第12章 先进第十一
Confucius remarked! “Men of the last generation, in matters of the arts and refinement, are considered to have been rude; men of the present generation are, in those matters, considered polite. But in my practice I prefer men of the last generation.”
Confucius in his old age remarked! "Of all these who followed me and shared hardships with me in my wanderings in former years, I do not now see one at my door.
“Distinguished for godliness and conduct there were Yen Hui, Min Tzu Ch'ien, Jen Pin-niu and Chung Kung; distinguished as good speakers there were Tsai Ngo and Tzu Kung; for administrative abilities, Jen Yu and Chung Yu; and for literary pursuits, Tzu Yu and Tzu Hsia.”
Confucius remarked of his disciple, the favourite Yen Hui: “There was Hui (the disciple's familiar name),—he never gave me any assistance at all. There was nothing in what I said to him with which he was not satisfied.”
Confucius remarked of another disciple, saying: “He was indeed a good son. People found nothing in him different from what his parents said of him.”
A disciple of Confucius was fond of repeating the verse:
“A fleck on the stone may be ground away; A word misspoken will remain always.” Confucius married his niece to him.
A noble who was the minister in power in Confucius'native State, asked him which one of his disciples he considered a man of real culture.
Confucius answered! “There was Yen Hui; he was a man of real culture. But unfortunately he died in the prime of his life.Now there is no one like him.”
When the favourite Yen Hui died, his father begged that Confucius would sell his carriage to buy an outer case for the coffin in which to bury him.
Confucius answered! “Talented or without talents, a man's son will always be to him as no other man's son. When my own son died, he was buried in a simple coffin without the outer case.Now I cannot go on foot to buy a coffin case for your son.As I have the honour to sit in the State Council of the country I am not permitted to go on foot when I go out.”
When Confucius first heard the news of the death of his disciple, the favourite Yen Hui, he cried out in an outburst of grief! “Oh! Oh! God has forsaken me! God has forsaken me!”
When his disciple, the favourite Yen Hui, died, Confucius burst into a paroxysm of grief. Those around him said! “Sir, you are grieving too exceedingly.”
“Am I?” he replied! “But if I do not grieve exceedingly for him, for whom then should I grieve exceedingly?”
When the favourite, Yen Hui, died, Confucius'other disciples proposed to give him a great funeral. But Confucius said! “Do not do so for my sake.”
The disciples nevertheless gave him a grand funeral.
Confucius then said to his disciples: “Hui (the favourite disciple's familiar name) behaved to me as to a father, but I have not been able to treat him as son. It is not my fault.Ah! Gentlemen, it is your fault.”
A disciple (the intrepid Chung Yu) enquired how one should behave towards the spirits of dead men.
Confucius answered! “We cannot as yet do our duties to living men; why should we enquire about our duties to dead men?”
The disciple went on to enquire about death. Confucius answered! “We do not as yet know about life; why should we enquire about death?”
On one occasion several of his disciples were standing in attendance on Confucius. One was calm and self-possessed.The intrepid Chung Yu stood upright and soldier-like.Two others looked frank and engaging.Confucius, looking on them, was pleased.He remarked, however! “There is Yu (Chung Yu's name) there! —I am afraid he will not die a natural death.”*
(The prophecy eventually came true. The intrepid, chivalrous Chung Yu afterwards, in defending a town against a mob in a riot, was killed.Before he expired, when his helmet had been knocked to one side in the fight, he calmly straightened it, saying: “A gentleman must die with his personal attire in proper order.” )
A party in Confucius'native State proposed to build a new State-house. A disciple of Confucius remarked! “Why not keep the old building and modify it to suit the present circumstances? Why construct a new building?”
“That man!” said Confucius, referring to the disciple! “seldom speaks; but when he does speak, he always hits the mark.”
Confucius on one occasion speaking in rebuke of his disciple, the intrepid Chung Yu, said: “That man with his trumpet blowing should not be permitted to come to my house.”
After that the other disciples began to look down upon Chung Yu. But Confucius said! “That man, in his education, has entered the gate, but not the house.”
A disciple of Confucius, referring to two other disciples, enquired which of the two was the better man. Confucius answered! “One goes beyond the mark; the other does not come up to it.” “Then!” replied the disciple! “the first man is a better than the best.”
“No!” answered Confucius! “to go beyond the mark is just as bad as not to come up to it.”
The head of a powerful family of nobles in Confucius'native State had amassed immense wealth. A disciple of Confucius, who was in that nobleman's service, was very exacting in collecting imposts for him from the people on his estate, thus increasing his master's already great wealth. “He is no disciple of mine!” exclaimed Confucius, referring to the disciple mentioned above, and speaking to his other disciples. “Proclaim it aloud, my children, and assail him!”
Confucius, speaking of his four disciples, remarked! “One was simple; another was dull; another was specious; and the last was coarse.”
Confucius, speaking of his disciple, the favourite Yen Hui, and of another disciple, remarked! “There is Hui! (Yen Hui's name)—he is almost perfect as a man; yet he is often reduced to want. The other man does not even believe in religion; yet his possessions go on increasing.Nevertheless, the latter is often right in his judgment of things.”
A disciple of Confucius enquired what constituted an honest man.
“An honest man!” answered Confucius! “does not cant;*neither does he profess esoterism!” i. e.the secret of any-ism.
(Literally “does not go upon the beaten tracks!” or what Carlyle calls formula.)
Confucius then went on to say! “Men now are earnest in what they profess. Are they really good and wise men? Or are they serious only in appearance? That is what I should like to know.”
A disciple, the intrepid Chung Yu, asked if he might at once carry out into practice any truth which he had learnt.
“No.” answered Confucius. “You have the wishes of your parents and of your old people at home to consult. How can you take upon yourself to carry at once into practice what you have learnt?”
Another disciple on another occasion asked the same question.
“Yes!” replied Confucius! “carry it out at once.”
Afterwards another disciple ventured to enquire of Confucius why he gave two totally different answers to the same question.
“That is because!” answered Confucius! “the one man is too diffident; I therefore said that to encourage him; the other man, however, is too forward; therefore I said that to pull him back.”
When on an occasion Confucius and his disciples on their travels were threatened with danger from the violent men of a certain place, his disciple, the favourite Yen Hui, was separated from the party. Afterwards, when the disciple rejoined him, Confucius said! “I was afraid you had been killed.” “While you live!” answered the disciple! “how should I dare to allow myself to be killed?”
A member of a family of nobles who were in power in Confucius'native State, referring to two disciples of his who were in the service of that powerful family, enquired whether those two disciples could be considered statesmen. “Oh!” replied Confucius. “I thought you had something extraordinary to ask my opinion about. You wish to have my opinion on these men: is that all you want? Men I call statesmen are those who will serve their master according to their sense of duty; who, however, when they find they cannot do that, consistently with their sense of duty, will resign.As to those two men you refer to! —they may be considered as states-functionaries, not statesmen.”
“But!” the noble went on to ask! “will these two men carry out anything they are called upon to do?” “An act of parricide or regicide they will not carry out!” answered Confucius.
A disciple of Confucius, the intrepid Chung Yu, on one occasion got a very young man appointed Chief Magistrate of an important town. “You are ruining a good man's son!” said Confucius to him.
“Why!” answered the disciple! “he has the large population to deal with; he has questions of the interests of the country to decide upon. Why must one read books in order to educate himself?”
“That!” replied Confucius! “is the reason why I hate men who are always ready with an argument.”
On one occasion four of his disciples were sitting in attendance on Confucius.
Confucius then said to them! “I am only a little older than you, gentlemen. Do not mind that.Now living a private life, you all say that you are not known and appreciated by men in authority; but suppose you were known, tell me now, each of you, what would you be able to do?”
“I could!” answered the intrepid Chung Yu at once, without hesitation! “if I had the conduct of affairs in a State of even the first power which was hemmed in between two States of great power and which was embroiled in the midst of a war, and hence harassed by famine and distress—I could, if I had the conduct of affairs in such a State for three years, make the people brave and, moreover, know their duty.”
On hearing this, Confucius only smiled; and, turning to another disciple, said! “And you—what do you say?”
“I could!” answered the disciple appealed to! “If I had the conduct of the government of a State, say, of the third or fourth power, I could in such a case, after three years, make the people live in plenty. As to education in higher things, I would leave that to the good and wise men who will come after me.”
Confucius then turned to another disciple and said: “Now you—what do you say?”
“I do not say!” replied the disciple! “that in what I am going to suppose I could do what I propose; only, I would try to do it. Suppose then there were functions to be performed in any Court, such as public receptions and general assemblies! —dressed in an appropriate uniform, I think I could be the vice-presiding officer.”
“And now you!” said Confucius to the last of the four disciples. “What do you say?”
The disciple thus last appealed to, then laid aside the harpsichord which he was thrumming, stood up and answered: “What I have in my mind differs entirely from what those gentlemen have proposed.”
“What harm is there in that?” replied Confucius! — “we are all only speaking out each his own mind.” “Then!” answered the disciple! “we will suppose now that we are in the latter days of spring, when we have changed all our winter clothing for fresh, new, light garments for the warmer weather. I would then propose that we take along with us five or six grown-up young friends and six or seven still younger men.We will then bathe in that romantic river; after which we will go to the top of that ancient terrace to air and cool ourselves; and at last we will return, singing on our way as we loiter back to our homes.”
“Ah!” said Confucius then, with a sigh. “I agree with him.”
Afterwards, when three of the above four disciples had left, the one who spoke the last word and who remained behind, enquired of Confucius, saying: “What do you think of what those three gentlemen said?”
“They, of course!” answered Confucius! “only spoke out, each his own mind.”
“But!” asked the disciple! “why did you smile at the first speaker?”
“Oh!” replied Confucius. “To rule a country requires judgment and modesty. But what the first speaker said was not modest! —therefore I smiled at him.”
“But the second speaker!” the disciple went on to ask! “did he not speak of the affairs of a nation?” “Why!” answered Confucius! “Did you ever hear of a State of even the third or fourth power that is not a nation?” “Well then!” the disciple went on further to ask! — “the third speaker! —did he not also mean the affairs of a great nation in what he said?”
“Where there are courts, public receptions, general assemblies!” answered Confucius! — “where do you find such things except in the courts of the princes of the Empire? The third speaker modestly said he would be a vice-presiding officer at such functions.If such a man as he is fit only to be a vice-president, who would be fit to be the president?”