UNCLOS. Also if I may add, article 295 of UNCLOS said parties to a dispute should exhaust “local remedies”, meaning bilateral negotiations, before a party goes to the court and the Philippines did not do that.
Daniel Wagner, CEO of Country Risk Solutions:We can talk about word-smithing all we want. At the end of the day, what’s happening is China is claiming sovereignty over an enormous swaths of the South China Sea and no one but China agrees with it. It would be a bit like any other country saying you know I just like those bits of water and those islands and I think I will claim them for myself. In terms of seeking local remedies, well, many of the countries that are also party to this issue have sought local remedy with China but China has not been very forthcoming in that regard. I think it is a testament to the power of international law that small countries like the Philippines can take on the Goliath like China in this manner and prevail. Now the court ruled the way that it did not because it’s David against Goliath, the court ruled because it took a very close at the issues and it said this is unreasonable and it does not stand and no one besides China agrees.
Wang Guan:In fact, no western country supported China’s point of view. There are dozens of countries that supported China across the middle east, Africa and Eastern Europe. Those countries support China because they are not sold with the western narrative of the issue. Western narrative of the issue is very interesting in that they framed the issue very simplistically as if the Philippines 1 China 0 and China is not willing to abide by international laws. But I am not sure how many western editors and reporters read UNCLOS chapter for chapter or word for word, and then if they did, they would question the premise of their argument. That is, whether or not the arbitration court, the PCA, has the jurisdiction to, indirectly, rule on sovereignty in the first place. Also I am not sure how many western reporters and editors really talked to legal scholars from the other side and quoted them. Those scholars would point out that many legal principles actually supported Beijing’s point of view, such as Estoppel. Meaning if a country like Vietnam did in the 70s, once recognized China’s claim, as their Prime Minister Pham Van Dong did, they are not supposed to recant or withdraw their arguments decades later. We don’t see that in the western press. Also the western press framed the issue without context as if China started dumping sands and gravels in the middle of the ocean out of nowhere. They forgot the simple fact Ameria once sent naval vessels to help China claim those islands after WWII and once tacitly recognized China’s claims. We don’t see any of that. So yes, the western press are relatively free but free press have biases. Yes, they attribute each and every one of their sources. But who are their sources? How many non-western sources do they take seriously? Yes, they attribute each and every one of their adjectives, but how about their carefully-crafted nouns, such as Communist China or legallybinding arbitration. Those nouns really reinforce and feed into the stereotypes of the western audience.
Peter Lavelle:Daniel, looked like you wanted to jump in in New York. Go ahead.
Daniel Wagner:Well, I’d like to ask Wang to respond to a couple of issues. One is there are a number of instances where China has basically joined a legal regime UNCLOS being one of them and it has signed on the very day in 1982 when it became a legal instrument. And yet there’s been numerous instances where China has said you know I don’t actually like that portion of the law. I don’t like that ruling. So I am not gonna abide by it. So I would ask what is the point of signing on to the law if you don’t intend to abide by it when it doesn’t go the way you want it to go. That’s one issue.
Wang Guan:Well, Daniel, there is such a thing as reservations to a treaty.
Peter Lavelle :Go ahead Daniel.
Daniel Wagner:Let me just finish my point. Yes, but you are not even showing up at this party. You are not even party to this particular issue in this court. The other issue is exclusive economic zones. That is supposed to go out 200 nautical miles. The Scarborough Shoal, the Mischief Reef, they are 120 miles from the Philippine coast, the closest of any of these islands in the South China Sea to China is almost 300 miles. The Paracel islands from the Hainan island in the South. So none of these are within China’s exclusive economic zone yet Mischief Reef and Scarborough Shoal are clearly in the Philippines’exclusive economic zone. It doesn’t seem to matter to China. But if this was done to China and the roles were reversed, I can imagine they wouldn’t be very happy.
Peter Lavelle:Let’s try to get Wang to respond to that. Wang in Washington.
Wang Guan:Well, Daniel, if geographical proximity is the rule, think about the Northern Mariana Islands or Guam. They are a little closer to the countries in the Western Pacific than to the continental United States. Also when you raised the point of why China did not attend this arbitration. It is because there is such a thing in international law called reservations. There are all reservations to treaties. China, along with some 30 other western countries, Denmark, Argentina, the UK, signed this reservation saying that it does not allow the court to rule on sovereignty. That’s why China did not attend the arbitration in the first place. China is hardly the first country to do that. It has companies in the west.
Daniel Wagner:And unfortunately, for China, China is not gonna look very good. Because it’s gonna be perceived as thumbing its nose at international law. I would add one last thing, which is, if this ruling had come out in favor of China. I suspect that the government would be praising it and praising the body and all of its wisdom instead of criticizing it outright and just sort of more or less acting like an intransigent child.
Peter Lavelle:That’s how politics works, okay.
Wang Guan:When Vietnam built the first airstrip in the Spratly Islands in 1976, Washington wasn’t too eager to jump to criticism of Vietnam. When the Philippines did it two years later by reclaiming some islands in the Spratleys, Washington didn’t jump to criticism of the Philippines and also when the Philippines grounded an old naval vessel in the Second Thomas Shoal or Ren’ai Jiao, Washington again did not jump to criticism of its ally the Philippines. President Obama even explicitly admitted the containment strategies (of China) in an interview with The Atlantic this March. He said and I quote, word for word, “if you look at how we’ve operated in the South China Sea,we have been able to mobilize most of Asia to isolate China in ways that have surprised China and frankly have very much served our interest in strengthening our alliances.” So in using politics, military deployment and international law, those issues. If this is not ganging up against China, I don’t know what is.
Daniel Wagner:It is really not about the US though. It is really ultimately about what kind of country China wants to be perceived as, what kind of global leader it wants to be perceived as in the global community. And the idea of unilaterally taking action and calling it a fait accompli is inconsistent with being a top leader at the table. To unilaterally go and to create a de facto military base and claim it as your own and say what are you objecting to, that doesn’t really make any sense.
Wang Guan:The US really needs a new strategic posture on China. Because they use excuses such as protecting the sea lanes and trade but if you look at those facts, China and the ASEAN countries traded quite alright. As the largest trading nation in the world, as China is, 5 trillion dollar’s worth of trade going through South China Sea every year. And also if Asia Pivot is about security issue, what exactly are those security issues? On North Korea?Well, North Korea has not been able to pull off a real existential threat. On terrorism?IS and the Taliban are half a world away. If on non-proliferation?Most of the nuclear warheads are in eastern Europe and western Europe.
Peter Lavelle:Okay gentlemen. Wang, I have to jump in here. You raised some very important questions we can’t answer right now. Many thanks for our guests in Washington and in New York. And thanks to our viewers for watching us here on RT. See you next time and remember CrossTalk rules.
今日俄罗斯美洲台主持人彼得·拉韦尔(以下简称“主持人”):大家好,欢迎来到《交叉辩论》,在这里我们无所不谈。我是彼得·拉韦尔。今天我们聚焦中国,以及亚太掀起的势力版图重新划分浪潮。过去几周中美上演了“比谁胆大游戏”(原文play chicken,即开车对撞看谁先躲)。两国战略博弈再起。中美间合作与对抗的循环会周而复始吗?今天来讨论中美海上对峙的嘉宾包括理查德·韦茨,他是美国哈德森研究所政治与军事中心主任,高级研究员。同样在华盛顿,我们请来了王冠,他是中国中央电视台北美分台首席时政记者。《交叉辩论》的规则是,大家随时可以插话,我也鼓励大家这样做。王冠,先从你开始吧。最近中美之间都有很多言辞,中国警告美国要尊重中国主权和国家安全。同时,美国说他们的海军有权去任何地方行使自由航行权,中国无法阻拦。两个大国,两个强国,两个利益发生冲突的国家,接下来会发生什么?
Peter Lavelle, Host of RT America:Hello and welcome to CrossTalk, where all things are considered. I’m Peter Lavelle. The most recent China Wave on the remaking of the pacific. Over the last weeks, Beijing and Washington have upped the ante in their game of play chicken to determine who will have sway and influence. Do China and the US face nearly endless trials between accommodation and confrontation? To cross talk conflicting claims in the pacific, I’m joined by my guests, Richard Weitz, he is a senior fellow in director of the Center for political and military analysis in the Hudson Institute. Also in Washington, we have Wang Guan, he is the chief political correspondent at CCTV America. So in general cross talk rules, the fact means you can jump in any time you want and I very much encourage it. Guan, if I can go to you first in Washington D.C...A lot of words coming out of Beijing and Washington over the last couple of weeks, the Chinese are warning the Americans to respect China’s sovereignty and national security. At the same time, the Americans are saying they are going to sail and they are going to fly anywhere they want and China can’t do anything about it. Uh, two big countries, two great countries, two powerful countries at crossed purposes, where are we going with this?
Wang Guan, Chief Political Correspondent of CCTV America:Well Peter, I think this is more geopolitics than policy. I mean, let’s face it. America is using international law, namely the UN convention on the law of the sea, which by the way, the US didn’t even sign or ratify to advance, really, its geopolitical interests. Here’s what I mean, the US, the Pentagon is saying that it’s exercising freedom of navigation. But if so, navigation exercises should be conducted in a fair and objective manner. But the destinations are highly selective. Let’s look at it:there are around 100 disputed islands in the world today. Why didn’t the US navy send fleets to the Falkland Island, or Malvinas, which is controlled by the UK and contended by Argentina? Or why didn’t the US Navy go to the Mediterranean where a bunch of islands were controlled by Spain but contended by Morocco? Where the US Navy did go was places like the Black Sea, when Russia regained Crimea last year and now to South China Sea. And secondly, Pentagon is arguing that well, it is making sure that the sea lanes are open so trade can flow freely. Well, the trade in South China Sea has always been flowing freely. I mean that’s why 5 trillion dollar trade is going through South China Sea every year and 50% of global oil shipments going through that area. China didn’t do anything to hinder or hamper that process.
Richard Weitz, Harvard Scholar, Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute:No, there’s no thinking that China has that intent but that could be the result if, you know, present trends continue. That’s the worry. So far, under benign American hegemony or whatever you’re gonna call it, these trade zones have stayed open, there’s been no conflicts in the Pacific, it’s very rare, have a lot of prosperity and the concern now is that for reasons we’ll probably be discussed soon, China’s trying to change rules, accommodate itself as a rising great power and in the process, they could inadvertently disrupt the existing pattern but not create something as effective as is in place. So if you start building artificial islands, you start exasperating the disputes. Then shippers will likely not to use that, I mean, you can just imagine even, I’m sure it’s not China’s intent but just the result could be disrupting those vital sea lines.
Wang Guan:America always ridiculed and teased about China’s historical claims on those islands in South China Sea and they think that, oh, the Chinese talk about history too much. Well, here’s the thing, all countries have historical basis to claim the areas, the territories they claim today, including the United States. Let’s think about it. Let’s not forget, in 1893, US diplomat John Stevens helped overthrow the Kingdom of Hawaii and incorporated it as a state and in 1898, after the US-Spanish war, the US got Puerto Rico and Guam from Spain and then in 1889, the US threw a military operation and occupied the American Samoa. If China ignores those historical basis on sovereignty, or Russia, and sends fleets to within 12 nautical miles of those islands, how would America think and feel?
Peter Lavelle:Do you think really one of the biggest problems is that the same mind-sets and habits of Washington and Beijing, I mean they both see themselves as being in the correct, in the right and the other one has to adjust to the other and this is where we’re getting a trouble because that’s a recipe for conflict and not for negotiation.
Richard Weitz:I’d imagine that’s part of it but of course, what they want is different. In fact, the Chinese have indicated they were open to some kind of sphere of influence agreement. They said you know, we will have the western Pacific and you guys can have the eastern pacific and then that will solve the problem. But the problem is the countries that would fall in that, that area, Japan, the Philippines, others don’t really want to be part of the Chinese sphere of influence. They kinda like a balance, they don’t wanna get into conflict with China, they don’t wanna be in American sphere of influence. They kinda like it where they can be in the middle and benefit from good political and military relations in the economic relations of both. I mean the thing is China’s changing, that’s the problem. You don’t hear about well, no, let’s make a deal, and it’s more basically what we just heard, it’s you know, these are ancient time territories, they belong to us, we will reserve them open for everybody, won’t militarize them, they belong to us.
Wang Guan:The gist of the problem is, US thinks that it must return to Asia to contain China because over the past 70 years, the message, the story of China being this evil, communist country has been really selling. This communist China fear mongering was behind the US policies because after all, all policies originated from ideology and ideas. If you think about the 60s when, in the 50s, the McCarthyism to President Kennedy’s domino effects theory about communism fear mongering all the way to the present day. Those ideology still affects US foreign policy. That painted and framed China as this aggressive communist country that the US has to contain, has to do something about. That is really the undercurrent of the current US foreign policy and we believe that is false. But externally, China is not an aggressivecountry. When can you think of a country, can you think of one overseas colony China established. In 40 years, China fought one war. How many did the US fight?
Peter Lavelle:Quite a few there. Richard, we are rapidly running out of time here. I want to go back to this kind of precedent there. I don’t think the US want to go to a shooting war with anybody in the Pacific OK? But at the same time it does have this pivot here.
Richard Weitz:Yes, just to clarify with the pivot or technically called the Re-balance to Asia, it is less that the US is increasing its military strength in the pacific, than it’s cutting back every where else. So the percentage of forces left in the pacific is rising but I would agree with the previous point that China is being unusually. Normally when a great power rises, think of Germany, Japan or others, then are wiling to go much more aggressive to restructure the international system in a way that they want. China has not done that so far but there are some concern that this new leadership is a lot more assertive and less willing to make compromise, and is crossing a lot of red lines that we haven’t seen before.
Peter Lavelle:OK Richard, on that point there, gentlemen, we are running out of time. Fascinating discussion. Many thanks to my guests in Washington. And thanks to our viewers for watching us on RT. Until next time, remember, CrossTalk rules.