Journal of the First Voyage to America
Guide for Interpreting
Christopher Columbus(1451-1506)
Not much is known about the early life of Christopher Columbus,one of history's most famous explorers.Evidently,he left his home in Genoa,Italy,and went to sea at a young age.At age 25,he was shipwrecked off the coast of Portugal.Once back on land,Columbus studied mapmaking and navigation.He also learned Latin and read Marco Polo's account of tile riches of Asia.
Between 1480 and 1482,Columbus sailed to the Azores and to the Canary Islands off Africa.He then began to dream of more challenging voyages.
One goal became the focus of Columbus's life:reaching the fabled cities of Asia by sailing westward around the world.
First,Columbus tried to convince King John II of Portugal to fund a westward voyage.When his requests were rejected there,Columbus sought funding from other European rulers.After a series of unsuccessful attempts,Columbus won the support of Queen Isabella of Spain.
A Hard Bargain
Queen Isabella and her husband,King Ferdinand,agreed to finance Columbus's first voyage in 1492.In forging the agreements,the explorer had negotiated favorable terms.In addition to funding,he asked for and received the right to rule any lands he conquered.He would also be entitled to 10 percent of all wealth from those lands.
The Famous Voyage
Columbus set sail on August 3.On October 12,he reached one of the Bahama islands,which he mistook for an island off India.Columbus named the island San Salvador.Then he continued to explore the Caribbean.Over the next twelve years,he made three more transatlantic voyages,ever convinced that he had reached Asia and always hopeful of finding Marco Polo's fabled cities.
Background for Understanding
In the 1450's,the only known way,to India from Europe involved traveling through Turkey.When the Turks announced a new tax on Europe's profitable overland trade with India in 1453,Portugal and Spain began to look for an alternate sea route to India.Their search brought Europe into contact with North and South America.Within a century,much of these two vast continents would come under European control. It was not until 1498 that Vasco da Gama found the all-sea route to India—around the horn of Africa.
As this map shows,Columbus's voyages took him from Lisbon,Portugal,to Palos,Spain,and the Canary Islands before crossing the Atlantic.He landed first on the island of San Salvador,where this account begins.
Literature and Your Life
"If you can dream it,you can do it",one motivational motto asserts.However,to fulfill the desire to circle the globe in a boat or discover the cure for a deadly disease takes much more than sheer will.A dreamer needs financial resources.Even Christopher Columbus had to secure and retain backers for his voyages.Many of his journal entries stressed the rich potential of the new lands,so that,upon reading them,Queen Isabella would decide to continue her sponsorship.
How would you have sold the idea of traveling around the globe to people who believed it would not be worth the expense? Write a convincing argument in your journal.
The earliest days of European exploration of North America brought native peoples into contact with curious newcomers.What kind of things can happen when cultures first meet?
Literary Focus
The European encounters with and conquest of the Americas are recorded in the journals of the explorers.A journal is an individual's day-by-day account of events.It provides valuable details that can be supplied only by a participant or an eyewitness. As a record of personal reactions,a journal reveals much about the writer.
While offering insight into the life of the writer,a journal is not necessarily a reliable record of facts.The writer's impressions may color the telling of events,particularly when he or she is a participant.Journals written for publication rather than private use are even less likely to be objective.As you read Columbus's journal,look for evidence that the explorer was writing for an audience.
Journal of the First Voyage to America
Christopher Columbus
This account begins nine days after Columbus landed on San Salvador.
SUNDAY,OCT.21ST [1492].At 10 o'clock,we arrived at a cape of the island, and anchored,the other vessels in company.After having dispatched a meal,I went ashore,and found no habitation save a single house,and that without an occupant;we had no doubt that the people had fled in terror at our approach,as the house was completely furnished.I suffered nothing to be touched,and went with my captains and some of the crew to view the country.This island even exceeds the others in beauty and fertility.Groves of lofty and flourishing trees are abundant,as also large lakes,surrounded and overhung by the foliage,in a most enchanting manner. Everything looked as green as in April in Andalusia.The melody of the birds was so exquisite that one was never willing to part from the spot,and the flocks of parrots obscured the heavens.The diversity in the appearance of the feathered tribe from those of our country is extremely curious.A thousand different sorts of trees,with their fruit were to be met with,and of a wonderfully delicious odor.It was a great affliction to me to be ignorant of their natures,for I am very certain they are all valuable;specimens of them and of the plants I have preserved.Going round one of these lakes,I saw a snake,whither we killed,and I have kept the skin for your Highnesses;upon being discovered he took to the water,whither we followed him,as it was not deep,and dispatched him with our lances;he was seven spans in length;I think there are many more such about here.I discovered also the aloe tree,and am determined to take on board the ship tomorrow,ten quintals of it,as I am told it is valuable.While we were in search of some good water we came upon a village of the natives about half a league from the place where the ships lay;the inhabitants on discovering us abandoned their houses,mad took to flight,carrying off their goods to the mountain.I ordered that nothing which they had left should be taken,not even the value of a pin.Presently we saw several of the natives advancing towards our party,and one of them came up to us,to whom we gave some hawk's bells and glass beads,with which he was delighted. We asked him in return,for water,and after I had gone on board the ship,the natives came down to the shore with their calabashes full,and showed great pleasure in presenting us with it.I ordered more glass beads to be given them,and they promised to return the next day.It is my wish to fill all the water casks of the ships at this place,which being executed,I shall depart immediately,if the weather serve,auld sail round the island,till I succeed in meeting with the king,in order to see if I can acquire any of the gold,which I hear he possesses.Afterwards I shall set sail for another very large island which I believe to be Cipango,according to the indications I receive from the Indians on board.They call the island Colba,and say there are many large ships,and sailors there.This other island they name Bosio and inform me that it is very large;the others which lie in our course,I shall examine on the passage,and according as I find gold or spices in abundance,I shall determine what to do;at all events I am determined to proceed on to the continent,and visit the city of Guisay where I shall deliver the letters of your Highnesses to the Great Can,and demand an answer,with which I shall return.